check out this guy's "books" section, haha.
Maybe its just my age, but...... myspace just seems to be the ultimate waste of time since Al Gore thought up this great invention of his. (the internet)
this is hilarious. community sites. maybe miller should spend more time on elevating his covering skills than on "socializing" on the internet.
should it really? the dudes young. i think the funniest part is hes got chicks all on em. natural, cuz the first thing i noticed is he made sure people know he makes 250,000 plus lol
I like how he claims he doesn't want to meet anyone because he's met a lot of celebrities, and he says he is one himself. Maybe this guy should actually play well at corner or make a pro bowl before he says he's a celebrity.
Nice collection of women he's got on there. If I was single I'd have a MySpace account, just for kicks.
i agree but it doesnt surprise me one bit. hes from a small town, so back home hes a celebrity. and making it into the pro's let alone making the money he does is enough to make someone realize, "hey, my lifes ALOT different than most peoples". but hes also young and im sure has plenty of parasites in his social life. people who tell him hes the shit so they can get a piece of the pie.
Myspace is becoming a marketing machine for many companies. It's also a great way to keep in touch with friends back in NY.
I agree. But what I really don't get is that site's layout. It looks like it was created by some gradeschooler.
I got REAL worried about Miller when he said L Fahrakan (sp?) was his most idealized, or respected person. Being young is one thing, being a clueless ****** is quite another.
That's definitely him, unless it's his stalker which I doubt he has one...those pics would not be obtainable by the average person. Fake ones generally have nothing but game shots or maybe promotional stuff.