Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by GreenFan15J, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Yeah, lets do that again a season and a half into someone's tenure when they went 10-6 last year and try and run them out of town...SMH
  2. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    Yup, thanks to them we are paying revis 17mil and had to have fitz back at 12 mil. you have to strive for mediocrity to keep your job around here
    kevmvp likes this.
  3. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Do you really see that 10-6 as something to hang your hat on? They couldn't even beat the coach that got fired to make room for them even once.
  4. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    It worked for the Giants decades ago..after STH burned their tickets in the parking lot the Giants got serious shortly after and hired George Young and Parcells and the rest was Wikipedia recalls it..

    "However, one of the low points in team history occurred during the season: the so-called "Miracle at the Meadowlands".[78] With the Giants needing only to kneel the ball to secure a certain victory against the Philadelphia Eagles,[78] they chose to call a running play—which resulted in a fumble that was returned for a game winning touchdown by the Eagles.[78] Two games later, angry Giants fans burned tickets in the parking lot.[5] Protests continued throughout the remainder of the season, reaching a crescendo in the final home game. A group of fans hired a small plane to fly over the stadium on game day carrying a banner that read: "15 years of lousy football ... we've had enough."[5] The game had 24,374 no-shows, and fans hanged an effigy of Wellington Mara in the Stadium parking lot.[79]"

    Jets fans on the other hand do nothing and they actually have the nerve to come on here and try to say the CS and FO deserve more time...that's why nothing ever changes, why should it when nobody really cares?
    #24 Don, Nov 15, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  5. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    You better check your contract.
    Most sports PSL's REQUIRE that you purchase the season tickets.
    If you fail to purchase the tickets you then forfeit your PSL back to the team.
  6. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    the only problem with your theory is when they hired bill parcells he wasn't yet bill parcells. he was another assistant head coach who needed someone to take a leap of faith to think he could be a successful head coach. at the point he was hired he was herm,mangini,rex etc. so to say the giants "got serious" isn't really true. they made a change based on losing and fan pressure, much like we did after 2014. the giants also looked to get rid of him before the first season was over but the coach they offered the job to declined. you are using a bit of revisionist history to think the fans action spurred them to go ahead and hire a h.o.f. coach. it spurred them to make a change and they happened to strike gold, but they almost threw it away before it was deemed to indeed be gold
  7. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    This thread is laughable. Reason? Simply because if Woody didn't care we would probably still be seeing Eric Mangini or Herm Edwards still coaching this mess. Just look at how many coaches and GM's the Jets have gone thru since the Johnson family regime. This franchise has made some questionable moves, no doubt, but certainly not for the lack of trying. If you want to blame him for being uniformed and naive, so be it.

    There's no doubt in my mind that Woody cares abut this team - he's put so many years and tons of money into it, not too.
    #27 BomberJet, Nov 15, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
    TonyFtLaud likes this.
  8. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Reading posts like this make me realize I'm not the only one that feels like this.
    The entire state of the NFL has made the sport unwatchable. The culture is so pompous and arrogant.
    The saving grace is guys like JJ Watt that are true good guys just trying to have fun in a game.
  9. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Good for you but won't you be out your entire PSL outlay? That's a huge hit, more power to you if you pull that off

    The problem is the PSLs. people have put in thousands into those seat licenses. Woody has them by the balls, it's not easy to walk away just like that. Upper deck STHs are a whole other story, they can walk away free and clear and then just pick up a game here and there if they want along the season
    rohirrim665 likes this.
  10. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Well said, I would LOVE for the game to go back to this.

    To the OP's point, I'm not going to tell my father to discontinue his season tickets, but he is as close to doing it himself as I have seen him. Something about this season feels like the last straw...again. We don't want to support the owner but it's hard to just stop going to games, especially when you know once they are competitive again you'll want your tickets back. When the NFL is so up and down year to year you could end up missing out on a great season and those 8 days you look forward to every year.

