Take a break from politics for a moment... Can any of you get in the upper percentile on this challenge? (Google usage is cheating...) http://www.playbuzz.com/tomnixon10/...-fbx-desk_ff&utm_campaign=otr_ff&utm_term=JRD Good Luck!
100% My middle school forced us to memorize the states and capitols every single year. Kinda sticks with you. It's insane how little people know this stuff these days. I'm not going to fault someone who doesn't know all 50, but damn. I took a generic history class in college for a gen. ed. and my God these kids were dumb (I saved easy classes for senior year and it was mostly freshmen in that class). We had map quizzes halfway between each test of the US as it was during the period we were discussing. Easy, right? NO! I went to school at West Chester which is like 30 minutes from Philly with traffic. Most kids there lived near Philly. Philly was one of the major cities you had to put on the map and it should have been free points. Kids would put it up in New England. They'd put it in New Jersey. Etc. etc. How do you live near Philly for 18 years and not be able to put it on a blank map of the US? Then to boot, the teacher would put that same map that you were quizzed on a couple weeks ago on the next test. So you had time to learn from what you screwed up on the quiz. Free points. And these kids would complain. Pathetic.
Mine said, Congratulations!! You are in the top &% Congratulations! You are phenomenal! Only 7% of Americans get a perfect score. You are intensely curious. You love history and geography. You are an avid reader and an active listener. What is &%, did I get 100%?
I am a Muslim who knows the capital states of New York and New Jersey only. Trenton and Albany. I am 100% for all I care.
100%. Other than only 7% getting them all right, I wonder what the overall batting average is. I'd like to think its over 70% but that's probably wishful thinking.
100%. Glad to know I still remember my capitals. It's impressive that 100% of this board is in the top 7%. Or maybe it's just that the only way anyone's going to post on this thread now is if he got a perfect score.
Very impressive showing so far.. It could also be argued that only 13 out of 157 people actually passed this.