Ol' Lucky won't be lucky enough to retain that number here unfortunately. Hope that isn't bad luck tho for the lad
Wait, is it a "big win" or is it " keep things in perspective here and realize that we are talking about a released player on waivers, not a top FA acquisition or anything" I'm confused
He got the dog back, some rapper posted a video saying he wanted $20,000 for the dog, then claimed Whiteheads ex stole the dog and sold it to him for $20,000 and he just wanted his money back, then he ended up just giving the dog back. Guess someone talked some sense into the rapper after he incriminated himself on extortion, and maybe kidnapping or robbery, on instagram, so he decided he better give the dog back. Though I don't know if talking sense to this guy was possible considering he was stupid enough to either pay $20K for a pit bull or put his extortion confession on instagram.
Wasn't he caught with a big pot under his sweatshirt so he could have crab legs with his friend Jameis W??
Putting all the BS aside this could be a very good signing. I have seen this kid return and he is quite good. Better than anything we have, period. On the Cowboys he was not really know as a problem so I don't get the whole cancer in the lockeroom nonsense. Not that this is saying much, but a couple of years ago I saw him in Dallas burn the Jets repeatedly on returns, in what turned out to be one ugly win for the Jets against a pathetic team with o QB. No risk, high reward move. And the kid has a lot to prove.
I was checking him out when the Cowboys first cut him, seemed like he might have potential at KR but didn't look too good at PR. Granted I was looking mostly at stats and only limited video so he may have some potential there. That's what TC is for though, guess we'll find out.
Whitehead has some shiftiness, but he has four career fumbles, three of which came last year. Would be excellent if he works out (especially since he's due for some good luck). But he's with our favored club now, and we can't have nice things. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Don't think he went to FSU but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a big bag of pot under his sweatshirt
In order to die, it is a requirement that an individual first be alive. Don't think we've ever had any "live" QB's since Namath.
Lucky could've adopted one of thousands of pits that are gassed every week for $75 or less. Healthy pits with no behavioral problems are blue juiced by the minute. Why people pay into the cycle of backyard breeding is so stupid. Plus, he cropped his pup's ears. Bye. P.S. & Edit: Microchip, dumbass. P.S.S.: I've turned into my dead whitebread square parents, because I have no fckn idea what this means: The sad part is that this was probably Justin Bieber.