The next time you're randomly walking down the street, and see a mugger running with some old lady's purse, I expect you to lower your shoulders and hit him right below the waistline using your legs to drive him into the ground....... Then you can point to the sky and say "thanks coach!"
Oh No! Say it ain't so Joe! Sweden beat the USA on penalty kicks. Them dang Skeeters finally got to Hope. Algae-ridden Olympic pool closed: 'The whole building smells like a fart'
It takes some doing to be a hot female star athlete and be viscerally disliked even in your own country.
Sacre Bleu! Canada defeated France 1 - nil. Germany defeated China and Brazil & Australia are tied at Halftime.
She has now embarrassed herself more than she did with the selfies of that pound of Boar's Head roast beef.
Just a guess Cman but it sounds like their chlorinators were screwed up; not enough chlorine = algae buildup. Now there are stories of eye irritating high chlorine levels which is often the result of a too aggressive response (i.e. compensatory "hand feeding" too aggressively in an attempt to restore proper chlorine and Ph levels - think shock therapy).
WOW! Germany kicked Portugal's butt, 4 - nil. Germany's Goalkeeper only had to make a couple of stops. Nigeria is leading Denmark 1 - 0 at halftime.
Did anyone else see the bills fan who brought a flag to the Olympics. What a moron Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk