Lyin' JETS FO!

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by jetophile, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Hi, all. I received this letter via UPS yesterday. What got me the most was the third to last paragraph. See how I laugh. Liars. "March 1st is not a soft deadline"; well, yeah it is, because it's practically July. The final straw was how shady the billing was for the 2018 season as some of you know, but for me it was basically a snowball effect since the inception of The New Dump. Ha, so NOW all of a sudden I'm one of your most loyal and tenured Season Ticket Holders? Yeah, well, you should've thought about that before treating me (and others like me) like dogshit. Repeatedly. As in screwing up my seniority when I had it in writing and could prove it, let's start there. "Well, we can't bump people out of those seats." "IT'S YOUR MISTAKE. BUMP THEM INTO THE CRAP YOU GAVE ME - BY MISTAKE." "Sorry . . . " Tip of the iceberg.

    I'm 100% sure I can buy back the exact seats I gave up (Sect 338, Row 5, on the 46) or move smack on the 50. Bite me. That's what you get for strong-arming people over PSLs and treating your fan base like garbage. STH since 1963 didn't mean squat when I was TWO DAYS past the four payment plan after a family tragedy and had to PIF NOW or lose them. If we make an exception for you, we have to make an exception for everyone. And I could prove the death. Nope, they wouldn't budge. That was the beginning of the end, and in retrospect, I should've told them to jump off a bridge right then. I paid. Never again.

    What decided me was how PSL holders were getting absolutely tooled - even though I didn't purchase one. I kept needling my rep about it, and when she said we can do anything to anyone for whatever reason whenever we want, yeah, well, that sealed the deal. I thought owning a PSL precluded that from happening . . . ? It doesn't. Anyway, I have a boatload of posts all over this board about the entire thing, but sometimes I don't mind sounding like a broken record.

    Mods please move to the Jets Experience Forum eventually as a stand alone or to any thread in there you see fit. I didn't want this to get buried and thought it important enough for people to see hence why I chose to put it here on the temporary. HorribleEverySingleSeason posted in 'PSL Holders Screwed Again' (Post #130) mentioned the UPS delivery, and I followed up in Post #131.

    ^I'm sure I did that wrong because I'm not too swift.

    This thread is also a doozy:

    Hi, Daddy, and Happy Belated Birthday. ; ) So that's that.

    JetsNation06, CBG, Noam and 4 others like this.
  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    thinking back to the beginning of the whole "new stadium" bullshit. man oh man have the jets completely fucked their entire loyal fanbase since they decided to build that piece of shit mausoleum. its infuriating, and to think of all the posts in

    that we looked at every day as the stadium was built, ive read every post in that thread, the best thread ever on tgg in my belief and it literally amazes me that anyone would allow themselves to be a psl holder at this point. the jets literallymake me sick the way they have dealt with their small but very loyal fanbase, instead cow towing to a bunch of yuppie douchebags who never cared about the jets only cared about being in the in crowd. well those fair weather assholes are gone now, and the idiots running the jets now think they are going to get us, the long time fans they fucked with a burlap condom on to come back? fuck you woody.
  3. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Nah. Let’s keep it here. It is the worst time of the off season anyway. If another Admin/ Mod move it though not my fault :)
    Noam, alleycat9 and NCJetsfan like this.
  4. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    @alleycat9, two words: Ponzi Scheme. Too bad someone can't somehow get them under the RICO Act.
    Jets69 and alleycat9 like this.
  5. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I left out the word longest by accident. Silly me. "As one of our most loyal and longest tenured Season Ticket Holders, I wanted to reconnect with you regarding your 2018 Season Tickets." Yeah, OK, seeyalaterbye. Curious to know if those who purchased a PSL and walked and also got the letter via UPS had that same exact line. Longest tenured, see how I laugh. They screwed up my seniority and it meant nothing, and now I'm suddenly important and appreciated? To others with a PSL who defected, please post your letter and let me bathe in the glow that you're one of their most loyal and longest tenured Season Ticket Holders - even if you bought in for the first time.

