Great inspirational story for everyone to read shout out to J.Adams and the Jets organization.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AlexJETS, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    The world needs a lot more news stories like this. Huge props to Adams and the Jets. Thank you for sharing.
    egelband and LF911SC like this.
  2. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    Great story. Makes Adams easy to root for.
    LF911SC likes this.
  3. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    heartwarming :)
    LF911SC likes this.
  4. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    This is the side of these men we don't hear enough about. I already liked Adams but this is fantastic.

    Life with most of these guys at the so called "Country Club" under "Toilet"...
    LF911SC and FJF like this.
  5. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    what a genuinely great person that counselor seems to be - its nice to think that there are decent people around when the news is forever dominated by the complete opposite.
  6. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Like someone said we need more stories like this. Too many times I turn on tv or the radio and it's depressing. Ms. LaPorta had a tragedy and has really overcome this to be a successful woman and a great role model and inspiration for her students. I'd love to watch her story every night and all the amazing things she is doing in and out of that school. Just reading it you can tell she goes above and beyond. Great job by the Jets and Adams recognizing that. I look forward to hearing more stories about people like her.
  7. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Move over Revis Christ...Saint Adams is here.
    LF911SC likes this.
  8. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Adam is the real thing, on and off the field. Thank you Mac
    egelband and LF911SC like this.
  9. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    A little easier to read......

    Jets, Jamal Adams surprise and honor inspirational Bergenfield NJ guidance counselor

    Andy Vasquez, Staff Writer, @andy_vasquez

    Lauren LaPorta has always loved the Jets. In fact, Tuesday morning, the Bergenfield High School guidance counselor was on her computer trying to buy tickets for a preseason game.

    She's thrilled that her team drafted quarterback Sam Darnold with the No. 3 pick. She believes safety Jamal Adams will transform the defense.

    That just made it all the more surreal Tuesday afternoon when LaPorta pointed her motorized wheelchair into the school gym. She was there to help a student. Instead, she saw her entire family wearing Jets hats, a room full of her students, and Adams himself.

    And when LaPorta realized they were there to honor her inspirational work as a teacher, all she could do was cry.

    “It was one of the highlights of my entire life,” LaPorta said. “It was great. … I’ve never been so surprised, or shocked.”

    The Jets honored LaPorta as the winner of their M&T Bank Touchdown For Teachers program, surprising her with a visit from Adams and presenting Bergenfield High School with a $2,000 grant on her behalf. She’s been invited to attend training camp as a VIP guest and was also presented with a customized jersey.

    Bergenfield High School guidance counselor Lauren LaPorta arrives at a surprise ceremony honoring her on Tuesday. The Jets named LaPorta the winner of the M&T Bank Touchdown for Teachers program. (Photo: New York Jets)

    LaPorta is only in her fourth year as a guidance counselor, but she’s already done plenty to help and inspire her students. She created an organization at Bergenfield that helps students show their school spirit and use it to make the community better. She’s set up food and clothing drives, and during the holidays she collects toys for children in need. She also has organized events to help and honor first responders and veterans.

    And she’s done it all from her wheelchair since she was 11 years old.

    In July of 2000, LaPorta slipped while diving into her backyard pool. She remembers her hands being up before she fell awkwardly into the water. It didn’t matter. She hit her head on the floor of the pool and completely fractured her C5 vertebrae. Her life changed forever.

    LaPorta doesn’t let paralysis define her. She doesn’t feel sorry for herself. She believes that this was supposed to happen, just the same way she believes she was meant to be a guidance counselor.

    “I’ve always liked being around people and I’ve always liked being an ear for anyone that if they need to talk and let out their emotions and come to me for advice, they can," she said. "And I think ever since I got hurt, too, it put a different perspective on life. I can’t think of another career that would fit me and my personality and what I’ve been through."

    In recent years, LaPorta has gone to physical therapy and tries to work out regularly. She can stand and walk short distances with assistance. She knows she’ll probably never walk normally again. But LaPorta hopes that one day, medical advances will get to point where she can walk into a restaurant and sit down without assistance.

    Jets safety Jamal Adams presents Bergenfield High School guidance counselor Lauren LaPorta with a customized jersey. The Jets named LaPorta the winner of the M&T Bank Touchdown for Teachers program. (Photo: New York Jets)

    Every day is hard. But LaPorta believes her situation gives her an “edge” as a guidance counselor.

    “When they see someone in a wheelchair, they’re less likely to complain as much,” LaPorta said, “because they can see, ‘Well, Ms. LaPorta, even though she broke her neck, she went through all she went through, she gets up every day, gets dressed, sits in her wheelchair and comes to work.’

    "Is it exhausting sometimes? Absolutely. But I really do love my job and the kids here are phenomenal. I really can say, every day, I wake up and I just absolutely love my job."

    Tuesday just turned out to be a little more special than most.
  10. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Very warming story. If what happened to Lauren LaPorta had happened to me, I probably would've just become very bitter and given up. People like this young woman make me feel small, ungrateful, and a little ashamed in some vague way, because I often have to stop and give myself a reality check. It's very easy to lose sight of being thankful for the simple things we forget about - like being able to walk across the floor - because we're too obsessed with stupid crap that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Food? Check. Home? Check. Clothes on my back? Check. Mobility? Check. Eyesight? Check. I'm sure you all get me.

    Sometimes (myself included) we get annoyed when people fawn over athletes like they're rock stars, larger than life, can do no wrong, etc., but in reality, not all athletes are stuck up self-entitled brat turds. The flip-side to the turd sandwiches that are out there - which I have to remind myself of on occasion - is that people who have suffered real physical adversity, illness, or are about to succumb to illness can find real joy and distraction from their misery by things such as this story. Say what you want about Mark Sanchez, but who remembers that poor kid Aidan Binkley who was passing away from cancer? He was a huge Jets fan and loved Sanchez. His parents contacted the Jets as a surprise (luckily they didn't scumbag out), and Sanchez started texting him and calling him. That little kid was absolutely beside himself, and Sanchez went to his home to meet him. He became very good friends with this terminal child and went out of his way to visit him several times all on his own (nothing to do with the Jets organization), befriended the family, and even offered to pay for the child's funeral. Pretty stand up, no matter what people think of the guy professionally. He made a difference to a dying 11 year old, and that's pretty big in my book.

    The Jets also had a program years ago where a handful of pretty big names would visit sick and dying children in hospitals. Childless by choice here, but dying children, ugh, I can't stand it. We had a horrific family tragedy on our hands two years ago. I can't say Make-A-Wish Foundation enough. So, yeah, anyway, thanks Jamal Adams for brightening that woman's day. It does mean something. GO JETS!!!
    #11 jetophile, Jun 8, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2018
  11. Will-I-Am-Not

    Will-I-Am-Not Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    What an inspirational young woman. Jamal Adams and the Jets organization did very well in honoring her.
  12. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Better than the other side we usually hear about. The insanely expensive meals, the huge group of followers showered with silly material goods, the coked up partying and the whoring. It is just disgusting.......

    ....that I wasn't invited.
    Walt White and FJF like this.
  13. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Really nice story... absolutely amazing woman....but was I really the only one who said Damn...only $2k?
    It's definitely good to read the other stuff just the cynic in me always looks for the angles of operation from organizations.
    Once you see the photos with the big check and a bunch of reporters around...
    .... anyway,

    Love the fact they honored a teacher! The fact that some teachers are coming out of pocket is a fukin embarrassment. IMO they are getting the short end of all the bs in this country for the last 20 years.
    ColoradoContrails and FJF like this.
  14. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    What a terrific young woman, and role model! The Jets should make her the face of the franchise.

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