Bills claim Enemkpali

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NYJFan10, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    How is it a no lose situation for the Bills? its the opposite in my opinion - very little upside with little purpose. Rex created the circus here and we are still seeing the lingering effects as you say. Now he's creating the barnum & bailey mega circus in shitty buffalo? Shouldn't you be running your team with the sole purpose of winning games not giving out giant "fuck yous" to other teams? isn't the ultimate "fuck you" winning football games? I know we all have a warped sense of direction here because of what Rex instilled in this organization but you win the games on the field not in the headlines of the newspapers.. this is the NFL not WWE

    If IK might not make the team than there is even more reason why it is a dumb move. Is he really worth the risk for what he is? What does he bring that they don't already have? nothing really.. The Bills have very little need, if any at all, for his services.
    His absolute ceiling is as a part time pass rusher (if that), so you bring in a d-bag fringe player literally a day after he knocked out his starting QB in the locker room just for that?... or maybe it was more about generating headlines and saying "fuck you" to the jets...? hmmm - what are the priorities there?

    Even the Buffalo Media is scratching their heads over the stupid, unnecessary move. Vic Carucci summarized it perfectly by saying IK is a "take him or leave him" type of player to begin with and that punching your own QB in the face would put even good players in the "leave him" category.
    In essence the upside here is very, very minuscule all while Rex adds yet another scumbag to his locker room. Lots of downsides: increased scrutiny, lack of professionalism, adding another problem to that locker room which is becoming a zoo, add in the fact that he could face action from the league... and that no one else was gonna pick him up anyway.. its the dumbest waiver acquisition i've seen in a long time. I mean its absurd to me

    The good thing from a Jets fan standpoint is that it is now completely obvious that Rex is pretty much running the player acquisition/GM decision making for that organization. Its a good thing for Jets fans because Rex is fucking terrible at that stuff. I also thought their GM Whaley up there was doing a good job building a team there but now its pretty obvious that he's taking a back seat to Rex.

    When they hired Whaley they asked him about player conduct and how that will factor into his player acquisition. Specifically they asked him what the biggest red flag is for players. He said he would never look to acquire a player that stole from a teammate or hurt the value of his teammates in the locker room above any or all personal conduct. He said specifically himself that he could get over some off the field transgressions, legal troubles, etc. but that hurting your own locker room was taboo to him.

    Rex comes and all of a sudden they bring in Incognito who bullied a teammate and single handedly destroyed the locker room/OL in Miami, they bring in Harvin who punched a teammate in Seattle and now IK who broke his own starting QBs jaw. All these moves are counter-initutive to Whaley's priorities and shows you exactly who is running things up there. We should be damn happy. Also, at least Harvin and Incognito is somewhat justified because they are decent players and will contribute. but IK? such a stupid ass, clown act, side show move that is typical Rex Ryan.
    Freddy Mondo, 74, LAJet and 5 others like this.
  2. cmcm750203

    cmcm750203 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
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    You know what never happened when Rex was the coach? Our starting QB never got punched in the face by a taxi squad player. But he was the problem
    BacktoQueens likes this.
  3. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    No, we just had "star" players walking off the field and out of the huddle, because they were pouting and decided they didn't want to play anymore.
    74 likes this.
  4. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    I'm pretty sure IK would have clocked him regardless of year or who coached this team.
  5. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Only because Geno triple dog dared him to.
  6. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Instead we had Santonio Holmes yelling at offensive lineman in the huddle in a crucial game, we had Braylon Edwards and his DUI situation, and the implosion of a locker room twice. Rex ain't no saint either.
  7. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Good points. I've been a Rex fan and of course thought IK might be joining the Bills at some point, but for Rex to sign him as if he was Ray Lewis (bad choice, but you get the point) was a clear move to upstage the Jets. If that's first and foremost in his mind, and he does have the power up there, then we don't have much to worry about.

    It's pretty shitty that all IK has to do is offer an apology through his agent, and be unemployed for 12 hours while Geno requires surgery and his career as a starting QB is in doubt. I've never had a broken jaw, but breaking one in two places seems like a rough ordeal and recovery. How much weight will he lose? Lots.

    Any true Jet fan pleased about this situation is out of his mind. If Fitzpatrick was a better option he would be taking over the job the right way. The new regime owes Geno nothing, so we would have wound up with the best man through traditional football methods, rather than a hospital surgery table. Our best chance for a good season was to see Geno step up in year 3. I don't know if that was going to happen, but this probably wipes out that possibility. Like him or not, Geno adds value to the roster, even as a back-up.

