Just How Mad Would You Be If...

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Snatch Catch, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Snatch Catch

    Snatch Catch Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    I'm curious about fellow Jets fans opinions on players/organizational choices, so I thought I'd ask some questions to take our collective temperature. I tried to keep these within the realm of reality, so as to not get into totally ridiculous scenarios.

    So, just how mad would you be if...

    1) The Jets took Marcus Peters in the 2nd round?

    2) The Jets went OT with White/Williams still on the board in rd 1?

    3) The Jets went pure BPA (and it wasn't close) and ended up DEF/DEF in the first two rounds?

    4) The Jets traded up, but not to land a QB (Fowler/Cooper)?

    5) The Jets took Hundley in the 2nd?

    6) The Jets didn't select a QB at any point in the draft?
    #1 Snatch Catch, Apr 29, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
  2. westiedog1

    westiedog1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    So, just how mad would you be if...

    1) The Jets took Marcus Peters in the 2nd round?

    2 Tylenol

    2) The Jets went OT with White/Williams still on the board in rd 1?

    IV drip

    3) The Jets went pure BPA (and it wasn't close) and ended up DEF/DEF in the first two rounds?

    1 Tylenol

    4) The Jets traded up, but not to land a QB (Fowler/Cooper)?

    1 Tylenol

    5) The Jets took Hundley in the 2nd?

    1 Tylenol

    6) The Jets didn't select a QB at any point in the draft?

    1 beer
    #2 westiedog1, Apr 29, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  3. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    1. I had him as my WC in my mock, I think it could happen
    2. Williams should not be option and we should trade down to go OT but I would not be happy with White on board
    3. Depends who the players are
    4. No need to trade up someone will be there so mad
    5. Furious
    6. Very happy
  4. IDFjet

    IDFjet Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    2. No problem if only White was still on the board
    5. Fucking irate
  5. BleedGreen89

    BleedGreen89 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    1. Dont know enough about him

    2. Mildly frustrated but I'd understand the rationale behind it

    3. Not happy at all

    4. I dont really want to trade up for anyone, so not happy although I love both those guys

    5. Disgusted, Hundley blows

    6. Happy- Only MM and Winston are worth it and we aren't getting either
  6. jcass10

    jcass10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    1) The Jets took Marcus Peters in the 2nd round?
    - Not mad at all.

    2) The Jets went OT with White/Williams still on the board in rd 1?
    - I would have preferred WR/OLB, but I'll never get on a team for trying to boost the OL

    3) The Jets went pure BPA (and it wasn't close) and ended up DEF/DEF in the first two rounds?
    - It would be frustrating, but if we walked away with Beasley/Fowler and Marcus Peters I'd be ok.

    4) The Jets traded up, but not to land a QB (Fowler/Cooper)?
    - This would make me mad. Have a low amount of picks as it is, there is some second day WR/OLB talent

    5) The Jets took Hundley in the 2nd?
    - I wouldnt like this. Winston is the only QB I think will be a franchise QB. I would understand if they took Mariota as well. Anyone else (unless its Petty round 3 or 4) would be uneccessary IMO.

    6) The Jets didn't select a QB at any point in the draft?
    - I'd understand. There are two good ones, and they could easily be gone 1/2. It's a need, but we dont have 12 draft picks so that we can blow them on inferior players this year.
  7. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    You ONLY trade up for the QB in this draft.

    I'm not losing even our second 7th rounder to take Fowler or Cooper because Beasley or White will still be on the board.

  8. TheCoolerGlennFoley

    TheCoolerGlennFoley Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    Anything short of trading down and Jedi mind tricking other teams so they end up with Mariota in the second round will not be acceptable. And even then some will be pissed.
  9. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    So, just how mad would you be if...

    1) The Jets took Marcus Peters in the 2nd round? Awesome, I would do backflips

    2) The Jets went OT with White/Williams still on the board in rd 1? James Hasty Smash!

    3) The Jets went pure BPA (and it wasn't close) and ended up DEF/DEF in the first two rounds? Cool

    4) The Jets traded up, but not to land a QB (Fowler/Cooper)? OK

    5) The Jets took Hundley in the 2nd? James Hasty Smash!

