Was having a discussion with some fellow fans. Curious what TGG thinks. I think the past decade it's pretty clearly the Patriots, but historically speaking it might be the Dolphins?
Has to be Miami. You dont beat the patriots or bills enough for either of those teams to reciprocate a rivalry.
Buffalo has a decent streak against us currently but prior to that we'd won 9 of 11 games. I'd say things have been pretty even for the most part. We don't really have a rivalry with Buffalo because Buffalo has been largely irrelevant in the division for most of the last 2 decades.
It's Miami. We don't compete enough with the Pats and the Bills haven't been relevant since the early 90s.
For me it's still the Dolphins. There is something I just hate about them that I don't feel towards the Patriots. Don't get me wrong, I hate them too, and we're chasing them. But I have a special kind of hate for Miami. And Buffalo is an irrelevant team.
The Patriots over ride the Dolphins because of the cheating. I used to hate the Dolphins, but ever since spygate the Pats replaced them as biggest rival. It just feels so much better to beat them. The Bills are moving up on the list too now because of Rex, IK and other former Jets on there.
the Dolphins cheated for decades though. matt summed it up nicely: I told myself I would always hate the cheating Dolphins no matter what and I'm sticking by it even if they kinda suck today
It's only the afc championship game and its like a monsoon out there, why cover the field? By coiincidence the Jets had all the speed players
For me it's New England. I am 33, so I was a newborn for the AFCCG against Miami, and Buffalo hasn't been relevant in over 20 years. Don't get me wrong I hate Miami (old enough to remember Marino fake spike game, the years they beat us even when we were good and they sucked, etc) and Buffalo is adding to their cache of hate I have for them with IK, Rex, and them beating us recently, especially keeping us out the playoffs last year......but to me the Pats are on another level. I'm also born and raised in MA so the obviously adds to it. Sent from my SM-N915T using Tapatalk
Historically it's been Miami. Recently & currently it's Brady, Belly & N.E. The Buffalo Bills on the other hand? They currently have the longest playoff drought of any team, in any league, of any sport therefore they aren't a rival of anyone; they hate themselves.
Why can't I vote the Jets front office? They've continuously kicked our butts for the last 40+ years.