Tom Brady suspended for four games Overturned!

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Yisman, May 11, 2015.

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  1. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    No, I just have an understanding of how to value something.
  2. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    so much hate you all have LOL
  3. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    fair enough but answer B2Q's question. Give us a reason it's garbage.

    It actually tells the story of these guys and how they all came to be. and the intertwined cheating and scandals.
  4. Weetabix

    Weetabix New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I'll bet the guy who wrote this reeks of urine
  5. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Positively brilliant reply, you leave no doubt from whence you come.
  6. Weetabix

    Weetabix New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    It reads like a manifesto...
  7. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    can't be worse than what eminates from your rear, especially since you love weetabix
  8. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    New Member, Male, 50
    Weetabix was last seen:
    Viewing thread Jalen Saunders traded to the Pats, 1 minute ago
    1. Post
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      It reads like a manifesto...
      Post by: Weetabix, 58 minutes ago in forum: National Football League
    2. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      I'll bet the guy who wrote this reeks of urine
      Post by: Weetabix, Today at 2:10 PM in forum: National Football League
    3. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      Any delusional fan who thinks the Pats are guilty of any more or less fucking around with the rules than any other team needs to take a harder look...
      Post by: Weetabix, Today at 11:35 AM in forum: National Football League
    4. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      It tells you everything there is to know about this case. The league determined that the Jets screwed with the kicking balls in a game. It was dealt...
      Post by: Weetabix, Today at 10:25 AM in forum: National Football League
    5. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      Might also be because Feely was the central figure in the NFLPA's best case example demonstrating how Goodell over-reached by 10 miles here. When the...
      Post by: Weetabix, Today at 6:42 AM in forum: National Football League
    6. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      I hope grief councilors will be standing by at Hater Elementary School if this punishment is vacated...
      Post by: Weetabix, Yesterday at 8:58 PM in forum: National Football League
    7. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      Good point - I'm sure I'll be tormented and sleepless over this for years to come. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
      Post by: Weetabix, Aug 19, 2015 in forum: National Football League
    8. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      and? Lol...I love how people think anyone cares about this crap. I kinda have a feeling I won't be having too many conversations about "Brady and the...
      Post by: Weetabix, Aug 19, 2015 in forum: National Football League
    9. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      Comments on today's hearing: @BenVolin Judge Berman was very critical of Goodell’s conparison of ball deflation to steroids, and that Wells Report...
      Post by: Weetabix, Aug 19, 2015 in forum: National Football League
    10. [​IMG]
      Tom Brady suspended for four games

      Didn't LeGarret Blount "use" the footballs a lot too? How do you know he didn't tell the ball boys to deflate them so he could hold onto them better?...
      Post by: Weetabix, Aug 18, 2015 in forum: National Football League

    #2688 joe, Sep 1, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  9. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Eat shit Brady and Patriots!!! :rolleyes: pats fans too, suffer forever!!! The hits will keep on coming !!!

    Bob McNair defends Goodell’s handling of #DeflateGate
    Posted by Mike Florio on May 18, 2015, 9:45 PM EDT
    [​IMG] AP
    As the NFL and the Patriots reportedly dance around the possibility of working out a resolution to the #DeflateGate scandal, other owners will be chiming in on whether the league office handled the situation properly.

    Count Texans owner Bob McNair among those supporting Commissioner Roger Goodell and his staff.

    “The commissioner is concerned about maintaining a level playing field,” McNair said Monday, via John McClain of the Houston Chronicle. “That’s what this whole issue is about, a question of whether someone might have tried to gain a competitive advantage. We don’t want to see that happen, and that’s why he ruled.

    “Roger’s doing a fine job. A lot of these issues, there’s no way you can satisfy everybody. They’re complicated, and you try to use your best judgment and do what you think is best for the game. And I think that’s what he’s trying to do.”

    But Goodell’s best judgment is only as good as the judgment of those he has hired, and real questions linger regarding the quality of the Ted Wells investigation and the league’s decision to leak grossly false PSI numbers only two days after the AFC title game, giving the controversy a higher sense of urgency and cementing the inaccurate narrative that tampering necessarily occurred.

    Ultimately, it’s not about whether the Patriots “might have tried” to gain a competitive advantage, but whether they did indeed violate the rules regarding the integrity of the game. The evidence regarding tampering prior to the AFC title game remains sketchy at best, and the Wells report and its aftermath expose deeper problems with the league’s attempt to set up its own in-house judicial system.

    Hopefully the owners will take advantage of their opportunity this week in San Francisco to address a flaw that inevitably could be turned against any of their teams.

    Texans owner Bob McNair: Deflategate escalated because Patriots, Tom Brady didn’t cooperate fully 09.01.15 at 3:57 pm ET
    By Christopher Price | Comments Off on Texans owner Bob McNair: Deflategate escalated because Patriots, Tom Brady didn’t cooperate fully
    Texans owner Bob McNair had some thoughts on Deflategate Tuesday. (Scott Halleran/Getty Images)

    Texans president Bob McNair weighed in on Deflategate Tuesday, saying the reason that the entire affair escalated was because the Patriots and quarterback Tom Brady, “were going to cooperate fully, and then when it came down to it, they didn’t.”

    McNair, speaking with Houston’s Mike Meltser, said that if it was Texans defensive lineman JJ Watt in a similar situation, Watt would have been “cooperative” with the investigation.

    “If it was JJ Watt I think he would have been cooperative, and it wouldn’t be a question,” McNair said. “I don’t think JJ would destroy his cell phone.”

    He added: “Is there anything conclusive there? No, you don’t have any conclusive evidence, but the whole idea is we want to make sure we have a competitive playing field that’s level for everybody. We don’t want people breaking the rules.”
  10. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Gotta love these twitter trolls, somethings got to be done with all the fake accounts......the world is burning down :)

    Judge Berman troll

    No, The Deflategate Judge Isn’t Going To Announce His Decision On Twitter
    Speculation and deception run rampant Tuesday as a federal judge prepares to make his decision in the Tom Brady vs. NFL saga this week.

    posted on Sept. 1, 2015, at 4:13 p.m.
    Lindsey Adler

    BuzzFeed News Reporter

    Judge Richard Berman Darren Ornitz / Reuters

    Judge Richard Berman on Tuesday said he expects to announce his Deflategate decision in the lawsuit between the NFL and its players union on behalf of Tom Brady is expected within the week.

    Fans and other stakeholders have been pinning for an end to the drawn out drama, in which the New England Patriots are accused of deflating footballs used in the AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts.

    At a court hearing Tuesday, Berman hinted that could announce his decision later in the day or on Wednesday, although attorneys could appeal. The whole ordeal over Deflategate could also be booted back into NFL arbitration.

    For fans, the legal back and forth and drawn out arbitration process has been taxing. And on Tuesday afternoon, as Deflategate pivoted to “Deflatewait,” someone created a Twitter account with the handle @JudgeBerman, and posted the following tweet:

    Twitter: @judgeberman

    Anxious fans fell for it, and Berman’s deputy immediately received “several phone calls from reporters” asking about the validity of the account. Over the phone, a person in Berman’s court said he “definitely did not tweet that he’s issuing a decision at four.”

    The practice of creating fake accounts to dupe users is a long-held tradition in Sports Twitter. Fans create accounts that look like those of national reporters, using deceptive character tricks, such as an uppercase “i” to substitute a lowercase “L” for a news-breaker like baseball reporter Ken Rosenthal.

    But Tuesday’s trolling still left those who wrongly believed a federal judge would break all established protocol to tweet a legal decision left wanting to know exactly how it would be disseminated.

    Here’s how the decision will likely unfold:

    The decision will be filed to court records, which will be quickly available online. Based on Berman’s previous decisions in similar cases, it will likely be about 20 pages in length. Everyone with access to an online records program such as PACER — Brady, Goodell, attorneys, and reporters alike — will then find out at about the same time.

    News reports will then no doubt be sent into a frenzy — just watch out for the fake accounts.
  11. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    It's hard to understand Brady. Either the long shot possibility that he is innocent which is very doubtful considering all of the circumstantial evidence and the alibis he's presented to explain his actions. The logical thing to do would be to not admit guilt but accept the suspension. Or maybe he doesn't want to admit being a liar and a cheater because it could hurt his future political ambitions. The answer to that would be to run in Mass because it's the only place he could win. Those fans would vote for him no matter what and think he walks on water and whatever he does is ok. Or maybe this is a political play against the Commish with Brady representing the union. He's been a plantiff before in cases against the league. The bottom line is that the union signed a bad deal giving Goodell a lot of power. And now they're trying to find a way out of it via the courts. And using this as a test case. And the future of the NFL looks like a series of law suits: players vs owners. Goodell is obviously trying to put together a paper trail showing that the league has been doing whatever they can on player safety so they can't be liable for any more huge law suits against them. It could be that's what this is all about. Creating a pathway for more lawsuits against the owners. Because they are actively battling them on safety issues and the appearance via Goodell that the league is not being negligent on this. The only other alternative answer explaining Brady's actions is that he's a stubborn guy (we know he's a fierce competitor) and he just doesn't want to give in to the NFL and lose. Just like cheating a little on the field he just might be trying to do the same thing off the field. It's just the way he is.
    #2691 pclfan, Sep 1, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  12. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    the union got a boat full of money for what they gave goodell and if anything they came out on the better end of that deal and yes he probably wants to run for office and it does have to be in mass but even there he may not win once his wife dumps him and that dirty laundry is dragged through the press.
    Jets_Grinch likes this.
  13. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Elvii. I think some couch time is in order.
  14. Weetabix

    Weetabix New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Wouldn't it be ironic if the final nail in the coffin of the NFL's case here turned out to be the Jets screwing around with the kicking balls and the NFL shrugging its shoulders at it? "Brady suspension vacated because Jets". Lol.
  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'd tell you not to hold your breath on that one but that would be insincere. By all means, hold your breath.
    PickSix likes this.
  16. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    This Feely story is hilarious.... we have now seen the Brady team take every approach.

    Didn't do doesn't matter/no now...................... "he did it too".

    deny, deflect, destroy evidence, deny, deflect....patriotway
  17. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    yeah the Jay touchy feely testimony makes it certain that Brady was "GENERALLY AWARE", but more likely the "DIRECTOR OF THE DEFLATOR AND DORITO DINKER"

    Suck it pats asses

    keep it tuned here folks
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    The judge is probably going to wait until Friday so his decision gets lost in the last weekend of the summer hulabalu.
  19. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    The timing is really pretty suspect. I'm not saying it never happened, but nobody knew anything about it until 5 and a half years later? And nobody thought to mention this bombshell six months ago? Just doesn't add up, although Feely is a good union man.
  20. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    ....and former Michigan player, Brady groomsman (I think I read), and more probable than not; a good friend of Tom's.
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