Im stoke that we beat the Pats with Defense and Running the ball with some Good WR plays But did anyone see the handshake? i missed it and i wanted to see it but i was up somewhere jumpin up and down.
Bill and Eric just shook hands and went their ways. Mangini probably wanted to just shove it in Bills face.
Belicheck shook Mangini's hand and hustled away. It was kinda funny because I think Mangini tried to say something to him as he was leaving, but Belicheck just ignored him. It took about 0.2 seconds.
It was brief and cold, like their handshake after the first game. Belichick didn't even look at Mangini.
Are you sure? they ran upto each other and i defo saw BB put his arm out to Mangini but the camera stopped me seeing if they actually shook hands! but his arm motion made me think so!
Belichicken is a certified B**CH! ats_suck: In all fairness to Ms. Belichicken...She had to run to the bathroom and change her Pad!!!
The funniest thing in this is that I can see it eating at BB that we beat them now. As much of a grudge and jerkoff he's acting toward Mangini, it gives me no end of joy to think about how much it is going to eat at him now. What a dope.
I did. Belichick wanted to get it over with but Mangini made sure he said good game and didn't make it last more than just 1/2 a second.