When do you remember having this much fun watching the Jets?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    2008 was great until Favre got hurt. I remember the 56-35 win against the Cardinals like it was yesterday. I was in the car almost the entire game driving back from Maine and I kept switching the radio to different channels trying to keep the game on. I was deep in Pats country and finding the Jets on the radio was like a grail quest that day.
    TwoHeadedMonster likes this.
  2. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    most fun would be 1985, i was 12 still impressionable and the jets hadn't stolen my sole yet.
    1998 was a pleasant surprise fun. i was living in florida,had made friends with a dolphin fan and was doing alot of talking.
    2002, got married in jacksonville, wife to be bought tickets to the jets v jags the day after our wedding. vinny sprains his ankle in a 28-3 blowout. chad comes on for the first time, starts the next game and takes us 1-4 to the playoffs. remeber exactly where i was when we won the division
    the rex years were fun, but the constant defending whatever he said in the p.c. got old
    this year is fun like the 98 team was fun. like wow, didn't see the team being this good. hope it lasts another 2 weeks atleast
  3. Jetsfansince95

    Jetsfansince95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    I think half the reason why this team is so much fun is because we had such low expectations
    FJF likes this.
  4. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You managed to travel the world and found a bad blowjob? Wow.... that's just some shit luck pardner...
  5. Jetsfansince95

    Jetsfansince95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    There def is hahaha
  6. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    The whole season of 2010 starting with Hard Knocks.

    That magical 2002 final run with Penny killing GB, Pats getting knocked out while we were sitting in our seats then killing Indy.

  7. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    2010 as far as a fun season. However, this is one of the most likable Jets teams I have ever seen. This season they have overachieved and are so much fun to root for. 1998 was my favorite team because it was the 1 Jets team I believed could win a SB. This year has been a blast though.
    alleycat9 likes this.
  8. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    2009 i was just happy we were there,2010 I really thought we were going to the Superbowl,I went to the pep ralley at Florham Park with my then GF and had a great time.This year has been great but it doesn't equal those just yet.....If were able to get in it will def rival it
  9. Deathstroke

    Deathstroke Active Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    2010, that season was so fun. We had Hard Knocks and the world was against us. Rex talked so much shit and backed it up nearly every single week. We also had some stupid off the field issue every week and it still didn't matter, we dominated.

    The 45-3 game was one of the worst low points in my Jets Fandom, but the playoffs and the Revenge Tour was so amazing. It would have been great to finish it off with our revenge on the Packers for the 9-0 shutout in the Superbowl, but that Patriots win was so goddamn satisfying.
  10. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    For me personally, until we actually win the SB, nothing will compare to 1998. Still not over the Championship game loss in Denver. Magical team. Magical run. So close to winning it all.

    After 98, 2010 would take it. Two of the best playoff wins in the history of our franchise.
  11. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    This is an extremely likeable team.

    Fitz sets the tone with just being an all around nice and funny guy. Mangold too. I have to give Probs to Marshall, wasn't a fan from afar but the dude is a legit nice guy. Love Decker. Love having Revis and Cro back together like Batman and Robin. Some great stories like Mauldin, Pryor, Tomkins and the new dude we signed to the PS.

    Looks like Snacks and Mo and Sheldon and Williams have a true friendly relationship.

    And even though Bowles has completely lost the locker room, he is a refreshing breath of sincere fresh air compared to the last 6 years.

    And McCag seems like a legit intelligent and articulate GM, not like that piece of shit Idzik (special fuck you to that dick).

    Yeah. I love this team.

    alleycat9 and cmcm750203 like this.
  12. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Yeah and how much did that first game of 1999 hurt.

    I thought that was our year.


  13. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Brutal. So brutal.
  14. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    That locker room loss was bad
  15. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    I always enjoy watching the team.

    Even when they suck.

    They're my team.

    I watch every snap. Something exciting or memorable can happen on any play.
  16. cmcm750203

    cmcm750203 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
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    Maybe I'm confusing my seasons but wasn't 2010 the year we kept falling behind shitty teams and had to rely on like 5 or 6 ridiculous 4th quarter comebacks? That wasn't fun, that was ulcer inducing! I'm going with '98 like a lot of others. Last time I went to a game and had fun. Beat up on the Bills 34-10 or something. My next and last Jets game was the Vinny Achilles game. I self exiled myself after that one. I think 16 years is enough punishment though.
    alleycat9 likes this.
  17. Irv

    Irv Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    In terms of fun, 2002 was the last one that was truly enjoyable to me, thanks to giving beatdowns to the Packers and Colts to end the regular season and start the postseason respectively. The scoreboard watching in Week 17 as the Pats knocked out the Fins to win the game but lose the division was delicious.

    2004 is still the year of fucking Herm Edwards and Doug Brien.

    I honestly don't remember 2006 at all.

    2008 was fun while Favre was healthy, right up until the point he threw a fuck you interception on a gimpy shoulder against the Seahawks that effectively ended the season.

    2009 was hopeful, but stressful, which we would eventually learn is Rex's MO. Against the Colts, Manning embarrassed Drew Coleman right before halftime and that was the end of that season.

    2010 was enjoyable for stomping the Bills in Week 17 and vanquishing the Colts and the Pats in the playoffs, but getting to that point was a chore. Also, by this time, I was already becoming jaded as a sports fan in general. Also, we were tired of Brian Schottenheimer's shit by then.

    In terms of personnel, there hasn't been anything like this group of players and coaches since 1998. I like this year's squad apart from special teams. The defense is better balanced and less prone to giving up the big play on 3rd and Siberia like Rex's defenses were, Chan Gailey is the best offensive coordinator the Jets have had this century even though I hate his conservative playcalling when up by more than one touchdown, and the offense hasn't ever had a pair of talented and likable WRs like Marshall and Decker. There's no way that BS 9-0 loss to the Packers in 2010 would have happened with the talent on this year's offense. Even during the middle of this season when Fitzpatrick was giving fans and coaches heart attacks with his scrambling and still trying and failing to connect with Devin Smith, I didn't feel the same dread in watching our QB perform as was the case with Sanchez and Geno.
  18. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Spot on Stokes.

    Gotta love the guys. Decker, Marshall.....Harris....Skrine, Ivory........everybody

    I was never really a fan of Fitz before, at all. But, I did like the signing tho.

    But man, having gotten to know him from afar observing all the coverage and pressers, I've become such a fan. So impressed with him and just like the dude...

    Mad probs to Fitz man. Mad probs
    #58 Walt White, Dec 29, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  19. Diabolical_Jet_Fan

    Diabolical_Jet_Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    I had fun in 96..... Oh wait!!!
  20. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    It's like all these guys have found their fountain of youth. They look like big kids out there and its great to see as a fan. On the field all business... but outside of that it's all fun and games. Even the social network accounts are fun now. Very "hip" and have some humor now too. I'm young so i love it i don't know about you guys but im all into social media haha.

    Seeing the DB unit doing all the modern dances and stuff .. Seeing Woody Johnson do the dab! lol.

    Most importantly winning games... close games that matter. It's all great to me!

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