So the fire Idzik goons got their way... happy?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetfannerd, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    He didn't tank the season. According to whom: Mehta and Rex's mother. You'd have a valid point saying he did a bad job and wasn't even a fair GM. I'd disagree with it because not enough time to evaluate him. I mean look at Sandy Alderson and the Mets record under him. But he didn't tank the season to get rid of Rex. He was trying to rebuild a team and that takes time.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Please stop with the "frontrunning" comments. Perhaps some posters are doing that, but many of us are NOT. We wanted Teddy or one of the WRs before the draft even started, so it is not "front running." Your gross generalizations are not accurate. Your standards sure seem low. You're willing to keep a GM just because he isn't the worst ? Having 3 WRs who "are still in the NFL" is good enough for you, when there were some awesome prospects that are already on their way to becoming stars that he could have taken instead? I'm sorry, I just don't get your perspective. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I can't see how thinking Idzik was fired prematurely is a legit option. What were the compelling reasons for keeping him? What did he do that was so outstanding that would make you want to keep him? Sometimes when things don't immediately get better, and you have been struggling for a while, the best thing to do is just to admit you made a mistake, cut bait, and start over. That's what Woody did.
  3. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I'm not saying you but when a player like Martavis Bryant is taken in the 4th round and passed over by every team in the NFL including the Steelers and turns out to be a very good player then some fans complained: why didn't we take him. Instead we took Saunders and Idzik is an idiot. You can say the same thing for players we took like Trevor Reilly in the 7th round who is a good role player on the team. Again the Jets were trying to rebuild the secondary and IMO a good idea. And 29 teams passed on Teddy. He so far looks like a good NFL Qb starter. Personally I think it was smart at the time not to take him and select Pryor. We had a young Qb and he looked good after a shaky start in his last 4 or 5 games. Anyways if you want you can have the last word. I've had my say. If you think I'm an idiot for defending Idzik ok I am. I think he should have gotten a third year.
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    The comp picks added 4 picks to the normal 8, so what you said isn't quite accurate. Three of the comp picks were 6th rounders and couldn't be traded. I haven't seen anyone complain about those too much. Enunwa and even Ik were good picks, but Tajh Boyd was not, but then I don't blame Idzik for that except that he possibly allowed Rex to make the pick or have too much input. The other was a 4th round pick, and that is a mid round pick, not a low round pick. Dozier seemed like a decent pick, and again I haven't seen too many people giving Idzik a hard time for that pick. It's what he did with his higher picks that is the problem. At this point, Pryor looks extremely iffy. I liked him prior to the draft, but liked Teddy and Brandon Cooks a LOT more. I didn't like Amaro AT ALL. Didn't want to take him even in the 6th round. I liked any of the TEs better, and if Idzik wanted a TE, he could have had Troy Niklas or Fiedorowicz in the 2nd round and either is a more complete TE. I liked Davante Adams a lot at WR as well. He would have been an excellent pick. I also liked and wanted Jeremiah Attaochu. To be fair, however, I don't think he has panned out very well. I'm not sure about Niklas, but Adams seems to be developing into a pretty good WR. I was against trading up, but would have accepted even that if he had gotten some of the players I liked and wanted that other teams took before we got a chance. I'm talking about players like Jordan Matthews, Austin Sefarian-Jenkins, Odell Beckham, Mike Evans, and CJ Moseley. You can go look in the draft forum archives, and you'll see that I mentioned I liked and wanted any of those players.
  5. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    No, I don't think you're an idiot at all. You're articulate, an obviously intelligent. I guess that's what's so frustrating for me at times, is I just don't understand your perspectives sometimes, but that's ok. No one said I had to or that you had to explain yourself. Perhaps I was too harsh in saying I can't understand why anyone would think his firing was premature. I can sort of understand it, but imo the Jets needed someone more decisive who had a clear background in scouting and personnel. That's what I wanted before Idzik was ever hired. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at first, but he just didn't inspire any confidence with his slow, deliberate style for decision making. That's just not the way the world usually works, especially during FA and the draft. One has to be able to make quick decisions and make decisive moves and he seemed incapable. Any way thanks for the discussion.
    FlaJet likes this.
  6. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Do you think I wanted him to draft Geno. Or Tannenbaum to draft Stephen Hill. Or Vern. And what about the guys you wanted him to draft who haven't so far been any good. I didn't like the Sheldon Richardson pick at the time. It isn't about you or about me. We're not professionals. And the draft is very imprecise. We all know that. Going back to Sheldon. Selecting the best player in the draft at 13 is more important than fanning on a few 4th round picks. I'll take the superstar.
    #326 pclfan, Sep 3, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
  7. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    John Idzik fucked up the 2014 draft--one of the most loaded QB drafts in memory-- to protect the perception he wanted to convey that picking Geno in 2013 was a good move.

