sucks that this path/ track is so damn good yet we are still looking at NYC getting shared ,,,,still could change we shall see,,,,did u see that the most recent short range model shows EVEN MORE moisture ?
the latest rgem has a swath thats 3.5" of pecip. looks to be in your area. i'm telling you some where in the hudson valley 30" of snow will be measured.
I saw that-----would be a shame after this near perfect setup for some people to miss out------unless of course they are happy about that ! I mean 10 inches is still good but rain on top sucks
FJF I don't mind too much snow but if we lose power, I am in trouble. Don't have a generator and I have two little ones at home. What is the risk of power outage in Madison?
Medium risk brook. anytime there's high winds there's a chance. not much you can do for it. I'm out, i will post as much as i can tomorrow.
its more more west,,,you think theres a chance we get screwed even up here with these west trends ? I was hoping it would move more east to get people back in the game but never thought we could possibly be in trouble
sorry Brook I cant, we can work on that I still dont know how besides,,,,,I actually have to wait for others to post them so I can get them
Hey guys. Just reading post and a few thoughts. Will be checking radar tomorrow and try to comment fjf. Mentioned the last few days that sleet WILL play into the equation at some point for many. Ocean Temps will have a play on things. Track does too but with Ocean Temps 10 degrees above normal for this time of the will bring sleet into play. The incredible dynamics of this storm will produce and overcome the ocean Temps at its peak. But moments when the storm lightens up a bit will produce sleet. Count on that Other than that? Throw out the models....sit back and enjoy. Nowcast with great radar sites. If you don't get the numbers predicted it will be because of mixing with sleet. Will peak in all day tomorrow. Stay smart and safe. Could be one of the top ten storms on record for the tri state area.
jay if you are still there can you post the link of that radar you put up a few times or tell us the name if you remember it off the top of your head
If I remembered anything other than the blinding headache and projectile vomiting I'd make the thread but what I remember is too much like most of the threads in the Jets forum right now to be worth recording.
Not to rain on your parade, but what are the chances your kids will actually believe you built snowforts when you were their age... in Turkey?!
Well, not to rain on your parade either, we don't raise our kids in cotton blankets. We tell them to do something and they do it. We tell them they suck when they suck and they try to get better. We don't give them participation trophies just for showing up. So if I tell my little ones to pick up the shovel, they will pick it up and shovel the snow. But this storm is beyond my limit and their limit. So we will sit this one out. How have you been RJF? Long time no talk. How is everything?
models totally disagree with each other-----crazy stuff as Jay or FJAY would say open a window look out and NOWCAST
Looks like we got about an inch overnight here and freehold. Right now it's not even snowing but the winds are picking up a bit.
happy smowmageddon tgg, looks like 5-6" fell already, much more than i expected at this point. no winds yet, snow falling at approx. 1" per hour heading to work. will post updates as i can