    This FO deserves what they get. One consolation is that they sent out at least 30K UPS letters trying to woo people back. Probably cost them a bit. Please visit Jets Experience. Every single thread. Well, not all of them them; but I was on my game in some of them and it's full of quips and vitriol. Woody Johnson. I've been threatening Willets Pt. for close to a year, but I'm a woman who keeps her promises! I may be late to my own funeral, but be amazed when I come through. He's an idiot.
  6. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Yea honestly I hope the team just sucks until it gets sold. Cant root for the success of a dogshit organization like this.
    Jets69 likes this.
  7. Big Cat

    Big Cat Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Could be worse

  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    That’s going to far. Sorry long time sth that gave em up last year and love stub hub. I feel better about this team since woody left and his brother has taken over and want to win as much as ever but I ain’t coming back. Fuckers gave me end zone seats after 30 years as a ticket holder. Never ever forget that. I have never ever been contacted by anyone at the jets.
    alleycat9 likes this.
  9. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Good for you. You sound like a real die hard.
  10. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    thats where real die hards go once it becomes blatantly obvious that the ownership does not give 2 shits about them. sometimes real die hards realize that the current ownership group does not have the chops to get the job done.

    just like when fans go sour on a player they want them gone because they realize he is not helping the team. same thing, different level. it doesnt make them any less of a fan. they want to win, usually more than those who just support blindly, but they understand that the current group isnt going to ever make it happen.

    and take part in making them millions and millions of more dollars.

    i find it interesting that folks get so bent out of shape that players make so much and say shit like we pay their salaries but thats not usually brought up about the owners, meanwhile 53 guys split 50% while the other 50% goes to woody.
    JetsNation06, 74 and CBG like this.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    no way, did they really do that? sheesh thats brutal.
  12. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Woody paid $635 Mil for the team, $70+ Mil for the practice facility, $600 or so will in the stadium. And god knows what else, he should get his 50%
    #12 LF911SC, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
  13. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I don't begrudge him. There is some twisted logic to it. I'll probably always be on a tear in the Jets Experience Forum since I found out it existed. I'm OK with the Jets going 8 - 8 in 2018 if they field a competitive team - as long as they lose all 8 home game because fukk that POS Palace, the FO, and most all, that IDIOT Woody Johnson for getting in bed with the Maras. They'll never get it that it has nothing to do with the product on the field re: defections. Force my arm behind my back from day one and say no to a PSL? Get treated like a cat turd for not signing my life away. Strike one. Fukk up my seniority when I have it in writing and can prove it and you won't honor it by giving me my choice in the 300s? Strike two. Two days late on a four payment plan due to two deaths in the family in quick succession that I could prove but no way? Strike three, but still holding out. Trust me, I'll be re-posting my 2018 invoice because it's total horseshit. Again, what sealed the deal was being told more than once that the Jets reserve the right to anything they want to anyone at any time even re: PSLs. What the F good is that contract worth other than bird-cage liner? I didn't own one, but that was it.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: I really wish that someone on here who owns a PSL would redact their name and identifying info and post their original PSL agreement. I can goddamn guarantee you that it doesn't say the New York Jets can screw you side-ways in order to fill the Stadium, reserve the right to strip you of your ownership just because, and do whatever the F they want. Ask for a copy of your recent 'conditions' and compare. I dare you, like Robert Conrad in that Eveready commercial to knock that battery off his shoulder. It's somehow legal larceny, and the devil is in the details that you probably agreed to something that you really didn't. The entire POINT of your PSL is that the protections they shilled are guess what? Non-existent.

    So after the most recent arm-twisting re: 2018 billing, of course they came begging - as if I'm surprised. Systematically treat me like crap and lie to my face after 55 years as a Season Tix Holder? Kiss my foot AND my ring. Years ago the waiting list was a mile long/sold out for centuries because Season Tix were not to be had unless you 1) signed them over (transferred ownership) to someone else 2) died with no survivors, so they went back into the pool or 3) you Willed them to someone. I think it was around 2006 when the Jets started charging a $50 fee to be on the waiting list (lol), then they dropped it to $10 (lol), then got rid of the waiting list fee again. Fast forward to 2018, no waiting list and people who were on the waiting list for over 30 years no longer give a shit and don't buy in. Gee, I wonder why; and the Jets having a waiting list now is a long ago distant Jets FO wet dream.

