Hey all, I wrote this song and wanted some constructive criticism from some fellow jets fans. Be harsh! Also if you do listen please hit the subscribe button on youtube as it helps with search engines. Thanks and please no Fournette.
things can get brutal around here and i am only interested in this thread for that potential. Btw, i made it 1 minute into the song. if i want to listen to someone trying to sound like bob bylan i go listen to bob dylan
I got far enough to hear: "I said nicole you are lookin' fiiiiine. why dont you come be in miiiiiine" in bob dylan accent and I was out
No, the video says it has a length of 8 minutes and 29 seconds. Back in my hay day I would get baked and listen to 15 minute Mars Volta songs, but those days are long gone.
Oh what a good band. I haven't listened to them in ages. Thanks for reminding me. Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
De Loused in the Comatorium is one of my favorite albums of all time. The others were a little too out there for me. Huge At the Drive In fan too.
Oh, and Steve Stone, who changed his name on YouTube to Dylan Tweed, just happens to be a subscriber to Blake Allyn's YouTube channel
Didn't this douche also post a Jets song a year or so ago that was also impossible to listen to for twenty seconds?