Jet fans were horrible today - again

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. sect105

    sect105 New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    This game was vs. The Texans. In the parking lot, the sentiment was... This is a game we are supposed to win against a team that has no national fan base. If we would ever lose , it would be embarrasing. Many people stayed home or "different people went". I saw many new faces around.

    Let's face it New York (Anything) Fans suck. Last week, the Chicago game was hyped up and people came with force. Most New York fans only wait for the marquee game and bypass the "boring" ones.

    Also, do not forget that this game had a terribly awful 1st half.
  2. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    :rofl: Good to see some things haven't changed in my holiday absence....
  3. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    i was there and the place was a sellout and was packed during the game - up 23 point in the 4th qtr people will leave -- in 95% of stadiums people will leave -- it's not a Jets thing it's a people thing.

    Hell the Giants played in Jax half the fans didn't show up because it was chilly --- the stadium had good noise - got up for the D and stayed quiet for the O -- i had no problem with the crowd
  4. Pam

    Pam Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    :rofl: Funny! :rofl:
  5. B-B-B-Bennie

    B-B-B-Bennie New Member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    They stayed home making paper airplanes.
  6. steviep

    steviep Active Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    One of the solutions -- and you are not going to like this -- is PSLs. Alot of fans who dont show up will dump their tickets b/c they wont be able to get the PSL back just by selling each game.

    I dont think that there were 15k no shows but there were alot and it was quiet from most of the game.

    1 Oclock though on a travel weekend is a tough spot. Check out the highlights on and see how many empty seats at the buffalo game.
  7. Mario

    Mario Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The bills didnt even sell out their game yesterday. They ruined the nfl streak of sell out weekends.

    I also read they have 10,000 tickets left for sunday vs san diego...

    Their are worse fans than jets fans.

    Anyways lets see the type of crowd we get, if we return home at 7-5 with a chance to go to 8-5 vs buffalo. I suspect we will see a much different crowd than we had vs houston.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I believe the Jets (and the NFL) are to blame, partially. They've priced the God-damned tickets off the charts and the only "fans" who can afford them are corporations who pick them up and either entertain their corporate clients with them or use them as employee perks. These "fans" who show up therefore, are not at all necessarily Jets fans.

    The average Mom & Pop who have season tickets and pay for them out-of-pocket, as I do, are becoming few and far between. My seats in the Mezzanine are $95 each and four of them set me back $380 per game (plus $15 parking). Not complaining, because I use the tickets and enjoy going to the games... and I do get there early... in my seat 10 minutes early... stay to the end... etc, etc.

    But the guys in front of me have "corporate" seats. You can tell because they've got 8 seats in a row (what Mom & Pop family buys that many), they show up late (and drunk), then spend half their time getting up and buying each other rounds of beers. The other half ot eh time they're urinating it out in the men's room, which requires getting up and blocking my view for that also.

    Then, and I am not exagerating, they leave (on average) at the end of the 3rd quarter. Sometimes it's even sooner. It's fine with me because now my view is unobstructed by these @ssholes, but at the same time it's quite sad. They sit there looking around the stadium at fights or whatever security happens to be doing at the time on the other side of the field, you can tell by their conversations that they know very little about the Jets ("Who is number 86 again?", and in general they're there for the spectacle... they hype... they're there for the booze and the day away from the wife where they can drink as much as they want and act as adolescent as they please and call it a short day to avoid the traffic.

    The Jets could eliminate some of this, if they wanted to, by limiting ticketholders to 4 tickets per holder (except for the corporate boxes) and by temporarily curtailing their recent penchant for raising the prices astronomically (we've had huge percentage increases in the last 5 years). Of course, they won't, because in the end, it's all about money.

    So, the Jets get the money in the cash register and you then put a team on the field who plays in front of a half-packed house. Compare this to say, Green Bay, who packs the house with Mom & Pop season ticketholders who will show up early in a blizzard and stay the entire game even though the Packers are 3-11 and going nowhere. There's something about that whole family thing that we've lost at the Meadowlands.
  9. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Says the man who was happy to see Chad go down.

  10. cass2005

    cass2005 New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I think it's pathetic that the Jets can't pack a stadium 8 games a year. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm from a part of the country where football is life in the fall...but it is a huge disappointment everytime I go to a Jets game. The Browns fans at this years game where at least twice as loud as I have ever heard at a Jets game and they are absolutely awful.
  11. lude

    lude New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Because it was 60 degrees in november, I gave up my tickets. My father is pushing 70 and my mom isn't far behind him. They went because it was beautiful out, they're both big Jets fans, and love the game, but don't exactly do well in 30 degrees for 4 hours.

    And yes, they left with around 4 minutes to go in the fourth, guess I should give up my tickets.
  12. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    the game was against Houston....