    Whether or not it was a good move-it was not- he should not have sat on his paraplegic laurels and skipped taking Teddy.

    May he shit bowling balls covered in habanero sauce the rest of his professional days for that fuck up.

    ajax and FlaJet like this.
  8. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I didn't say that it was about you or me, but Idzik is supposedly a professional, and in that capacity, he didn't do very well aside from Sheldon.
  9. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Sheldon Richardson is the only one contributing this season - that's a pretty fucking hard job to pull off, given the five day 1 picks he was handed. [3x 1st, 2x 2nd.]

    And if you look at the mid-tier players he whiffed at, it's not even funny. Idzik fucking sucked big hairy goat balls. The likes of Jeremiah Georges and Jalen Saunders shouldn't have been picked in the first place. Jets could draft a lot of good mid-tier prospects [Bashaud Breeland, anyone? Jets needed secondary help all along anyway, no?] on top of Derek Carr.

    So get over it. Idzik was fucking horrifying as a talent evaluator, and his vision for the team moving forward looked like the Bungles of the past - sit on your ass and milk the money. The kind of Mike Brown-ish move, if I might add. I thought T-Bomb was god fucking awful - and topping this takes an extraordinary talent, which Idzik just did by the way.
    FlaJet likes this.
  10. jetfannerd

    jetfannerd Trolls

    Mar 12, 2014
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    I still think Idzik had a good plan in place. He did a great job creating cap space and played the Revis to Bucs trade masterfully.

    Idzik played

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Calvin Pryor could be Teddy Bridgewater right now
  12. jetfannerd

    jetfannerd Trolls

    Mar 12, 2014
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    There is nothing wrong with accumulating draft picks and creating cap space.

    Idziks issues was that he had no eye for talent because he wasn't a football guy. Problem was that holdovers like Bradway and Rex couldn't help him.

    Bad luck also contributed. It's hard to miss on so many draft picks and free agents.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    I felt bad for Idzik but it's obvious by now that he was no talent evaluator. He did start cleaning up Tannenbaum's mess though .

    Remember he was Woody's tenth choice or something because nobody wanted to be forced to work with Rex.

    Anyway, getting Rex fired made Idzik's firing all worth it.
  14. Innocenti

    Innocenti Active Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Why does this troll get so many replies?

    Also, let's not forget that Idzik handed the patriots a superbowl victory.
  15. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    So the fire Idzik goons got their way... happy?

    Ralebird and TNJet like this.
  16. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Idzik's only real accomplishment was getting Rex fired. The other 98% of his actions were mind boggling. So glad they are both gone.
    Jets69 likes this.
  17. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    It's not like the "plan" was an act of genius. Here it was in all its glory ....

    1. Don't sign anyone, and
    2. Trade your best player away.

    It's not like that was a plan that was impossible to conceive of or implement. Where Idzik got himself fired was when it became obvious to the fanbase he was intentionally tanking, but tying Rex's job to winning - that's some shady BS. I still contend that if Idzik had just said publicly, "We're rebuilding and Rex will be here next year because it's unfair to judge his performance based on this particular team" (even if it were untrue and he still planned to fire him in the offseason), the billboards never would have happened and Idzik would still be managing the team. He'd still be terrible at it, but at least he would have had his job for one more year.
  18. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Who? The only other guy that was ever discussed was Tom Gamble from San Francisco; and he would have took the job if it was offered - he wound up making a lateral move as Assistant GM in Philly to be closer to home.
  19. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Some people need to take the L and move on. Idzik sucked and it was pretty obvious after he drafted Geno Smith and passed on Bridgewater. That's all I needed to solidify the fact that he sucked. You got 10+ picks and you barely hit on one of them smh...

    No hindsight either... The draft heads here were really excited for the 2014 draft, a lot of us came away really disappointed.
  20. Innocenti

    Innocenti Active Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Some of us were actually happy?

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