He obviously never actually watched Geno play, instead picks up a fake stat sheet (that no one outside of ESPNs talking suits uses) to try to prove his point. And still fails miserably. _
I am of the feeling that Smith has already had his chance, time to move on but if the coaching staff thinks he deserves another shot after TC I will back it and hope for the best. These repetitive threads though, trying to twist some stats to make it appear Smith's "good games actually outnumbered his bad ones" and he had "7 great games" just show how less than knowledgeable some are. Delusional even.
Clearly, the coaching staff is there everyday and watching all these QBs and if they determine that Smith is the guy, he should start and get out undying support. But looking at any "stats" from last year (including the completely biased, subjective, unscientific and useless ESPN QBR stat) to defend Geno is Pom-pom waiving naive stupidity. _
How can you say you're unbiased when you group games into 3 categories great, average, and bad? And what constitutes a great came according to you. Do you think an 80 something rating is great?
Religion is not just opinion, it's based on historical facts. Opinion supported by facts and evidence. ...and I'm not "pushing", I'm sharing. Big difference. Everyone is free to read my comments or ignore them, and they may agree or disagree with me. I'm just trying to help people, give advice. I'm never pushy about it.
Yeah, it's calculated by carefully compiling objective stats on the quality of a QB's play. Objective and mathematical.
I didn't say I am unbiased, I said the QBR metric is unbiased. Man, people just keep misquoting me and putting words in my mouth, it's getting almost comical now!
If you watched Geno play, and actually remember more than just his turnovers, you would be even more convinced that he can play in this league. Turnovers kill QBR, so if we eliminate those Geno probably had a 120 QBR or something like that. Of course that's ridiculous, but my point is that when Geno was not turning the ball over, he was a very effective chain mover and point producer last year. If you can get your hands on any games from last year, go back and watch him, you will be surprised.
Yes, of course that's the problem, I fully understand that. Geno will never be a good QB until he cuts down the turnovers. My point is just that he's done a lot of good things too, and it's ridiculous for people to just say he's garbage and try to bury him. He may not pan out, but he's done a lot to suggest he can be very effective in this league. He's moved his team down the field effectively, and scored TD's, even with the worst group of receivers in the league last year. That's saying something. Again, the whole key with Geno is protecting the ball. If he can do a better job of that this year, he will be successful, with all the talent he has around him now.
Geno is a horrible QB until proven otherwise end of story....This is his last chance before he joins the likes of other Jets failures in another teams uniform
Brett Favre's 2nd season with the Packers: 19 TD, 24 INT ...... 72.2 QBR He had a QBR less than 75 four times in his career, and threw more INT's than TD's four times in his career. And twice his INT's equaled his TD's. No BS here, just facts. http://www.nfl.com/player/brettfavre/2500606/careerstats Joe Namath's career stats: 173 TD's, 220 INT's ....... 65.5 QBR Namath sucked LOL! http://www.nfl.com/player/joenamath/2521943/careerstats
Thanks for the explanation. lol JStokes said so, so it MUST be true. lol. Seriously, have you EVER backed up anything you've said on here with facts, or supporting evidence? You just blow hot air, that's all you do.
If I watched Charles Manson be a father and remember more than just his murders, he was actually a pretty good Dad. _
Wow, I never realized how awful Joe Namath was, apart from the SB. I always thought it was Jet-bashing when people used to call him overrated, but looking at the stats, his career stats were worse than Geno's! http://www.nfl.com/player/joenamath/2521943/careerstats
The GS "no comment" being reported from yankee stadium when asked about Colon's comments is telling. Rather than say something like "everyone's got to perform including myself" or "I've got some great guys around me", the best he can come up with is "no comment". To me this means he did not prepare a decent response to this obvious question and he can't think on the fly. Coincidentally, these are exactly his faults as a QB and it looks like he hasn't changed one iota.