I got the best gift ever the other day. This shit is called Mornin' Delight. They don't have it out here in the Northeast but in the Midwest it's all over the place. Anyway my friend got it for me and I have to say, this is the best Stout I've ever had. I looked them up on BA and they have insane ratings. Make sure to try this shit if you're ever out in the Midwest. I feel guilty drinking the rest of it it's that good. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/23222/76421
Honeymoon Day 1 Shots of Jager at Philly Airport at 9am. (Double shots for price of normal) Piña Coladas at our resort in Jamaica. Was at the resort for about five minutes when I got asked if I like to party and would like to meet his friend, Mary Jane. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
What's up drunks? Stop drinking and save your liver. Signed, Brook, the guy with Diabetes and Liver Disease and sober for 73 days as of September 20.
Thank God you didn't call me gay. I am 0-2 in fantasy. Shame. After your high praises, I thought I would be at least 1-1 .Well at least the Jets are good.