@Kimberley A. Martin Meanwhile, it's great seeing Lorenzo Mauldin joking and laughing w/ teammates in the locker room. Such a scary scene #jets @Kimberley A. Martin Lorenzo Mauldin says he feels good now ... Doesn't remember being carted off the field vs #Browns #jets @Kimberley A. Martin Lorenzo Mauldin said he and #Jets still hope he can play vs #Eagles, but "it's not guaranteed." @Kimberley A. Martin Lorenzo Mauldin said he "frequently" gets migraines. Experienced one before the play in which he got hurt. #jets @Kimberley A. Martin Lorenzo said Brandon Marshall & other #Jets came to see him in the hospital. He said he could hear them talking to him but couldn't respond @Kimberley A. Martin Lorenzo Mauldin came to the next day in the hospital. He hasnt watched the clip of him getting hurt or falling -- and he doesn't plan to @Kimberley A. Martin Lorenzo Mauldib said he's experienced sensitivity to light for a while and he'll be wearing tinted contact lenses for games #jets
Migraines all the time? Experienced light sensitivity for a while now? Knocked clean out and was borderline comatose for a night? Holy christ, just give this kid a cushy FO position vetting rookies or something and hopefully we'll avoid something even worse down the road.
Woah.. The migraine thing is weird. Must be tied to the concussion, and maybe explains why he was knocked out cold after minimal contact? I feel like this warrants more attention from doctors than it's been getting.. Also, still experiencing light sensitivity? Keep the man off the field for a while. This is why the NFL won't exist in 20 years - constantly throwing concussed players back on to the field. Ugh.
I think it's in his best interest if he doesn't play football again this season, and maybe ever again. He's a good kid and this whole situation scares me. Give him a parting settlement so he's not broke and out on the streets. The hit that knocked him out looked like typical football contact.
I love his story and I love his motor but this man's life is what we are talking about, I hope all the precautions are taken prior to him ever stepping foot back on the field. He's a very positive role model and maybe God has a higher calling for him than football. Don't want to see him seriously injured.
i mean he's played a lot of very very aggressive football through out his life with his style of play.. he's been fine before.. the concussion seems to be more serious than usual.. maybe the kid shouldn't play for a while.. see how he's feeling after the bye week.
I think they should keep him out until he is 100% fine. I don't think he should retire because of what happened, but he and the Jets should be real careful and smart to not rush him back. If he has to sit out the rest of the year to get better, so be it. If he he feels fine enough to play again this season, it would be great too
Its a hard thing to give up your life's work. Especially if people depend on you for support. We don't know what Mauldin's story is but given this information, I'm sure the Docs have had "the talk" with the guy. If the Docs clear him to play, and the NFL clears him to play, and the Jets clear him to play, then its on him no matter the consequences. That rookie that walked away IMO did the right thing. However, unless Mauldin has a degree in something lucrative, he's gonna have a hard time making the cash he's making now. I can see both side of this.
Percy Harvin had a lot migraine problems with the Vikings, he no longer has them this day. Mauldin needs to see a doctor about those seriously.
What good will making a ton of money make if he winds up like other former NFLers debilitated at 50 or committing suicide? He can have a perfectly good and happy life and not make anywhere near what he'd make as an NFL football player. He needs to put his health first and foremost.
Just one more notch in the belt on why I love the Brandon Marshall move made by Mac.... Welcome back Zo!
You know that... I know that.. Tell that to an alpha male that's been playing his favorite sport probably since Pop Warner and its gonna be a hard sell. Still, it's Mauldin's decision and he'll have to live with the consequences.
These side effects are fairly common with concussions so I think the retirement talk is a "little" premature. It's obviously up to the medical staff and if he ever is in a situation where his health is at risk they'll let him know and advise him to retire but I really doubt he's even close to being there. The side effects will probably disappear after a few weeks. He should just relax and take some time off for now until he feels better.
These don't sound like side effects of his concussion - the way this is written sounds like they've been going on for an extended period of time prior (emphasis mine): "Mauldin said he 'frequently' gets migraines. Experienced one before the play in which he got hurt." "Lorenzo Mauldin said he's experienced sensitivity to light for a while"
But those are also common. It doesn't have to be related to concussions, some people are just born with that type of sensitivity, the migraines and stuff like that. With Mauldin we don't know of course, it could be either. Maybe those symptoms are a result of some concussions he suffered, maybe it's not related. The medical staff has to monitor this situation and make sure they protect him and keep him off the field if they have to. For now however I'm not worried. If he doesn't practice this week and next week I'll start worrying about him a little bit.
Agreed, which is why the majority reaction in here to those tweets is somewhere between concerned and appalled.
the prior symptoms (and likely prior concussions) combined with the severity of this concussion is absolutely concerning. he heard the guys in the hospital but couldn't respond, and really didn't come around until the next day. I've had concussions in the past, but never experienced anything like that. can't see him getting back on the field for awhile.