No citing a view that blacks are somehow more violent when studies say otherwise is tho. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Right, so 76% of people murdered in Chicago this year are black, while they represent 32% of Chicago population. Who do think killed them? Do you think whites, Asians, and who knows who else just invaded black neighborhoods and killed all of them?
So now it makes sense to pick one city and extrapolate it to the rest of the country? Hint: it does not. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Ah, so your argument that blacks are more likely to be targeted by the police does not apply to Chicago then, eh? Ok, let's assume that Chicago is an exception. Blacks represent 25% of NYC population. According to the NYPD annual crime report for 2015, 63.7% of murdered people were black, while 62.1% of murder suspects were black. How do you explain that? Unfairly targeted? Another exception?
Since when do only black people kill black people and white/white? Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Are you going to tell me that there's this big conspiracy that covers up numerous murders of black people by other races in the USA? As I said, 63.7% of murdered people in NYC were black and 62.1% of suspects were black, so these numbers are about even. Let's look at the other main ethnicities: Hispanics represent about 27.5% of population and 27.6% of murdered people in NYC were Hispanics (quite a match). 29.6% of suspects were Hispanics, still very close. Whites represent 44.6% of NYC population, but only 6% of murdered people were white. 5.8% of suspects were white. As these numbers clearly show, percentages of murdered people and murder suspects are usually pretty close for the same ethnicity.
Oy i have a headache reading these posts......people will believe what they want to believe and dig up any stats to support their view.....every so called "study" is funded by someone so u better believe there is always an agenda. In case anyone wants my opinion.......we are cooked and at a point of no return in society. The scars of the past have opened wide and are being re-infected by the media, political hacks, and globalist billionares that want the US turned into a cesspool of migrants and voting scum. Cheers!
You know the conspirators have been saying that wealthy marxist/globalists folks like george soros have deep rooted tentacles into many so called "civil organizations" here in the US that are put into motion when an "event" occurs...... And of course those "events" always seem to involve the police or non-black citizen and a supposed black victim. Whether this is true or not who knows but it sure seems that these so called mobs sprout up quick and are composed of folks from all over the place, like they are professional rioters.
That's because they are Rent-A-Mobs.
Right. And there is no other profession in the country where there is such a thin line between following everything perfectly and making it home to your family. If I hit the lotto I am opening an amusement park called Copland, where people like you can come spend the day in a virtual reality environment to get a bit of a taste of what it's like to have to make decisions based on your life[/QUOTE]
No. Police don't say that. A spokesman for a police officer's organization said that with no citation of facts and using words like "almost" and "probably." Guys like you repeat unfounded crap like this and other guys like you believe it and circle the wagons until there is a coordinated effort of "Nazis" out to destroy America. Come back down to earth and deal with facts before you go do something dangerous or convince some other small-minded nitwit to do so.
Yep That is because the great majority of murders the killer and victims know each other pretty well. This is the reason that serial killers can get away with so many murders before they are caught. If you ever get the urge to kill someone, just pick some random stranger and do it only once and you are likely to get away with it, it used to be almost certain before cameras were everywhere.
Did you see it? I got an immediate response from admin. The truth is, I don't feel that way about women, it was just a joke.
Lmao. I'm not the one out on the freeway dragging whites people out of their car and beating them because a black cop shot an armed black guy. Lay off the Starbucks. Like I've said before, look how much soros has donated . If you can't see that they have black people out in the streets over any enounter with police before any facts or the case are out, then I don't know what to tell you . And yes, the Charlotte police did say that , obviously they check ids of the arrested. But if you want to discredit the Locals with riot and looting go ahead.
So let's discuss this from a legal perspective. You don't want to follow the instruction of the police because, well, fuck the police. The cops have their guns drawn on you. Legally, you don't have to do as they tell you. You disregard them, because fuck them. They shoot you. They broke the law. They go to prison. Hurray! But you're dead. You still feel vindicated because you don't have to do as they say because legally they can't shoot you? Enjoy being dead, from all reports it's a great time. but, hey, you bought into the narrative of fuck the police, you don't have to do as they tell you. Good job, martyr, we will hold riots for you for three days then forget about your ass. Thank you for your sacrifice for the cause.
It is a pretty widely accepted fact that the vast majority of murder victims are killed by their own race. Last I saw reported was about 82% of whites are killed by whites and 90% of blacks are killed by blacks. Unless you think there is some vast countrywide conspiracy that is covering up a huge number of murders how do you explain this?
So you do t think there is any agenda behind this? When soros himself has said he wants to see a more federally controlled law enforcement. You don't see anything strange about people walking out there front door in certain areas, stepping over dead bodies and dodging bullets to get downtown to be angry about something that happens 1k miles away? Nothing strange about when a town gets destroyed by riots , that unless it's a bustling downtown areas, it stays destroyed or becomes a bunch of walmarts and cvs?