Resigning Fitzpatrick was a major mistake

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Greenday4537, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    And the chiefs have a guy in canton on their bench, so that's all you need to know about having a goods game. Fitzpatrick loses it to quickly during the game. He's not calm cool or collected

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  2. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I don't think any of them really could have accomplished that feat.
  3. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    We tried throwing out young qbs in both Sanchez and Smith and both have failed. It is about time this team develops a qb the correct way. Smith has already proven to be worse all the physical talent in the world but no football IQ. While fitz is journeyman with limited physical talent at least he understands the game.
    You want to give a young qb some experience but in a controlled environment, again look at smith and sanchez as examples of how not to develop talent.

    I am not sticking up for Fitz i have said over and over to the point I am sick of saying it that he sucked yesterday and he is a journeyman qb at best. But what people including you fail to realize he is the best qb at this moment in time.

    I am all for going with youth when it is ready obviously the coaching staff feels it is not ready so I would tend to agree with them
    cval likes this.
  4. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    You keep saying he's the best QB at this moment in time but that isn't fact one way or the other. You might be right and you might be wrong. I want to find out, you would rather just go with the status quo

    Geno has never played with anything close to all of this talent and Petty obviously has never played so no we cannot say Fitz is the best option, case closed

    My point is that if you know anything at all about Fitzpatrick and his career, it's that he has NEVER been good enough.....Just a career loser (as a QB) who chokes in big moments and plays like shit against good teams. He's always been this way and it will never change. why would it at this point?

    The coaching staff has their own set of agendas for going with the perceived safe option in Fitz.....Bowles is also an old-school, conservative guy that obviously will not change things up at the QB position until absolutely necessary for better or worse. It doesn't mean it's the right thing to do at all and if we don't legitimately compete for the playoffs at the very least with Fitz, it will have been a terrible decision
    tbruner12 likes this.
  5. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    There were 7 teams in the league that won more games than we did. SEVEN.
    And one of the main reasons for that was the play, and the leadership of the QB, and the chemistry he had with the receivers. But Mac was supposed to not sign him, so we could turn the team over to Geno or Petty? Are you f^*king kidding me?

    Same coach. Same OC. Same receivers.
    SAME SYSTEM. Holy shit ... OF COURSE you're going to bring the QB back for the next season.
    EVERY GM in the league would have done the exact same thing. It's not even debatable.

    Petty or Hackenburg will get their shot to take over the team eventually ... But not yet.
    #625 truthbtold, Sep 27, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    rammagen, JetsUK and stinkyB like this.
  6. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    Listen, I'm not a Geno guy AT ALL......but at this point I have to ask myself What's the difference?

    They say Fitz is a "smart" QB.......not really, at least not when there is ANY pressure at all......
    He stares down receivers like a fucking rookie.:mad:
    He throws behind receivers across the middle like a fucking rookie....Decker and Marshall bail him out A LOT.
    He forces balls to receivers in double and triple coverage - like a rookie......:confused:
    He is terribly inaccurate on throws over 20 yards.
    He just threw 5 picks in a half....5.....correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that beat Geno's record? How about Sanchez? :rolleyes:
    ..and then there is the post earlier...0-23 vs .500 or better teams on the road.....:eek:

    So I have to ask myself, Fitz is a better option than Geno.....Why?
  7. Altoona

    Altoona Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2005
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    I think this might be a somewhat exaggerated overstatement. What we know about Fitzpatrick is that he is an intelligent QB with strong leadership abilities and mediocre talent. He can have games where the majority of his throws are accurate along with games where half his throws are on target and the other half woefully off target. Finally, he typically has a game or two like this past Sunday where he tries to do too much out of scoring necessity resulting in the turnover debacle we witnessed. While Fitz was Shitz at too many critical junctures against the Chiefs, with few exceptions, the overall performance by the team and the Coaching staff was utterly deplorable. I saw so many examples of lackluster effort, missed assignments, poor judgement and terrible play calling on both sides of the ball. TB & Co were slow to make adjustments and, in several cases, refused to make any at all which cost us dearly. One example was trying to place Pryor with the responsibility of covering Kelce by himself in man coverage. Pryor demonstrated early on that this assignment was a gross mismatch with the result not only being that Kelce had a field day and was a huge help to Smith making big plays and in completing 75% of his passes but also taking Pryor away from his main impact/strength in defending against the running game and inflicting pain on receivers in the short passing game, both of which killed us on Sunday. Is Antonio Allen not fully recovered yet? Wasn't he a beast covering elite tight ends before he went down with the Achilles injury? If he's healthy, why wasn't he used on Sunday?

    Fitz has lost games against both good and bad teams alike. However, to say he's never won or had good games against good teams is simply not true. Playing against the 12-2 Pats in game 15 last year (important game) he went 26/41 for 296 yds, 3 TDs and a 109.4 QB rating while completing nearly 64% of his passes. While playing for the Bills against the Pats a few years back, he lead the team back from a 21-0 deficit to win 34-31. My point is that the statement saying he'll never be good enough isn't quite true. He's clearly far from ideal and for him to succeed depends on the team succeeding as a whole which includes him having the benefit of a superior defense, a solid running game and Gailey (whom I regard as equally mediocre) game planning and calling games well. Tall orders perhaps but not necessarily beyond reach. I think we can all agree that Fitz never has nor never will be the type of QB who can carry a team on his back beyond a few games a year. I personally believe Petty has that ability and potential but also feel that Gailey is the wrong OC to game plan and call plays for a QB with his level of experience. However, as much as I'd like to see Petty as our starting QB, (or likewise, Geno for those who'd prefer to see him starting) making any such change right now would be wrong for more than a few critical reasons.