    I'm telling you, the only difference in the end between being a PSL owner and non-PSL owner is transfer rights. THAT'S IT. Blahbeedy blah special events, blahbeedy blah points, blahbeedy blah concessions. I had access to ALL of those things and got "invited" to "exclusive events" all the time - without a PSL. My God, I've been railing for years about the Mall of America and Xanadu here in the past before a long hiatus and on other Jets sites. I was nothing less than brutal. Nice rusty ski jump, huh?

    All of this being beaten to death by me in Jets Experience, the Jets FO deserve what they get, which is painfully empty seats. Squirm, you worms; but to be clear NONE of this has to do with the success of the team. Of course I want them to win, I live for it, and I've been waiting for this since the Mud Bowl. Sam Darnold, really? Slap me so I'm sure this is real. I can very easily separate my feelings to die happy and wishing The New Dump falls into the ground.

    GO JETS!!!
    74, alleycat9 and sec314 like this.
  14. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Jeto they are walking talking pieces of dog turd,,,,,makes me want to call them up to tell them I'm interested in tickets only to jerk their chain
  15. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Oh, cry me a river. Remember when Johnson threw a hissy fit teenage tantrum that the Maras, Goodell, and a ref did a "secret" coin toss to decide which team would actually OPEN The New Dump? The Giants won said "imaginary" coin toss (which actually happened), and Woody Johnson went ballistic. "I wasn't invited!" Well, that's what you get for being a dope. You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

    This of course was coupled with false advertising when PSLs were pitched that the Jets have their own home!!! No, they don't. Who cares if it's 50% ownership between two venues? It's still Giants Stadium in the same parking lot. I do the same thing as Woody Johnson on my Christmas tree. I string green lights on it and say the Jets have their own home. The only difference is, the lights are $4.99 a box.
    alleycat9 likes this.
  16. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Can I like this post a few more times ? Clap Clap Clap = Take a bow Mr Cat ! Ps A wise man used to post quite often and I quote " F U Woody "
  17. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    F woody. Go jets
  18. Dreamt my whole life of simply being on the waiting list let alone having lower end zone seats w a PSL. In fact, growing up in Cheater territory(Though it was mostly Giant/Cowboys fans prior to Parcells) in a Steeler household I was so happy to have those tickets to be around other Masochists every Sunday I didnt even CARE that PSLs were a scam & wouldve paid far more than i even did.

    When i got sick I begrudgingly called the Jets & explained my circumstances to see if anything could be done in terms of modifying the payment plan,moving to a different section,etc. i got absolutely no concern or sympathy which is fine..but also got zero concessions in terms of an amicable solution.I was extremely put off by the experience. And it surely echoes everything else being said in here.I paid whatever was leftin fees & surrendered my tickets.

    At this stage i have zero interest going to a game at that stadium.While i blame selfish fans of the tri state who cared more about tailgating in their backyard than the team actually having a home of their own i feel Woody jumped the shark when he went to the Maras..

    He was dead set on bringing this high society affluent NY vibe to the Jets. The team already had that to a certain extent but was far more of a working class feel than Madison avenue. He abandoned the roots of this fan base..and the current state at jet games are self explanatory. Still i think this has been a problem wide spread across sports& playing venues.So while i dont think highly of the FOs ethical practices i dont think anywhere else is any better.

    I now wonder if ill ever see the only team i truly love actually have a home of their own beyond vague menories of shea when i was still in diapers.Thats really the only way ill ever go back to see a game in person.Maybe if they had a home playoff game or 2.So i guess ill be due back to East Rutherford in 20 years or so
    #18 KurtTheJetsFan, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2018
    Brook! likes this.
  19. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Cry you a river? The guy has spent billions and you're whining about the stadium and that he should have spent 2xs as much because youre envious of the Giants. It's pointless to whine that on our road days the Giants borrow our stadium, it changes nothing.
    #19 LF911SC, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  20. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I didnt say he shouldnt. i said you cant whine and complain about every other player and how they suck and we should get rid of them and they are a waste of money and its bullshit they are allowed to make that much money and then not hold the moron owner to the same standard, after all he makes much more than they do. he makes far more decisions than they do.

    and he put money in, which btw he did not necessarily earn, the players put in years and years of their lives absolutely busting their asses to get where they are. im far more likely to say they deserve than he does. but that wasnt the point of my post.

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