There's that perpetual loser mentality we talked about. An entire city of drunk losers on welfare lmfao.
Lol, which must make you feel MUCH better about who knocked the Jets out and ended their season early?? Your a persistant one-Ill give ya that!!
AND, i didnt Wanna like totally pee in your lemonaid or anything. If your this mad now, i cant even imagine if I didnt keep my trolling to just this one thread. If youd like to continue this, you are welcome to PM/DM me so we no longer need to waste these poor other jets fans times with this nonsense. Theyve had a rough 24 hrs as it is.
Are you a serious poster?? You just cant Handle this can you? Id hate to see you with a REAL problem... good god. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS except tye result of yeaterdays game. Anything you say has no bearing because no matter how hard you try, you cant change what happened. The past is the past.. but yesterday.... now THAT was fun. And btw... how are u the only one at this point who just hasnt figured out that if you let it be... ill go away. You keep egging it on
Listen Curly Pube, Im just trying to help your fellow fans not waste anymore of their time on this thread. If youve actially got the time to PM me 50x telling me to kill myself, and itll help you sleep at night-then have at it. Im all for helping you release your frustration from watching the jets loose to sexy rexy and the loss of a playoff spot
Enjoy your Super Bowl. It's the closest you guys will get to one for the next 16 years. (Also, kill yourself x 50)
Now you're Getting it!!!! The fun of rivaly!! The jest and good natured ribbing that accompany said rivaly! As much as you want to make this personal, or about whos city is dirtier, thats just not the point. These two teams (like it or not) are quite close talent wise. Honestly, id rather the Bills roster as I expect youd rather the jets. Division opponents who now have quite a few sub plots to an already exciting story line. Coulda wouldas are a bitch with this game. What if the jets had a tougher schedule? What if the Bills hadnt been so injury plagued? What if each team had less (percieved) jobbings by the refs?? It matters not, bc it is what it is. This yr (yet again) neither team has a chip in the post season but both are on the precipice of potentially being pretty decent football teams. I read all the smack talk all week and took it in stride. You had reason to gloat. It blew up. It happens in football. Just came to rub it in a bit with a good natured jab in the OP (really?? Na na na na poo poo?? Seems pretty harmless) and you made it personal. Its not. Just love for respective teams. Good luck next year curly, i look forward to future shinannigans
Ps... not that you took the time to read that, but i shouldnt have had to explain it.... meaning lighten up! Relax, join us in looking at prospects in the draft and enjoy your monday. Again, always next yr!