I agree in terms of the team, but I think one also has to consider the individual. IMO sports should help form, develop and define character. If Anderson can learn and grow from this experience, he can become a better person, and hopefully, help make the world a better place.
That's true, but he obviously did something, and in this day and age where unarmed black men are being shot by overzealous and poorly-trained police, it's pretty stupid and arrogant of Anderson to risk trouble.
They always overcharge at first. They tried to pin Revis with like 4 felonies and none of them stuck.
Why would you cut him? Who gives a shit. If he performs and doesn't slip up again this doesn't matter. You can get charged for anything. Lets see what he gets convicted of first.
I'm no lawyer but I have hired my share. Sounds like an overcharge to be plead down to me. Bet he pleads to some misdemeanor takes a pre trial deal 6 month's probation and charges drop if he behaves. Maybe some anger management course. Goodell gives him 2 games
Unless he has a decently sized criminal record, it's probably going to be knocked down to a misdemeanor at worst. Anyone arguing that they should cut him is a joke. Anyone suggesting they might stop watching football because of it is a joke. Players have been raping, assaulting, doing stupid shit for decades. It didn't stop you in the 90s, it didn't stop you in the 00s, it's not going to stop you now either.
True. My point is that with all the incidents between police and unarmed African Americans, he was asking for trouble. He could have been tasered or shot. It shouldn't be that way, and I'm doing all I can to change that, but until it changes, African Americans need to be smarter in how they respond to police just to protect themselves. Again, they shouldn't have to fear unnecessary force and shouldn't have to react any differently, but the reality is that, at least for now, it's the smart thing to do.
AFAIK, in the 90s it was more isolated incidents, and only a few bad eggs. Now, it seems like the problem is much more widespread, and a greater percentage of players have questionable character. Unless that changes, they should shut down the NFL imo. I will definitely stop watching, following or purchasing Jets gear if things continue to get worse.
Or does the expansion of TV and internet just mean people aren't able to hide their transgressions so easily?
It definitely could be that. Whatever the case, if it truly is that rampant and doesn't change, then I'm history. I won't support it.
Robby should tackle a few shakes. Not saying it was the case here but "resisting arrest" can be also be nothing more than a guy trying to resist having his shoulder pop out of place while the cop handcuffing him behind his back (in full view of no one) is also "giving him the business."
I'm 45 years old and I've never been arrested for anything. It's my opinion that if somebody is handcuffed, photo taken and fingerprinted because they were arrested is somebody of low and poor character and just flat out stupid. Cut him and let the bengals sign him.
You guys are all over reacting,,,even if its THE WORST CASE scenario and he is guilty as sin,,,dont fret,,,,Uncle Todd will take care of everything ! "Everyone gets arrested every now and then its part of life , not the end of the world it happens " . He possibly will sit one series and be out there with the starters in no time !
These guys have so much to lose yet they still have to fck with cops. yessir/nosir--what is so hard to understand?
Given these charges I'm reserving judgement until more details come out. In my experience when the police file these type of charges without any "underlying crime" its because they beat you up and are trying to cover their ass.
at least he ways a 7th round pick. not like richardson. much lower risk and cost. if this is more fire than smoke, then we have other options already available.
I hope it's not to serious. This guy was a playmaker in a shitty season as an undrafted free agent. He's the first receiver we've had really since Santana Moss that can take the top of a defense and fly past defenders(and actually catch the ball). Everyone is knocking him for being to small but he's really not that small. Yes he's light for his height but he makes up for it with his speed. If anything he's not quick and agile enough for his weight. He should be making defenders miss and running past them for some serious YAC. I really think we need this kid to take the top off of defenses. Good thing we drafted two guys this year though.