The Dunces Have Elected A Dunce

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by RonPi, Nov 14, 2016.

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  1. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    This may get me in trouble but it has to be said.

    You are an imbecile.

    For the love of God what an uninformed and stupid statement. You have not even the most tenuous grasp on the regional conflict for you to utter such nonsensical tripe.

    Isreal has given land to the Palestinians more than once. Palestinians live in peace in Isreal!

    Seriously, I think you are either dumb or hateful. Probably both.
    RuJFan likes this.
  2. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    So Israel isn't constantly taking over Palestinian territory, resulting in armed conflict.

    Sorry, but you've clearly fallen into the stereotypical American attitude of blindly okaying everything Israel does. Neither side is right but don't for one second act like Israel does nothing wrong in this conflict.
  3. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Sickening antisemitic talk here folks.

    Isreal doesn't have suicide bombers walk into cafes; remember that.

    Isreal doesn't send women with suicide vests onto busses.

    Isreal has fought for the right to exist by defeating an entire region hell bent on eradicating them.

    I am very lucky your opinions are in the minority and not driving our policy.
    JDeacon, RuJFan and nyjetsmets89 like this.
  4. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    I'm done with you.
    Still incredulous about your post.
  5. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    You've made this point a bunch of times and it shouldn't be glossed over. I can't even say I agree, because it's just flat-out true.

    Still, I think it gets so underplayed that only Israel has offered concessions, and gets nothing in return. The best example of why Israel rightly remains reluctant to grant concessions unconditionally is the Gaza withdrawal. That was a pretty big step. Israel paid an enormous cost, financially and otherwise, to uproot settlements and businesses from the Gaza strip. All it got in return was a hailstorm of missiles, and then blame when it retaliated, no matter how tempered it was. They can't even get a Palestinian acknowledgment of the right of an Israeli state to exist, which would be a huge step toward peace. So, I think Israel has learned its lesson about unconditional grants and concessions. We should have also. It's the primary reason for Bibi's election.
  6. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Well. In the age of Trump I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that a republican sycophant is comfortable refusing to agree with something just because it happens to be the truth.

    As far as Gaza goes, it is and always will be an ungovernable mess given its size and location. Israel doesn't get brownie points for leaving and then expect sympathy from me that Sweden didn't sprout up in its absence. You broke it, you bought, boo fucking hoo about the consequences.

    The larger point is that any Israeli leader who is truly committed to the idea that it's his job to protect his country as a Jewish dominated state really has to treat the Palestinians as the existential threat they are and always will be. Because of the demographics, not the violence. They'll never kill them all. As an American, with my country's history towards the natives, I'm not going to jump on my soapbox to condemn the way Israel treats the natives. But I'd be more than happy if they could figure out how to do it without getting their hands into my wallet for awhile.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  7. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    You heard it here first people. The Israelies are god damned angels who do no wrong.
  8. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Yeah, but, my point was less about the broad picture, or what it should look like in peace, and more about just a simple negotiating platform. A starting point. We can't even get there, and the only frame of reference any of us have for unconditional, pre-negotiation concessions by Israel is Gaza. But we constantly demand that Israel commit to a two-state solution and get all huffy if it equivocates on that point, while at the same time we hand over oodles of tax dollars to the other side as well and don't dare ask the same. Matter of fact, we know damn well that a two-state solution is a nonstarter for the Palestinians, but we still beat Israel over the head for its refusal to give up ground just the same. I'm not saying there's any moral high ground. I'm just saying, I wouldn't drop my pants lightly either.

    If we kept American dollars in American hands and let them all just hack it out for themselves, good or bad - I wouldn't hate that. It would take an iron stomach that nobody in the political world has, though.
  9. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    My take on Israel-Palestine. The Palestinians can be broken into two groups of people. One is the majority. They're generally poorer than the Israelis and feel Israel is oppressing them, which is in some ways justified. The other group of Palestinians, who unfortunately make up many of their leaders, wants to destroy Israel and has no interest in peace. If Israel wants to survive, they can't back down to the radical Palestinians, which is why many Israelis support Netanyahu. However, the people who suffer most in the end are the ordinary Palestinians.
  10. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I just don't understand why this approach hasn't at least been tried. Back the hell away from the conflict and let them fight it out. I know it obviously sounds good in theory, and we would lose our only ally in the Middle East, but god damn. How many more dollars do we need to pour into a conflict that will never be resolved?

    I feel that about the whole Middle East really. Leave them alone. Let them blow each other up. The worst part about it is that our own country has all the capabilities to remove ourselves from oil based energy in the molding of electric cars, yet we're going to tap every oil resource in the world before we resort to using electric cars completely.

    It's dumb.
    FJF likes this.
  11. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Mexico president cancels U.S. visit after Trump wall comments

    MEXICO CITY, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Thursday he had scrapped plans to meet Donald Trump next week after the U.S. president tweeted Mexico should cancel the meeting if it was not prepared to pay for his proposed border wall.
  12. ChrebetCrunch

    ChrebetCrunch Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Ideological fascism is the term I was looking for. The suppression of freedom of speech by way of violence, and the threats of violence. I can't clearly define liberal fascism, but I know it when I see it. Maybe fascism isn't even the word I was looking for. We can argue over the semantics of a definition, but that would take the conversation away from the hatred and violence by the left. The behavior of the left before, during, and after the inauguration is the topic, and not the definition of a word.

    As far as the left having no "literally" no power, I'd beg to differ. The laws being passed about using the wrong gender pronoun proves that statement to be wrong.
  13. ChrebetCrunch

    ChrebetCrunch Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2015
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    You have no idea what I do or do not care for. I'm telling you that I cared then. I could care less if you could care less who I voted for.
  14. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    It hasn't been tried because we can't stay out of it and let Israel do their thing now. We are in too deep. America & Israel are one in the same over there. You can't change that.

    Even if we wanted to and it was possible, say we stay out of Israel and the middle east. The first time Israel gets into a war and the enemy gets ahold of any of their equipment its going to have a US flag on it because our 2 countries have worked together for decades building this stuff up. Then the US is responsible whether we want to or not.

    Because of that, even if you don't like Israel, we still have to keep our skin in the game because we are attached no matter what
  15. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    It's OK to admit the truth. The reality is you didn't care or you weren't aware. Could be both, but it's OK. Let's go back to what you said:

    This is all factually incorrect, and you can google and see all types of pictures from all over the country. So you tell me ... either you didn't care, or you weren't aware.
  16. ChrebetCrunch

    ChrebetCrunch Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I didn't say that it never happened. It did not happen to the same extent. I was aware, and it wasn't even close.
  17. ChrebetCrunch

    ChrebetCrunch Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Here is photo proof of the 17 remnants of the KKK who rioted when Obama was elected. Notice the tight shots? That is because the fringe doesn't make up the majority. Should I start posting the hundreds of photos depicting lefty violence?
  18. ChrebetCrunch

    ChrebetCrunch Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I could also add the Ole Miss riots. That would make two examples. We might get up to 10, maybe 20 examples.
  19. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Do some research. That's the last time, I will say that. It's not the same ONLY because Trump is a fucking moron and everyone knows it cept for the ones that voted for him. Obama haters were fueled by racism.
  20. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Can anyone explain to me why ANYONE thought Mexico might pay for a wall built in America to hurt Mexicans?
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