If Geno played his days on some other team he'd be perfect to bring in here of a year while Petty/Hack figure shit out. But unfortunately there's a ton of hate in Jet Land for Geno Smith, so I really don't / can't see Macc going out on a limb to re-sign him. There's little upside and Macc could literately lose his job over it. So while Geno may be the best of a bunch of loser QBs (Hoyer, Glennon, Sanchez, etc) I doubt Macc has the stones to bring him back.
When i say Geno would be perfect to bring in here while Petty/Hack figure stuff out, I also mean Geno could be benched in favor of either one of those guys part way through the season and Jet Nation would be thrilled!
All it says to me is that TB still has no idea how to be a HC and will put in Glennon from day one. Hack and Petty will not see any meaningful playing time until the last 3 weeks of the 2017-18 season and it will be a repeat of what he did with Fitz.
If Mac makes this decision based on how jets fans feel in anyway, he should be fired. Sorry but honestly screw what the fans think. If he thinks Geno is a good addition, then they should keep him. Who cares what this nervous wreck of a fanbase thinks?
Jesus, you're like the fat kid at camp whining about a lack of donuts. Why don't you get a job kissing Rex's ass? Anything to keep you from posting more moronic crap on this board. Your presence alone drags down the collective IQ by about 30%. Riddle me this, MoronJet; what is your solution the QB issue? Let me know so I can point and laugh at you.
Sure, if we lived near each other. But since we don't, it stays here. People can either ignore it or read it, don't care either way. I'm actually more than happy to never discuss anything with him again, the guy's football IQ is non-existent.
You may be an old poster under a new name so I don't know if you know the story behind the Applebee's parking lot story. It's a legit story about one of our posters here who got so mad at another poster that he invited him to fight at an Applebee's parking lot. Of all the crazy stuff one can do, to get mad at someone on a forum that they challenge each other to a fight was pretty absurd.
Haha. Comparing geno and Joe outside of a mushroom induced fantasy, is indeed a banning Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
These posts are getting to funny... I hate Geno Smith so I don't want him back here please God How much you wanna bet Glennon is our vet QB by next week esp after both Toilet and MM said "we are not tanking in 2017" This upsets me personally as I ONLY see a tank as a long term answer and those 2 QB trainees playin to help it along
Kinda salty there hoss. What is there beyond consistency and maturity? Is it his leadership qualities? Guy can't pay back $600, and runs his mouth enough that he gets his jaw broken, and not a single fucking player took his side. Is he able to manage the play clock? He can't even figure out time zones. If this is your idea of an option, then I'll enjoy reading your posts late next year when they're 2-12. You should switch to sanka Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Wow did this really happen? Imagine some family sitting there eating ice cream watching 2 middle aged guys in a pushing match!! Someone would call the Manager hehehe
Uh oh Jett If you meet up with Mainjet I hear he lives next door to Stephen King who will let him borrow his dog ..Cujo AHAHAH
And before you brow beat me about what my solution is I'm going to say there are no real good solutions. None of the free agents currently being mentioned are a fantastic option. Romo would have a better chance of winning American ninja than a playoff game with this team, while running for his life...for probably 4 games (including preseason) Cutler would be in the bar every Sunday night drinking away the sorrows of being a sullen bitch. Sullen, talented, charmed life rich kinda fucking sorrow. Glennon has played how many games recently? Geno- <insert buzzer from family feud after you answer yes to the question of is geno good > OR let's stay with our current roster, which is either young, and possibly not ready for nappy time, let alone to run for their lives. For 4 games, or a wet cat that ran for his life for like 5 quarters. The draft stinks of a dumpster on a hot day. Garrapolo - that right there is a disaster of epic proportion for anyone that pays more than back up salary. You say geno never complained last year and you're fucking flat out wrong. I saw him brooding on the sidelines with my own eyes, and I'm almost certain I could dig up a clip of him being a passive aggressive twat. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
If anyone has watched Joe Montana play they would know that physical skill are not what made him Joe Montana. Also anyone that has watched Geno Smith would know that physical skills is not what made him Geno Smith. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes we all know Joe wasn't Mr smooth. Thanks. Your geno statement however is an enigma Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk