You being a Trump fan tells me everything I need to know about you. Fact is you know nothing about football. You consistently post ridiculous opinions, and show no patience at all for any coaching staff (except Rex) to do anything. Bashing Geno because you don't think he's a good QB is one thing. Calling him a POS is something else. I can't tell if you hate Geno b/c you're a drama queen masquerading as a football fan, or if you hate him b/c he's black. Either way, your so-called opinion is worthless. BTW the last time Trump did anything having to do with pro football, he destroyed a pro league that had a nice start and a legit chance to be successful long term. So much for "logical things".
Guys, can we separate political talk from NY Jets football? I come here to get away from that garbage.
I'm not going to vote because I am unsure but I certainly think it will come down to him or Mike Glennon being added. The way I see it, if Glennon is willing to accept a 7 mil contract, with possibility to hit 9 or 10 depending on incentives, he may be a real possibility. Geno would come much cheaper, but his stats are not nearly as good. Glennon has a 2:1 TD-INT ratio. Has 4000+ yards, 30 TD's - 15 INT's in 19 games played.
Glennon is said to be closely evaluating every situation and leery of signing with a team with an unstable coaching situation that could doom his chances of succeeding. Sounds like the Jets to me... I think he'd love to head to Denver or maybe Houston.
I think Denver or Houston will be the landing spot for Tony Romo. Both represent the best chances of getting to the playoffs. He would be the perfect bridge QB to Paxton Lynch for Denver, and would instantly catapult the Texans as a major player in the AFC cause they gave the patriots a serious run for their money in that playoff game. That d-line was getting to Brady but since Osweiler is horrid they couldn't do anything. If Glennon wants to start, I think his best chance is to go to the Bears or Jets which incidentally are the two spots that Ian Rappaport has tweeted.
Yep another spot and they have no QB's under contract. Colin Kaepernick to denver maybe? Kaepernick stated to Adam Schefter that he will stand for the anthem in 2017.
I think Glennon to San Fran is the best fit. Shanahan will have a few years to work and is reputationally great with QB's. The Niners can evaluate him for a year, then determine if he is the guy or should they chase Cousins or draft a rookie. He is young enough that if he proves himself he could have a career there. Romo is better suited for Denver or Houston. Cutler and Kaep have baggage and I really dont think any fan base wants them. Maybe if Houston loses Romo they bring in one of these guys.
Only reason I'm thinking Kaepernick to Denver is because they were close to getting him from the 49ers last season. But yea I think Glennon could do well in San Fran. Apparently teams have also approached Eagles about possibly trading for Chase Daniels
I agree that Denver and Houston make the most sense for Romo. I don't know where he lives, but if he lives in Dallas or somewhere else in Texas, I think that he'd opt for Houston as he'd be closer to home, and could kind of stick it to the Cowboys if he has any resentments. Both teams are contenders, have great Ds and good pieces on offense.
He won't be back, no chance really. They wouldn't wait until FA starts, which it does in the next 7 days to begin talking to him if they had any interest at all.
Logistically speaking the Texans would represent the easiest option. Now, the Texans cannot say they have John Elway as GM. That to me is the big factor working in Denver's favor.
Geno needs a fresh start somewhere else. I've seen enough of him to move on. He's not going to be a starter, he's not a good decision maker, and his accuracy is bad. The jets situation isn't ideal for him either. He will probably end up as a career backup like Sanchez.
He's going to have to do more than that to get an offer from a good NFL team. He's going to need to apologize for being a distraction during the 49ers terrible season. Good teams don't take on potential distractions. That's one of the reasons they're good teams. Kaepernick is going to have to definitively put the distraction to rest before he gets an opportunity someplace like Denver.
LOL Tell the Hillary Clinton dingbat John Jett that. But the jokes still on you though, you do realize? After Geno loses, he'll use his infinite wisdom(John Jett approved), and decide to stiff you...
yep That's also the amount of $ I spent on antacid previcid and Nexium while he was behind center on Sundays hwhe
You began your reply with " So stupid... " That's insulting, especially when you later admitted that what I said was correct and that you would be lobbying to keep Geno if he were ever good in spite of your opinion of him as a person. Proving my point that the better players, who are known scum, get a pass because they can help a team win. I understand your anger with the franchise. You can debate without getting insulting. I have seen you get nasty with many who disagree with you , and to clarify, I was not disagreeing with you, in fact I was replying to someone else and you decided that you should jump in and insult me for an unknown reason.