The Bills game was undoubtedly his very best game as a pro. Lets face it, he was a nobody up until Thursday. Here's hoping that the real Jenkins is the guy that played last Thursday and that he can keep it up.
Yeah buddy. Did a great job containing the edge all night and got great pressure. Hope he can continue developing.
I figured him for a Bryan Thomas clone but I may have underestimated him. Let’s hipe he can keep it up
Nothing wrong with a Bryan Thomas clone in the third round. And does anyone else find it weird that he wears No. 48? It just doesn't look like a linebacker number to me!
I think he's going to be a much better version of Calvin Pace. Perhaps a better pass-rusher that can maybe get us 6 to 8 sacks a year. I forgot Pace had 10 sacks in 2013 ... 33 yrs old ...
Nice to see a good pass-rushing performance from him. He seems to be a quality edge-setter at the least so far. I think he's the clear starter going forward on one side. Great pick! (Still not the dynamic edge rusher this team continues to lack and miss out on, but that's okay, a player like him is so valuable too)
Oh, I wasn’t disparaging him. A ten year starter in the 3rd is great. I loved the pick when it happened. Pace is a good standard too. Let’s hipe he achieves that
Me too. Thomas turned out to be stout as hell on the edge. But maybe Jenkins can give us more on the pass rush. Looks like it might be coming together for him.
Pace was a very solid player in this league. If Jenkins is reaches close to his level we'll have something good on our hands. He does remind me a little of Pace which is encouraging. Let's hope he can grow into that type of player.
If this guy didn't blow out his ACL while playing for Georgia we wouldn't have this great kid he'd be drafted somewhere else in the 1st round(not 3rd). Always have be super stoked for drafting Jenkins.
I love Jenkins. I was estastic when we drafted him and he was an absolute steal in the 3rd. I mocked him to us in the 2nd several times and I was really happy we pulled the trigger. He is a hell of a player and leader. His pass rushing moves have been developing as well. Jenkins has been trying to emulate Dwight Freeney recently. He’s been trying to execute some sick spins and I have liked what I have seen. Jenkins played a hell of a game last Thursday too. He is quite the character and comes off as a guy of extremely high character. I’m fairly certain he’s a big outdoors guy and he comes off as a dude that goes boar hunting with his hands (ala Anthony Schlegel). Jenkins go to and favorite pregame music? You guessed it, Metallica.
Interesting comparisons here with Thomas and Pace. He's playing that same position as the edge setting type...And it's a thankless job at the OLB spot....I think he gets those comparisons because he doesn't seem as explosive as well off the edge, and much like Pace and Thomas, they seemed to be tough rugged edge setting type that more times then not used technique to get sacks. Maybe his knee is fully healthy and he may show more explosiveness off the edge now but I'm intrigued about his progression because he MAY be the outside LB that can get to the QB. But I remain a skeptic. I'm still a fan of his abilities though
You sure about that SGB? I recall the guys liking the pick a lot, and he was considered the better LB coming out of Georgia.