It's coming up as $31?! Damn let me see if I can lower it. I barely make anything on it anyways I just enjoy doing me the design. Doing it as a white T rather than that grey will drop it quite a bit. Let's try that..
Well I went through and changed it up a bit... I didn't realize after shipping it was so expensive. It's on a white T now and I dropped everything I could. Comes to around $20 bucks after shipping so that's at least reasonable.
We can't wait until week 1 or until we atleast win a game or two before we start making "Super Bowles" shirts?
Those billboard guys were making Super Bowles t shirts the day after he was hired
I would say first off not to buy it because the design looks like a child made it. Didn't think people were supposed to be selling stuff in this part of the forum anyway.