In order to get to the SB, you have to win games during the regular season and the Pats defense is predicated on that. BB has always preached bend but don't break philosophy. When it mattered the most, the Pats didn't break against the Falcons and the first time with the Eagles they didn't break then either, so they won 2 rings based off that philosophy alone. Falcons had an opportunity to win and they failed at the end of the day. Like I said, there was nothing dysfunctional about the team last year. The year before yes and that team was completed gutted. So yeah, continue to let your blind hatred shield you from the truth.
I'd like to ask what you think the "truth" is but that would be a mistake. Agree to disagree... we are done here. Bash Bowles for not getting a pass-rush, bash Bowles for kicking FGs before the half instead of going for it on 4th, but the stuff you are bashing him for has no legs brother.
This is the perfect way to sum up the Bowles tenure... 2017 the team was 3-2 and just beat a winless Browns team. The offense was playing well and the de was serviceable. It was at this point in the season the Jets has a legit chance to succeed. Let's proceed to week 6. The Jets were beating the Pats* 14-0 with 6 mins remaining in the first half. They blew that lead with 9 secs to go and were outscored 10-3 in the second half (and really outscored 24-3) to lose the game. Week 7. The Jets are man handling the Dolphins but gave up 17 points and scored Zero in the 4th qtr to lose by three stinking points. This does not happen to well coached teams. Every time the Jets have had a chance to prove themselves to be winners under Bowles they have wilted under the pressure. It's really just that simple.
Bowles Out, Bowles Out, Bowles out, oh wait what was that I missed in the opening sentence "It was at this point in the season the Jets has a legit chance to succeed" we were fucking rebuilding man, what chance, we won 5 games and nearly fucked our FQB chance up as it was and you wanted us or thought we had a legit chance to succeed, succeed at what ? Not drafting a FQB by winning two more pointless games ? Winning the bowl ? Please, surely not that, come on really, legit chance to succeed
Sorry Kob ..after 49 years of no SB and 8 years without a playoff that The players " have his back" absolutely useless for the Fans...BTW I would have TBs back stomach and liver if all the HC asked me to do was show up for practice and remind me to be where at game time So last year we almost shoulda coulda win 8 games?? And I would not call it the worst team talent wise with Josh M having a great year and a millions millions dollar settle for mediocrity..I am not Bright side >>> losing got us Darnold
You seriously expected better last season? Even after we jettisoned all those veterans. Well nobody can help you with that kind of demanding mentality during a rebuild , plenty on here myself included would have settled for the number 1 pick with zero wins, which incidentally would mean we got Sam and kept all of our damned picks. As for your opening remark, the whole point of me saying that was the fact the question was put out there that they did not have his back, which let's face it wasn't true to start with.
Is the language really necessary? Hard to take you seriously. Also... you kinda missed the point of the post. It has nothing to do with what we wanted or expected, it's what the team wanted and expected and if you think for a second the Jets didn't feel they had a chance to win and succeed last season I don't know what to tell you other than, "Hello! You play to win the game." If management / coaching were thinking about drafting first overall after starting the season 3-2 than they are far worse than I fear.
LOL. I'll consider that. I've been a fan of this team since the early 80's and have 90% of the time been an avid supporter, almost blindly no matter the circumstances. In recent years I have clearly been turned to the dark side... it's almost inevitable when you are constantly dumped on year after year. I figured it was time to vent some frustrations with the team management. I hope they turn it around, I truly do, but I'm more fearful they will ruin what appears to be a solid young QB.
We will see how it is in the regular season. I'm not a bowles fan by any means but penalty numbers in the preseason are hard to condemn. Referees throw more flags to make a point and coaches even ask them to call it strict so their guys can learn a lesson. That's why penalty numbers are always high for everyone in the preseason. I don't remember seeing too many pre-snap penalties, which would be more of a concern. But we will see. If this team struggles with penalties when the real games start, by all means go for blood with bowles. right now though, I would hold off.
Ha!! You really think the Jets would have won that game even if the pass was caught? Don't be ridiculous.
lol you seriously think the management thought they had a chance of anything at the start of the season and then reevaluated at 3-2 and though we could be winners here, seriously, wow deluded in the extreme. You need a healthy dose of realism in your life, and if the word fuck gets you all worked up you must lead a very sheltered life and not watch many films. I thought the whole point of my post was replying to YOU saying " It was at this point in the season the Jets has a legit chance to succeed." If you meant management thought this then you failed to mention it at the time Still it raised a smile at the thought that somebody actually thought we could win something after cutting 90% of the highest earners/veterans, the mind boggles.
Are you for real?!?!?! Are you suggesting that Bowles didn't try his best to win every game? You can't be fucking serious