I know right? It's crazy how the Jets didn't foresee a HOF career from a 6th round pick and didn't take him earlier. Shame on them, since I'm sure Jets fans everywhere were clamoring over Tom Brady as priority 1. It's truly inexusible that they weren't able to foresee the improbable future. But now, over a decade later, we should look back and get mad over it. Because duh, if we were in charge we'd of all obviously and clearly predicted his dominance. Moral of the story? This is why the Jets don't win divisions. BTW, the Dolphins drafted Marino. FYI. While on the topic how did every HOF QB to come out of a draft not end up on the Jets? How did they NOT see it all coming? I just can't wrap my head around it.
Who's mad? Just pointing out that there was one Jets scout that wanted to draft Tom Brady. btw...We did draft a HOF quarterback.
not sure how 31 years of hall of fame qb play in our division..not even mentioning jim kelly is irrelevant to us never winning the division, but ok sorry you see it that way. You should join the jets FO..they could use that kind of optimism.
The Jets would have won the AFC east if Brady was suspended like he was supposed to be. If it weren't for Kraft paying off judges, it's almost guaranteed the Jets take the division, while the cheats just fall short. Sad reality about the integrity of the NFL. No accountability for cheaters. They just go on to win the super bowl after cheating in a championship game. They are left virtually untouched and here they are again. In the name of all that is holy and just, Manning better turn up the heat and beat his cheating ass this weekend. I can't take another Patriots Super Bowl without killing any credibility the NFL has left in my eyes.
I think we can all point out the obvious, but unless the suggestion is we should have known to draft all these guys in advance and without retrospect, why are we pointing it out? It's pointless.
I'm sure there were a bunch of scouts who mentioned Tom Brady, they knew he existed. And all teams passed a handful of times except 1. That's the way it goes.
Here's a list of HOF players in NFL history. If they weren't drafted by the Jets, I just want to point out we don't win the division because we didn't draft them. Thanks for letting me share. http://www.profootballhof.com/heroes-of-the-game/years/ Jets should get their shit together and realize they need to draft HOF players. It should be part of the scouting process.
So you're saying we should draft future Hall of Fame players to fill out our roster? Have you texted this to the Jets front office? I'm sure they could use this information. btw...your link leads nowhere.
He was being facetious, bud. Thankyourevis seems to be the guy who actually holds that position, or at least is trolling from it.
It does lead somewhere. Simply click it. And I have sent numerous letters, and pointed the FO directly back to this thread given the boatload of insight within it. We may soon all hold positions at Florham Park and likely across the league.
Sorry I missed your sarcasm. I'm still upset that Gholston won't make the Hall for another few years.