Nothing makes you miss an even worse QB than camp reports that he's doing well as he picks a fight with a linebacker and gets his jaw broken 2 days before the pre-season opener.
Even if the Jets signed him, he would be learning a completely new playbook and system. So there would more growing pains, and the first mistake he makes, the fans and media will be all over him. I genuinely like the guy and believe if Todd Bowles (or any offense minded coach) was his coach from the get-go then he would still be here. Bowles is doing the right thing with Petty and sitting him out. Sanchez needed to sit the first year. He had all the tools coming out and we saw flashes of it in the 2010 Championship game. I truly believe if the defense got that stop, Sanchez was going to drive the offense down the field for the winning score and we would be singing a different tune about Mark. For all his down comings and clumsy plays, he just had that 'clutch' gene in him and always left you wondering . It's a shame we surrounded him with crap players and a crappy offensive philosophy. The talent was there but we did a terrible job at developing him. He really wanted to win here but the media turned the fans and the city against him. The marriage is over and I wish Mark nothing but the best. You'll never see any teammate of his punching him.
Jets fans share the same character flaws with battered spouses. No matter how bad someone mistreats us, we still want them to come home.
"Very Competent" is a stretch. He's mediocre. The media gushed over him when he started...but then he was the turnover machine we all remember.
Sanchez has basically become "very competent" in a system that prides itself in taking responsibility out of the hands of the QB. Which means he's become "very competent" in not having to be competent.
tebow wont be cut. chip is to innovative not to get the best out of him. tebow was a disaster at qb here.... but if you look at some of the other roles he was really useful: -personal punt protector: teams had to play super safe on punt returns with tebow as a threat. as a result we had one of the best net punting averages that year. we also had more then a few 4th down conversions with fake punts to tebow. -short yardage: we didnt utilize it much at all, but when we did tebow was able to squeeze it out on short to go situatiosn chip will do those things and more with tebow. he wont be a star QB, but he will help them
This thread topic is destined to take the place of all the old bring back Revis threads isn't it......
not at all. Revis is actually a good player who we should have retained. Sanchez you don't bring back even at the cheapest possible price.
You may want to rethink whether it's a bad idea bringing Sanchez back when you hear they be bringing in Josh Johnson...
If they are a playoff team with dreadful Mark Sanchez then they are a Super Bowl team with Fitz and Geno
I suppose next we'll see a bring back Ik thread when Buffalo cuts him and a bring back Stephen Hill thread next season when he has recuperated from his injury. It's amazing how clueless some Jets fans are. Simply amazing! SMH