I can totally see and understand that perspective. I go back and forth with it myself because I am traditional in that I believe a coach and GM deserve 3 seasons to adequately assess their contributions, on the contrary this season has gone bad in every way possible. What troubles me more is that the problems Bowles had in his rookie season have gotten worse this season and I would have hoped that he would learn from his mistakes by now. If we lose out I wouldn't be surprised if Bowles isn't back, I also wouldn't be surprised if we manage to win another game or two and he comes back next season. I just want to see some improvements to inspire confidence going forward
I don't want no 70 yr old coaching the team. Coaches spend 20 hrs a day 7 days a week doing team shit. Not looking for their Geritol and taking 5 hr cat naps every afternoon. Coaching is a young man's game. Give me Rex and a decent GM.
Vermeil lost the Super Bowl with the Eagles. Retired a couple of years later and like Cowher went into tv. And then came back to coach the Rams 15 years later and wound up winning the Super Bowl.
And no startling QB had won Super Bowls with two different teams before Manning did it last year, and yet it was able to be accomplished. The "it's never been done before so it will never happen" argument is so ridiculous I feel like an idiot for even giving it the attention to dispute it.
Well, a good football mind is one who wins. No offense to you, Acad, but that's Cowher. And that being said, I don't think he's looking at NYJ.
Honestly, it now looks like the 10-6 for Bowles/Fitz last year was the work of the schedule maker. All you need to do is compare the two seasons.
I doubt Cowher would want to return to the stresses of coaching, but if he did, I doubt it would be with the perennial losing Jets. And I don't know who is available who might be better than what they have now. But I do know that I feel very discouraged watching a team that doesn't seem to know what their right hand and left hand are doing. Is it true that Bowles reports to Woody, and so Mac has no way to give him direction? If so, that has to change, and if that means firing Bowles then so be it. Successful organizations have a functioning chain of command, not a two-headed hydra. If they do make a change, they do need to bring in someone who has been successful in the NFL. In reading how Atlanta, with Dan Quinn, turned things around in the same amount of time that the Jets have been trying to, Quinn did something that was key: he instilled a team identity and got his players to all adopt it. What's the Jets identity, except SOJ? To me, above all other priorities - QB, RB, Pass Rusher, CB, OL, HC, OC, ST - somebody has to take the reins and instill an identity that the players buy into, and those that don't, cut them regardless of who they are. Until SOJ is replaced by something more positive, they're going to always be the SOJ.
Imagine that friggain guy yelling at you after a fumble? I doubt he wants to leave his cushy CBS job to try to coach this group of losers and tarnish his .623 winning percentage with a couple of subpar seasons here. For everyone saying he's too old though? The guy is only 59. That's really not THAT old in the NFL coaching realm. Something about him wreaks of stubbornness though. Negatives; It's a completely different league than they coached in, so it's incredibly hard to gauge if they'd have the same type of success. Positives; Maybe we need just a pure football guy and then allow him to bring in his coordinators to run the X's and O's. The head coach can be hands off that aspect of the game if they know how to manage the game, create a winning culture and overall just be an oversee-er of sorts. It might work. Doubt he comes here though homies.
When you talk about wanting Cowher to come in as HC, or maybe GM, what you're really saying is, "Let's instill the winning attitude that the Steelers have had over decades". In short, the Steelers are everything the Jets are not: they win. They seize victory from defeat time and again, while the SOJ seize defeat from the jaws of victory. Every season for over half a century I keep hoping for this to change, and every season I see the same thing happen, and it finally dawned on me why: The Jets are not as committed to winning as are teams like the Steelers, Patriots, Cowboys, Broncos, Giants, and to point to perhaps the epitome of an organization that puts winning above all else, the Yankees. And of course this attitude begins with the ownership. Sure Hess and now Johnson TALKED about how they wanted to win, but as always, follow the money. When push came to shove, they nickle and dimed it, and blew chances when, but for a few more dollars spent they could've won. Perhaps the biggest statement they made about how they place profit above winning (which ironically is shortsighted as you can see from the value of the Yankees), is their decision to share a stadium. I believe that when they decided to move from Shea Stadium, which yes had its problems, and move into a stadium called GIANTS stadium, the real seeds of loserdom were sown, and they took root have strangled this organization ever since. At this point, the only answer may be for Woody to sell the team and move it out of its shared facilities, and start fresh, building a new winning attitude to replace the "second cousin" attitude they've carried ever since they left Shea Stadium. Until they do that, I'm afraid no coach or GM will ever be enough
I totally agree. I've been saying basically the same thing for years. I think the Jets are the ONLY major professional sports team to NEVER have their own home stadium/rink/pitch/court. It's a joke and utter embarrassment. What started with such hope and promise when Hess was finally gone and Woody bought the team and said he was going to get the Jets their own home, has all turned to shit and it's just Hess all over again.
Not to mention it's the only NFL team that is not favored by a single county in the US. As for the Cowher stuff, it took him 14 years to win a SB, and that with a 6th seed after all his years of so called dominance. No way fans are gonna wait 14 years.