OTL Report: Goodell covered up extent of Spygate

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Sanchize0829, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Hey you masshole try again maybe in the same sport...
    So it is ok to steal from the opponents locker room and hotel? It is ok to try to steal signals but to go to that extent is called CHEATING. Red never did steal or brek into hotel rooms....
    Fing aholes trying to legitimize cheating 14 posts and all are defending the cheators. Please take this weak a$$ crap somewhere else
  2. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    ::rolling eyes:: Nobody is legitimizing cheating, we're just pointing out that you're pissed off and irrational. And if you ACTUALLY BELIEVE this cheating stuff then I feel sorry for you, not annoyed.
  3. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    WUT? Uncovered ends are ALWAYS eligible.

    Nobody else on LOS is.
  4. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    You need a minimum of seven on the line of scrimmage, else it's flagged as illegal formation, 5 yard penalty. I don't know what the rules are for HS.
  5. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    It's the same, but always, no matter what, the ends are eligible. Anyone on the LOS inside is not. I can see a little bit of the argument that it adds to confusion and so it keeps the best product off the field. But I love those little details, it difficult to do something "new" anymore.
  6. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Has ESPN ever shown the least bit of propensity to criticize and embarrass one of their partners? Of course not, and yet here they are, releasing this report only days after the league gets embarrassed in court, and I'm supposed to believe they did so for their own journalistic agenda?

    Please. The NFL wants them to push this to embarrass the Patriots. Oppose the shield and they will destroy you in the court of public opinion. Goodell is already hated by the public and he is making them money hand over fist, so the report doesn't hurt his status at all.
  7. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I guess it was just one giant incredible coincidence a 100,000 word self described "bombshell" report with nothing new was dropped at exactly the same time Goodell spoke to the media for the first time since God knows when?

    You don't need to be some conspiracy theorist to connect those two dots. Especially considering their false information and collusion in the beginning.
  8. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Poor Pat's fans.
  9. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Just so we're clear

  10. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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  11. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    oh looks like he'll be on tomorrow on those 2 drunks show as he got bumped today by too many whining callers

    1. Bryan O'Leary retweeted
      [​IMG] Dennis and Callahan ‏@DandCShow Sep 8
      Dennis and Callahan retweeted Bryan O'Leary

      Bryan will join us at 9:05 tomorrow.

      Dennis and Callahan added,

      Bryan O'Leary @BryanOLeary
      This story will make Ernie Adams a household name. Pats reputation is done.
      6 retweets 13 favorites

    2. [​IMG] Bryan O'Leary ‏@BryanOLeary Sep 8
      I will be on the air with Dennis and Callahan tomorrow at 9:05 am Eastern. WEEI Boston
    Bryan O'Leary ‏@BryanOLeary Sep 8
    Apologist said, "why hasn't anyone come forward?" I knew I had them and I knew someone would talk eventually. Now they have 90 of them.
  12. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    The NFL just got publicly embarrassed for publicly releasing false information. What's the likelihood they would do so again if they are involved in this?

    If my theory is plausible the logical extension to that is that cheating accusations are true and the motive is to embarrass the patriots with the true information that they have covered up. If the pats want to embarrass the league after the league covered for them then the league is going to let the truth out and destroy their history.
    Burning Elvii likes this.
  13. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Yes yes and yes

    Vacate The Pats Titles ****

    The Tigers are eating their young
    FlaJet and rammagen like this.
  14. Get me the Damn Ball

    Get me the Damn Ball Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    The Patriots' legacy will be forever tarnished and it will never change in the public's mind. This is the equivalent to the HR records of Barry Bonds. Barry Bonds will forever be loved by Giant Fans but the rest of the world will always remember him as a cheater and that's the bottom line. The guy cheated. Patriot Fans will always defend their Super Bowl victories but the whole world will always remember them as cheaters. No one will ever respect them. They will always have a asterisk next to their records the same way Barry Bonds has on his records.

    Congrats on your championships. You guys earned it lol
    rohirrim665 and rammagen like this.
  15. I thought that very same article should have come out months ago.Too many people & Patty cake fans trying to turn this into a minor violation & either forgot about or shunned this long history of cheating. You continue to tout that the cheating couldn't possibly have affected outcomes of games...and that the Patriots are at best clever line-walkers. Maybe it's the fact that based on the above text & other posts(not just you..other Patriot fans)continue to either outright deny/downplay the activity. You keep using the word "Reasonable"...you also claim to be some sort of coach. Are you honestly gonna sit here & tell me that knowing the opposition's plays,decreasing your odds at a fumble,performing secret recon on walk-throughs & practices,etc; That none of these things affect game outcomes?Specifically w/ a team notorious for close games & "pulling it out late"?You're either the worst football coach ever or completely full of Patriot bullshit. How self absorbed & bias are you? Or how stupid do you really think we are?? "Reasonable". Careful when you use that word...it usually pairs with words like "prudence" "logic" and "class".There are is nothing about your argument that correlates even slightly w/ any of those virtues.

    As for this being about "Your team losing". Well yeah...partially it is. We love our team & have backbones. You guys think you can count to 4...mention "forty whatever years" & that we're just gonna shut up.Put the shoe on the other foot for just a milli-second. I don't even wanna fathom the way ya'll would be acting if the Jets,Steelers,Ravens, or Colts had this history...and your team was championship starved. Take a step back for a second. Are you even capable of doing that?
  16. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Wow... we actually agree. This is the big leagues, if coaches aren't keen to some trick plays that's on them. I don't like the Pats (obviously) but I give them all the credit in the world for that. I played punt and kick returner and I was always taught to count and make sure you have 10 guys in front of you and if you don't pray
  17. kbgreen

    kbgreen Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Not sure I followed this, Are you saying that the PATS never cheated or that the eligible receiver thing is not cheating (which I would agree with).
  18. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Perfect analogy, and true. And I am still baffled as to how Pats fans are so dead set that the league is conspiring against them. Amazing! Here is what happened:

    The NFL saved your ass in the spygate case by hastily destroying the evidence. How amazing is that? They actually DESTROYED THE EVIDENCE. Meanwhile it made the NFL look like total fools and even caught the attention of a U.S. senator, but it exonerated the Pats from a lot more potential damage that they could have faced. So, instead of the Pats cutting their losses and being thankful that the commissioner saved their ass, they arrogantly just keep on cheating, which pissed off not only the commissioner who already risked his own head for that same franchise, but it pissed off 31 other owners. So, now everyone is pissed and Goodell probably feels like a total schmuck, so he lays the hammer down on the Pats, but NOW the Pats are being victimized?!? LOL.

    Imagine your running a company and one of your employees does something fucked up. You could either expose them but simultaneously make your company look bad, or you could cover it up and tell that employee "cut the shit." That employee does not cut the shit and further embarrasses you, so you lay the hammer down on them. BUT, that said employee then accuses you of conspiring against him, and stands firm that he has done NOTHING wrong. That guy has some balls. Whatever, its a loose analogy, but the fact Pats fans see themselves as victims is hilarious.
    Burning Elvii, rammagen and NY Jets68 like this.
  19. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    But the worst part is, we don't get jerkoff Barry Bonds fans infecting this board trying to convince us we're all wrong and trying to validate Bond's greatness.

    We have to endure these whiny bitch-ass jerkoff douchebag patsfag trolls.

    Burning Elvii likes this.
  20. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I work for a huge financial services company.

    Do you know what happens if you destroy evidence?

    You get fired, you and your institution get fined by the SEC, the Fed, the OCC or the FDIC and you likely go to jail.

    #340 JStokes, Sep 12, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015

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