I understand we can't have our logo at the middle of the field (like everyone else ) bc you gotta change every week or even less.. But is the NFL emblem the best we can get??? Why not a "NEW YORK" in all white? Surely the Jets and Giants could agree on something like that ... But seriously our stadium sucks, has no identity other than green and blue lights. Something like this would help. Small thing I know
btw look at that amazing view from the last row. not like the mausoleum where this is better than a seat at the last row of the mezz.
There might be certain rules about what teams can and can't put on the middle of the field. I'm guessing they say you can only use your team's logo, or the NFL logo. Personally I think they should just get sod and swap out the logo between Jets and Giants, or see about the possibility of using some kind of non-horrible artificial turf for just the logo area if it's truly not feasible to do it with real turf.
90% of the shit on the field is computer generated and changes as the game goes on. There should be no problem putting a computer generated JETS emblem anywhere on the field. Maybe Woody's scared that Brady would stomp on it?
It's league mandated. Not a Jet thing. Just the Raiders said fuck you. http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/...ravens-oco-coliseum-super-bowl-50-gold-092215 _
Considering the feistiness of New Yorkers and New Jerseyites (New Jerseyans?), they ought to have a picture of a guy grabbing his crotch and saying, "I got your football right here!"
Originally there were interchangeable team logos at midfield when it open, but changes were made after Domenik Hixon tore his ACL during training camp. "The company replaced the removable Giants and Jets logos in the center of the field because they were creating seams in the surface that worried the Giants. So now there will be a permanent NFL logo at midfield instead." Less seams, less work, shorter turn-around time. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/f...stadium-domenik-hixon-injury-article-1.206223
Just watched the replay of the Carolina/Seattle game, and noticed Carolina has the NFL logo at midfield instead of their own as well. What's their story?
I just googled it and somebody on reddit had the same exact question two years ago. Here's your answer: So there you go.
I agree. If they can change a basketball court to a hockey rink in one day there really is no excuse.
I'd rather have a permanent NFL logo there and not have Brandon Marshall tear his knee to bits making a cut. Lucky it was a Giants guy who got hurt and not one of ours. Better safe than sorry