This isn't Russia. I don't know where you were raised, pal. But in the US you go out and earn your name. You can't just come in here with your fancy name and expect people to pay attention to how it's spelled. Paper shmaper. Until he makes some plays he'll be known as Bill Dance to Jets fans around the world. Roland is also acceptable.
You're right my opinion doesn't mean shit. Guess what? Yours doesn't either yet you feel the need to spew it everywhere. Your overreaction says all I need to know about you. Obviously you are a douce bag. That's just my opinion so you might want to find out what jets management feels before you reply, idiot......
Overreaction? LOL That's rich! You make a post foaming at the mouth full of angst and bitterness about the Jets cutting bottom of the roster, borderline talent, saying that the move hurts the HC's credibility, and talking like you know more about what's best for the team and Bowles doesn't, calling his moves "shit" and yet I'm the one overreacting. Unbelievable! I could make a comment about the fact that you got angry so quickly and had to use profanity, but I won't. I didn't call you any names. I said that your feelings don't matter, and said that neither do mine or anyone else's in an effort to help you see that I wasn't trying to be a jerk, and that I was trying to make a point. I wasn't picking on you, or saying that your opinion doesn't mean anything. I was trying to make the point, that "feelings" is not how professionals do their jobs. They think and use their brains. You're the one who took it personally, judged me, and called me a name (and then can't even spell it right). LOL There's no overreaction on my part. I was calm then and I'm calm now. Emotions are not a part of my response, just logic and rational thought. I just pointed out the logical flaws in your post. This IS a discussion list, and if you haven't noticed, that is what we do here. If you can't handle that, then maybe you need to go elsewhere (like gang green nation where everyone plays nice and don't question each others' opinions) where your opinion will be venerated as the last word on every topic, and where other posters will wait with baited breath for your every post. We post our opinions, take others to task when they state opinions as facts, when their reactions are over the top, when there are flaws in their reasoning or factual errors, or we just simply disagree. I hope the Jets FO and CS aren't acting based upon their "feelings". They have brains and I want them to use their brains, not their feelings. You were the one trashing them for their decision. You're the one who needs to check out what Jets management thinks before bashing them. I understood the move and fully support the Jets' new FO and CS.
Huh? Are you drunk or just having a psychotic episode? So the facts aren't supposed to matter? It's not supposed to matter that you're calling a new Jet by the wrong name? So it's supposed to be acceptable to other Jets fans that you're more interested in being right than the Jets, and you don't root for every Jets player to develop or pan out? So the postings of the almight DaBallhawk are supposed to be taken as gospel and not questioned? OMG You really need professional help before your narcissism costs you something more than respect on a Jets fan site.
How are we supposed to know when you're joking? We're not mind readers. We don't know you that well. We can't see your facial expression, see your body language, or hear the inflection in your voice. That wasn't too far afield from some of your other posts, either. Humor and satire are often lost on the internet for those very reasons.
Are you sure the internet is the right spot for you if you have trouble figuring out something THAT obvious? You actually thought I was going to call him Bill Dance from here on out? That you have to "earn your name in this country"? I'm really amazed, honestly.
Your response is typical of your myopic, narcissistic way of seeing things. Because you see things one way, everyone else must/should, or they're at fault/wrong. You really need help, bub.
Again, I'm not sure how high you have to be to actually think that I was being serious. It's fitting that you'd blame me now for your inablity to read sarcasm. Do me a favor, put me on ignore so you don't get offended like that again in the future because I can't guarantee you I won't be making any over the top sarcastic posts again, and I'm not gonna send you any tape or evidence of me laughing or wink with my eye so you understand I'm not being serious. That's too much of a hassle, you'd understand. If you can't spot that yourself you should just stop reading my posts because I can't explain to you after every post whether something was a joke, whether I was being serious and so on. And generally, if I'm that irritating to you I don't understand why you would even want to read my posts. Clearly you're bothered by what I write. Bothered and confused. I have nothing against you, I don't dislike you, I'll continue to read your posts. But if you really struggle to figure out if I'm being sarcastic or serious with something we're better off if you just ignored my posts. We can split in peace, I don't take any offense to that. You can't get along with everybody in life.
That guy could sure "liprip" those bass..... but I think Bill Dance would've added more leadership in the locker room.... and been a STAR on HardKnocks
It's funny that 3 others quickly thought the same thing, so it's not just me or my inability to spot sarcasm. If you don't want to communicate clearly and can't understand that it's the way you write that creates the negative reactions, that's your problem. I'm not the only one who has made comments to you about your writing style. Clear communication is an art. When you're writing for public consumption, the burden for clear communication is on the writer, NOT the reader. Why can't you ever discuss something in a reasonable fashion? Why do you always have to take things to the extreme? There's no middle ground with you. Where did I say anything about providing proof or sending a picture? What I have seen many posters do on various websites and blogs when using sarcasm is to either use a winking emoticon or at the end of their post put "sarcasm off" in parentheses. In that way it's abundantly clear that one is being sarcastic. I have nothing personal against you, either. You're a knowledgeable football fan and when you stick to the facts and don't act like a prima donna or drama queen, I enjoy reading your posts. If you will notice, I've liked quite a few of your posts. Generally when posters offend me and I think they're jerks and not worth wasting my time, I put them on ignore. Notice that I haven't put you on ignore. To easily spot sarcasm in others, you either have to know the person pretty well or be a sarcastic person yourself. I'm not a sarcastic person. I agree with the comedian who said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Now that I know that you use it frequently, I'll look for it.
I've obviously irritated your delicate sensibilities. It seems you feel the need to make this "discussion list" a playground for you to flex your condescending bloviating. I want to make this clear to your, I could care less about your ability to communicate. It seems you have a very high opinion of yourself. This inference is based on Your writing style. It smacks of a person with self esteem issues. "Professionals think and use their brains", this is a brilliant observation on your part. I don't know how I could have ever disagreed with such an enlightened point of view it's so very logical it must be correct. Maybe you could make a list of these little pearls of wisdom so I know how to post in the future? "They have brains and I want them to use their brains, not their feelings." You got me, I want knee-jerk decision making so the team can fail. BTW, I'm calm now as well if it makes you feel better. I worked with men my entire life so I tend to be blunt try not to get your panties in a bunch.