    Think IK will see a fine or suspension? Does Rex's folly increase the odds of a criminal charge?
  8. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Rex couldn't stand a day without being in the spotlight. Again, it's all about his defence, no offensive talent out there worth looking at?
    He's going to fuck up another NFL franchise for a few years.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Ftr I am not clear that it was Ryan who was mostly behind the Bills' signing IK. There's some indication that their GM Whaley was the one who was. From the NY Times. talking about the signing:

    Ryan said that he spoke with Buffalo’s general manager, Doug Whaley, and owner, Terry Pegula, and that Whaley was “leaning on me about this.” For Ryan, signing Enemkpali could be perceived as an opportunity to prove his coaching mettle, that he can turn Enemkpali into a productive player.

    That quote came after Ryan said there was no justification for hitting someone.

    In that connection I was not of the opinion that Ryan had primary authority over personnel.
  10. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    To be fair, buffalos was already pretty fucked up when he got there. I agree with what you're saying though
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    as a more general matter, on the subject of Ryan...

    I agreed it was time for Ryan to go, and in fact was leaning in that direction after the 12 season. On top of everything else the disaster that was his hiring of Sparano was grounds for dismissal.

    But I was never part of the camp here that blamed everything on Ryan. Since 12 I quickly became convinced that Idzik was more of a problem than Ryan, as he was. For example. What I did not like about Ryan was I thought he couldn't manage getting the benefits of being a players coach and also avoid the pitfalls. The disconnect between the "we had a great week of practices" and disorder in the actual games was too much as well.

    Sure I don't like that he went to a division opponent. But he probably did deserve a chance an opportunity to redeem himself somewhere else.

    I am not going to predict how he works out up there. My guess is he's not smart enough to learn from his mistakes.

    But I'll say this - when Buffalo plays those cheaters from NE, I will be rooting for him.
    ajax and egelband like this.
  12. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    He had 53 guys last year he couldnt turn into productive players. :)
    74 likes this.
  13. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Rex is blindly loyal to his players. Earlier this offseason he signed Wayne F Hunter.

    Bills fans truly don't understand it yet, and when I try to explain to them what Rex is and what he will do, they don't seem to believe me. They think he'll be more polished in his PC's and that he will adapt the offense to utilize their passing weapons. They truly do not understand what they have in Rex, yet. Rex is a fantastic defensive coach and likeable. but they really truly do believe he will somehow evolve and become a more well rounded HC. It's funny/frustrating to watch.
    74 likes this.
  14. Irv

    Irv Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    For Rex to evolve into a well-rounded head coach, he would have to have the humility and introspection to learn from his mistakes. He'd rather just give the finger to an opposing team's fans in the offseason and blow smoke up everyone's asses about how great things are coming along. I suppose he could coach his team to a win coming off a bye week for just the second time in his career, but who's really going to bet on that happening?
    74 and FJF like this.
  15. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Rex really didn't want to go to Buff because it's in the middle of nowhere. He had no choice because no one else would hire him and take on his bullshit. That's why he keeps complimenting Woody Johnson even though the guy fired him. He doesn't want to burn that bridge or complain about any owner. And get the rep as a malcontent. But he always will deflect blame like he did last week saying last year the team was going in the wrong direction and he should have warned Woody. In other words it was his fault for not warning Woody that Idzik sucked but not his fault that the team sucked. And now he signs a guy one day after assaulting his former starting Qb. Well Willie McGinness on NFLN yesterday said he'd rather have the puncher than the punchee. Another idiot.
  16. Will-I-Am-Not

    Will-I-Am-Not Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Lest we forget, Rex broke his own brother's nose during a fight in college. So, apparently criminal battery is something he's a proponent of.
  17. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Bills fans telling me Rex is talking up Nigel Bradham. I'm just like....Rex would talk up a rock if he could.
  18. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Don't forget Buddy Ryan punching Kevin Gilbride on the sideline.
    Will-I-Am-Not likes this.
  19. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I'm not sure why everyone's panties are in a bunch.

    Rex got a violent player--a player he is very familiar with--on the cheap with very low risk and potentially high reward.

    Most folks--before the punch [read: NOT sucker punch] were at least interested to see what this guy can do and some folks were fairly high on him.

    He's got to be extremely contrite at this point and in fact may become a young player that a guy like Cognito will take under his wing (which could be good or bad depending on whether you believe Richie is reformed or just just an all out asshat). Sounds silly, but it's true.

    Rex does not give a shit about being called a circus or driving a clown car or any of that--he wants defensive players that will run through walls for him--the more violent the better.

    He's been up front about it--he wants to build a bully of a team and that's what he doing.

    That he gets to tweak the Jets in the process is part of what he does, it's who he is.


    ajax, egelband and Big Blocker like this.
  20. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    it'll be really interesting if IK makes the Bills. If he does, it's a 100% fight to be and guaranteed to occur. My vote goes to Willie Colon to start it. And if the Jets don't go after IK it speaks VOLUMES for how they feel about Geno and their respect level for him.

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