Said it a thousand times,,,I miss Dave Jennings and Freeman Mc Neil ,,,,,these guys were very good and objective , especially after losses ! Problem is the JETS don't want objective they want a shill like Buttle who drinks the kool aide and tows the company line and just collects his pay check ! I don't listen to the post game anymore on radio because Buttle is un listenable if that's even a word ! When I did listen it was fun when ex Jet players would call in with opinions, I remember Kenny Schroy calling in after a loss and pretty much telling Buttle he was way off base and " unlike you Greg I don't get a paycheck from the Jets and can tell it like it really is ".....priceless stuff Ps Buttle makes me long for Paul McGuire and that's saying something !
Yes plus +1 on Merle and Sam - what great radio broadcasters - another all time great Jet play-by-play guy that never got the recognition he deserved was Spencer Ross. He painted an amazing picture to the listener as to what took place on the field. Brilliant paly by play. Really miss him.
I think Greg Buttle has his place in Jets history as well as within their official media feeds. I just don't think color commentating is his best use. In fact he's become really hard to listen to.
I actually like bob and Marty. But I can easily see why someone would hate them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If there is something to bitch and moan about, JFN will find it. Every week, another thread like this one. Get a F'n hobby or get laid or do something else. This shit is getting real old, real quick.
Wischusen's voice is too high for me. Grating at times. Love Marty, because I got to know him a little after he retired, before he began commentating. Was Howard David the doing the games in the '98 season? I think you're right - he was great. Wish he was till here. I can still hear him calling Blake Spence's punt-block in Denver. I grew up with Marty Glickman and Dave Herman on the radio. Marty would always refer to Jerome Barkum as "Gee" Barkum (which probably was his nickname) but my grade school friends and I just thought he was spelling Jerome wrong by saying "G" and not "J". Too funny. Hey, back in the 70's we heard a lot of Marty since the home games were blacked out. Radio was the only way to intently follow the team. (That's for you youngsters reading along here ; )
Why do I like pre-season games? 1. If you really follow the off-season you get to see the conclusion of stories that began 7-8 months ago. 2. A pre-season game is a great way to spend a summer evening. 3. The outcomes aren't as important so you can relaz. 4. Less a**holes to deal with in the stand and parking is easier. 5. Tickets are cheaper. ... 2000000000000...........1 Greg Buttle But if Greg Buttle were to get replaced I probably wouldn't notice.
+1 I love attending preseason games. Go out for a nice dinner beforehand (was always Jerry's in East Rutherford before it closed down 2 years ago). The games are at night so the sun is going down and it's starting to cool off. It really is a nice summer evening out. Much less of a crowd and no one is fighting like a-holes do at regular season games. And there is absolutely no pressure. Just sit back and enjoy the youngsters--it gives us our only shot to see some of the draft picks and bubble guys in extended roles. _
lol, good reasons. call me crazy, but i actually like Eagle and Buttle in the preseason. the botched color commentating goes hand in hand with the sloppy August play. he's a true Jet and kind of funny why's preseason entertainment.
Displaced JetsFan... Gotta watch the replays on NFL network. I would love to be annoyed by Buttle. I miss him... For the Jets Lions game, NFL network used the Detroit Broadcast. That was not fun...