    In the meantime, I suspect part of Fitzpatrick's problems last Sunday might have been a result, at least in part, of his suffering from symptoms of "dead-arm" which he admits to experiencing every year, typically during pre-season. However, since he missed/didn't participate in any of the off season team workouts/ mini-camps, he also admitted that he didn't experience his typical dead arm phase because the number of throws and workouts he made during the off season was drastically curtailed. My hunch is that we're seeing him hit his dead-arm phase right now, particularly after the Bills' game where I read somewhere that his yards per attempt were close to some 20 year old NFL record.
    #627 Altoona, Sep 27, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
    richieC likes this.
  8. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    After the 3rd Int he should have been benched, he's not Joe Namath
  9. tank7501

    tank7501 Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Hold on, I keep hearing everyone talk about the defense and the play calling on offense but why?

    After all was said and done the defense only let up points on short fields after turnovers. If we can't win a game where the other team scored 17 points then we will not win many games this season. Besides that, on offense there were plenty of guys open(evidence of this being the amount of times futz threw into double coverage) and our "smart" qb couldn't get past his first read to find the open guy. The offense stalled because he consistently threw the ball whrer he shouldn't

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  10. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    Well, with 6 turnovers we were still in the game, so the defense was doing something out there......cause the offense sure as hell wasn't.

    Not that you couldn't pick some things apart, play calling wise, but with execution that shitty, and that widespread, you can't tell too much.
  11. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Mehhh.. See a lot of arguments about whether Fitzpatrick is smart or not... He went to Harvard so he's obviously a smart guy and it's proven he is a smart guy in the meeting rooms and what not but jesus he's one the dumber QB's on the field in the NFL. Locking in on receivers is one thing but locking in on guys like Jalin Marshall and trying to force it to him in triple coverage. Doesn't get much dumber than that.
  12. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    If he turns out to be "good enough" this season it will be the first time in his career that he was.

    He has bounced around from team to team and no one even wanted any part of him as a free agent which can tell you all you need to know

    He plays well enough against bad teams that he somehow gets fans and teams to somehow believe he is something better than he isn't and unfortunately he did it to the Jets this time.

    He has literally never won on the road in an NFL game against a .500 or better team....he has never led one team to a playoff berth.

    If that can be considered good enough for us, I don't understand the downside in seeing Geno or Petty get a chance with one of the better rosters in the NFL
    tbruner12, matt robinson 17 and FJF like this.
  13. JoeWillie130

    JoeWillie130 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    People have a short term memory. Geno was a turnover machine, consistently had games where the offense was 3 and out almost the entire game and killing our defense, and on top of that was good for wasting 2 time outs a game and another two delay of game penalties.

    Fitz has his shortcomings but for the most part he has been consistently good through his time with the Jets. He had two bad games last year against the bills. Take those out and he was 27 TD-9INT in basically 13 games because he got hurt in the Oakland game. We don't have an elite QB on the roster so I am good with sticking with a guy who will throw a bad game in every 6 or 7 good games. If the game against the Chiefs becomes more of a trend than an abberation than I would see what Petty could do but thats weeks away at this point.
  14. JoeWillie130

    JoeWillie130 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    Defense would have given up more points if KC didn't go ultra conservative in the 4th. Plus that overruled touchdown fumble was a gift. Our secondary is pretty horrible at this point. Revis can't cover anyone and the rest of the crew Pryor, Skrine, Gilchrist haven't made a play all year. I have more confidence in the offense righting the ship than the secondary.
    matt robinson 17 likes this.
  15. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    LB's suck in coverage too
  16. RonPi

    RonPi Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2015
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  17. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    looooooooool dude STFU, are people still remotely claiming Geno isn't hot garbage? loooooool
  18. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Petty wasn't even given a real shot to take the #2 job but everyone with eyes saw he outperformed Geno, so Geno is not the guy regardless of who he has played with a chance to to start and Petty has been banged up so is he even healthy enough to play yet?
    I agree Fitz is who he is but you can't tell me Geno would be better for sure the same way you love to point out Fitz might not be the best option.
    My point is you have a rookie qb, a brain dead qb, hurt qb and Fitz who is the best option at the moment. last week's game taken into account with the weeks before game.
    We can't judge week to week because it is the same qb cast week to week at least until Petty gets healthy.
    We should move on Geno he will not be here next yr unless something very unlikely happens.
    #638 rammagen, Sep 27, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
  19. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    because Geno sucks seriously if he was better and the coaches determine that then they would have rolled with Smith.
    Both qb have similar flaws but Smith appears to have more plus does not have the confidence from the other players and that may be the factor there.
    Look I am all in favor in playing the guy who gives us the best chance to win, Based on history being last yr and even the weeks this before this game everyone with eyes would say that is Fitz and not Geno.

    For the same argument against fitz there are the same can be said against geno. I can't wait till Petty gets a shot to play or even Hack
  20. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    My opinion has always been Fitz is not and will not be good enough.....he still very well may be the best option but I would like to find out definitely

    And if Fitz as the best option is not "good enough" I don't feel like I'm missing out

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