    Last year was a great year to be a season ticket holder, despite its ending. I was also fortunate enough to go to 3 away games last year, and those games were exciting. It was a fun season and was totally worth having season tickets for, which also is what makes me still so bitter about the week 17 loss. I believe this coaching staff showed its true colors that game and have continued to do so. Anyway, I know next year looks bleak too but in 2 years the Jets could be a playoff team again, you just can't forecast it.
  11. FazeOne17

    FazeOne17 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    This is really the problem that most PSL owners have. My cousin bought PSLs and is dying to get rid of em. Problem is nobody wants em, because this team sucks, and they are fuckin expensive. Now if he doesn't buy the season tickets by a certain date, he forfeits his PSLs back to the team and is basically out of the 4k that he spent on them. Soooooooooo, hes basically fucked until this team is relevant again.
  12. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    PSL's are criminal, and hopefully will be illegal one day. It's not just the money, but the collar and leash that come with it. They were lucky to sell them before the technology caused a boom in the secondary ticket market. I totally understand why our fans bought them. Going to every game is a tough habit to break. I still love it. The team was able to extract every last dollar from fan loyalty. Remember - Giants fans paid just as much if not more.

    Regarding the team itself, this thread is sounding whiny. Over the last 20 years it's generally been a winning team. I am in no way a Woody Johnson fan, but to say he's not trying is silly. Despite the disappointment in the results and play this year, you can't say this team is not competitive. I'm not happy either, but the mutiny talk here is a result of what happens when you "oversell" the team with high ticket prices and demanding big financial commitments from the fan base. Now we all see how "parity" has made the NFL billions. No franchise can be bad enough that it can't get a lucrative stadium deal. No team goes more than two seasons without a shot at a playoff game. We all pay the price.

    10 Jets rewards points for reading this post.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  13. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Why do you need the government to protect you from your own financial decisions? People need to take responsibility for their actions.

    Everyone needs to understand that PSLs only have value if they give you access to tickets at below market value. There is no language in the PSL contract assuring you of anything of the sort, so you should be going in expecting that your money is as good as gone and amortizing the cost over time to be part of the ticket price.
  14. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I get it. I didn't need government protection. I decided NO. Calling them "criminal" was more emotional than practical.

    PSL's only have value if they have a resale value at or above their original purchase price. You're borrowing from yourself for the right to have the better seats. Or so it would seem… Fans who paid for them expected that - at their own risk.

    When ticket prices are raised ONLY on the PSL holders, that seems unfair. I don't think that aspect was properly disclosed when they were marketed to us.
  15. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Not being able to beat the coach that got fired previously means nothing. They lost the last game of the season and didn't make the playoffs. Who the coach was is irrelevant.

    And I'm not hanging my hat on it. I'm just pointing it out. It was a soft schedule but a pretty good first season nonetheless and most people were pleasantly surprised by the way the team played even with the last game of the season going the way it went. And now, half a season later, everyone wants everyone fired.
  16. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I wasn't validating the action, I was demonstrating the ability to act.
  17. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    It is my understanding that a PSL holder owns the PSL for the life of the stadium.

    We don't have to purchase season tickets.
  18. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    And those PSLs will only have a higher or equal value if the underlying rights give you a benefit over the market price of tickets. You can have the best seat location in the world, but that PSL is worthless if your ticket price is $125 and you can get the same seat on stubhub for $100 to any game you want, never mind that you're also on the hook for two preseason games

    The worst part is that it's not even a real seat license, it's a fucking timeshare. You only get that seat for 10 days out of the year, they sell the rights to YOUR seat to someone else to watch the Giants, concerts, soccer, etc etc etc
    BuzzKillington likes this.
  19. BuzzKillington

    Aug 30, 2016
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    This is the funny part.

    Both Jets and Giants fans ponied up thousands, in some cases tens of thousands of dollars for seat licenses. They in essence paid for the stadium.

    Yet I can go and sit in their seats anytime I want, for any event I want, and pay only for the ticket while they sit home watching interest accrue and watching the value of their seat licenses decline.

    Thanks! LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I don't think the culture, per se, is the problem. I think the problem with the NFL stems from a few things:

    1) The games are dull. They all use the same offense and same defense. No one thinks outside the box or takes chances for the fear of criticism. Just about any college game is more exciting than an NFL game. Hell, I watched a CFL game the other day and I was on the edge of my seat. It was way more exciting than any NFL game I've watched this year

    2) Injuries. If you shelled out for season tix, or even if you shells 600 bucks to take your family to a single game, do you want to see a backup qb, a taxi squad running back, and a bunch of guys on defense that were signed that week? Well, by the forth or fifth game that's what you get.

    I honestly think the only thing keeping the NFL popular right now is this fantasy football stuff. The last time I watched a game at a bar, no one cared about the score of the game, they were all on their phones checking fantasy stats. If the fad passes, the NFL may find itself in serious trouble. Impossible? Remember, it was said that GM could never go bankrupt.
    greaser likes this.

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