    The crowd is hardly convinced of this team's calibre....and frankly Jet fans are overwhelmingly negative anyway....i mean have you guys just started posting on this board or something?

    yes unlike Cleveland fans, there's a certain expectation level here and rthe gloom and doom factor...... crowd entusiasm comes with team performance...not just because the team walks through the tunnel.....lets' face it, the team didn't give a hell of alot to cheer about in the first half

    those of you complaining were at the stadium if it's too quiet, look in the mirror

    yes, i was one of those who didn't make it yesterday, damn my personal/family life for occasionaly interfering with Jet home games...perhaps i'll have to take that up with the know, to make sure no home games are scheduled on my family or friends birthdays, christenings, weddings, etc
  13. FreemanRB24

    FreemanRB24 New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    You're right, the fans are weak this season. But actually I think a lot of the blame goes to the team.

    After every touchdown, music blasts so loud that fans can't hear each other screaming, and any J-E-T-S cheers would be futile; that prevents fans going nuts. And I can't be the only one who thinks it's pathetic that if Fireman Ed doesn't show up, we can't put together a decent cheer. The stadium crew needs to use the scoreboard more to cue people, and maybe even the flag girls should get involved; they have the J-E-T-S flags, I'm sure they weren't cheap, so maybe using them wouldn't be so terrible?

    The fans need to get better about going to games, granted. I went to the Jets game at Foxboro a couple weeks ago (a beauty, might I add), and the Pats fans were up on every third down, the place got loud for every big defensive stand, etc, and we really don't do that. BUT, the stadium staff worked it, put up the "get loud" meter and whatever other cheap hokey stuff seems actually to work. How many times has the Shea Stadium crew prompted a stadium-wide "Let's Go Mets" cheer? And yet we can't get 80,000 fans to cheer in unison if one guy can't make it to the game?
  14. Mickey Shuler 82

    Mickey Shuler 82 New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    And what the f' is with the paper airplanes? Is this 2nd grade science class or a football game? Do people think that if their plane makes it to the field that they've accomplished something in life? An offer to work at Boeing? Jeez.

    I'm a life-long New Yorkers transplanted in Denver, so I understand the traffic issue and I understand that the Jets aren't the only game in town generally and especially during the holidays. But I also know that New York has its fair share of smart people, so why wouldn't you sell your tickets on stubhub and try to make back some of the outlay for season tickets rather than eating the ticket cost by not attending. Get the tickets into the hands of people who would appreciate the game and who would apparently have time on their hands enough to attend.

    I understand empty seats with 4:00 minutes left in the game. But it looked pretty empty at the start of the 4th. There was a thread about Fireman Ed and how he should be banned. But without that cat doing his cheer, the place sounds dead (over the TV, at least) Maybe putting a stadium in Manhattan that forced mass transit would have enticed people to stay longer if they didn't have to haggle with traffic. Maybe there was a method to the madness.
  15. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    This season is exactly the same as the last 25 seasons. The only difference is that now you notice it. The second half of the season there are always a lot of no-shows.

    Broadway Joe was in the bubble signing, the line was really long though. I did meet Randy Beverly though at the omelet station. Nice guy.

    Fun game.

    Who was reminded of 'Heaven Can Wait' when Chad all of a sudden popped up and he was fine....because it didn't look good there.
  16. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    it really was horrible in terms of atmosphere at the game....all people were doing was throwing paper airplanes around....there was no vibe at all...its like people just wanted to leave...i dont get it....and the original poster is freakin right....

    its halfway into the first quarter and everyone shows up....its ridiculous because we're about 7 - 10 mins into the game...and second of all i cant see the god damn game because people are standing throughout the section so people can sit down....its anoying
  17. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I wouldn't mind getting some more tickets!! I lost my voice at the Detroit Game.
  18. MisterMoss

    MisterMoss PRO-American

    Mar 5, 2004
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    I've never heard that used as an adjective. Well done :up:
  19. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I cracked up when I read this..very good post 3rd.

    I took my son to his first game yesterday.

    First wasnt 25% full for the kickoff. Thats nonsense. In fact...I have seen it much worse than what it was yesterday. It was about 75% full for kickoff.

    I will tell you this, the assholes that throw those stupid paper planes are going to get one of them stuck up their ass one day.

    It was a quiet crowd...but it was a pretty boring game until the 3rd. The mentality of most was "we will win this game..lets get this over with and get back to the regular season".

    I can understand the feeling that there are only 8 home regular season games. I also took my kids to see the christmas show at radio city for the 4th time in 4 years and wanted to kill myself right in my own seat after an hour.
  20. sameoljets

    sameoljets Member

    Mar 9, 2004
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    Again real fans like myself must continue to deal with scalpers, dealers, and the stupid waiting list to see games. while yuppies continue not to attend yet another novelty game. as always if you can't go I'l take your place just send me an e-mail @

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