Smith is a project we all knew this when we drafted him, he is as of today a one trick pony but has potential .....what boggles my mind is why do we continue drafting players in the second round that are complete projects when we can just draft a players that contribute right away
Idk man... The worst/ironic part is the two offensive dudes I wanted already have a combined 5 or 6 return TD's. Meanwhile Dev has this play. Sigh.
At this point its somewhat comical - the occasional attempt at drafting a WR just doesn't work out for this team. Really is amazing. Of course its early but u get the feeling that if smith was with a more offense oriented team with a good QB, he would have a couple hundred yards already. Would love to c the jets hit on an occasional offensive pick. WR, RB, even TE, and of course QB - which is apparently totally out of the question.
Yes the big flaw is that projects are not supposed to be given a second round grade. The more disturbing part is that during the last 3 GM tenures, the WR talent coming out of college has been very high. And for the jets to continue to have to sign FA WR to fill the position is a fundamental problem.
tell me about it bro, I wanted Jake Fisher to help the Oline or even Abdullah and they end up getting drafted back to back go figure
I thought he made a nice catch for a first down. I guess that doesn't count, because he fumbled once.
No NFL GM would EVER cut a second round pick 8 games into his first season (Unless they had a life sentence in prison or something). Only a complete moron would do such a thing.
Any player who wears only ONE eyeblack IMO is an immediate douche and needs to go back to the fake ass tough neighborhood he came from Gtfo with that fake ass thug bullshit if you suck Fuck you Devon or Dev'in or whatever bullshit made up name u have