    6) The Jets didn't select a QB at any point in the draft? Awesome, I would do backflips
    cgrec likes this.
  10. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Not mad at all, just disappointed. While it isn't my preference, he is a very good prospect, and with the uncertainty regarding Milliner and McDougle, and Revis' & Cro's ages, I could certainly understand it. That said, I would really prefer they not take a DB. I think they have enough DBs to make it through this season.

    It would depend if they took said OT at #6 or traded down. If they took Collins at #6, I would be a little disappointed if they didn't at least try to trade down. It would make me start wondering a little how good Mac is with the draft. If they traded down and took a LT prospect (NOT a RT prospect) I could totally understand it, and wouldn't be upset at all.

    While I could understand going BPA, especially in his first draft, this would royally tick me off. It would make me very unhappy with Mac. I'd try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I would think that it didn't show sound judgment.

    This would totally tick me off. The gloves would be off, and I would have my doubts if I wanted Mac running our drafts in the future.

    I wouldn't like it at least initially. I would understand the need for a QB, and at least they'd be addressing the offense, but am not very high on Hundley. Still, I'd take a wait and see approach and see how he developed.

    This wouldn't bother me at all unless they passed on Mariota if he was there at #6.
    cgrec likes this.
  11. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    1) The Jets took Marcus Peters in the 2nd round?
    Mad as hell, no more CBs we have depth

    2) The Jets went OT with White/Williams still on the board in rd 1?
    Wouldn't be mad, I would hope they trade down, but won't be mad

    3) The Jets went pure BPA (and it wasn't close) and ended up DEF/DEF in the first two rounds?
    I wouldn't be happy, but I would understand. Just no CBs

    4) The Jets traded up, but not to land a QB (Fowler/Cooper)?
    Fuck off

    5) The Jets took Hundley in the 2nd?
    Fuck off

    6) The Jets didn't select a QB at any point in the draft?
    That is just fine with me. if it ain't Mariota or Winston, I want no QBs in this draft.
  12. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    1) Mildly upset
    2) Irate
    3) Not upset at all
    4) Irate
    5) Mildly upset
    6) Not mad at all (assuming they can't get Mariota)
  13. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    Yeah #2,

    I would just throw something very heavy at the TV, lol...forget the rest.
  14. irishwhip03

    irishwhip03 Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    1 - No chance a CB is taken at any point in this draft.

    2 - Not upset but shocked cause reports are stating they will take Williams if he is there (he wont be IMO)

    3 - THIS would be shocking. I could expect defense in the 1st rd but def not the 2nd.

    4 - If its Cooper Id be all for it. He's the only player worth a trade up IMO.

    5 - This is the point where I stop watching the draft

    6 - Fine with it..I dont expect them to unless the value is there in the late rounds with either Petty or Grayson.
  15. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    1) The Jets took Marcus Peters in the 2nd round? Angry, like The Incredible Hulk "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" angry.

    2) The Jets went OT with White/Williams still on the board in rd 1? Would wonder why they didn't trade back instead but ultimately wouldn't flip out, but would be scratching my head for sure.

    3) The Jets went pure BPA (and it wasn't close) and ended up DEF/DEF in the first two rounds? I hope this doesn't happen, mostly because I don't think we have a tremendous amount of holes that need to be filled with a first or second rounder. I mean we have holes at OLB, ILB and FS but I think we're pretty good other than that. I don't think there is an ILB or FS I would take with a second rounder and back to back OLBs seems kind of stupid so, ultimately, I wouldn't really like it depending on the positions, I guess.

    4) The Jets traded up, but not to land a QB (Fowler/Cooper)? I don't even want them to trade up for a QB so I'd already be pissed but to trade up for someone other than QB would make me furious.

    5) The Jets took Hundley in the 2nd? I'd think it was a waste of a draft pick and I wouldn't be happy about it, especially if we pass over a good WR, OLB or OT prospect that could actually come in and contribute and not just add another useless body to our pile of inept QBs.

    6) The Jets didn't select a QB at any point in the draft? I'd be fine with it, the QB class for this draft is pretty bad so no point in wasting a pick just because you feel like you have to select a QB (see: Boyd, Tajh)
  16. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    1. No problem at all. Peters is a great talent and you can never have too many corners.

    2. Again no problem. OT is a huge need.

    3. BPA is probably the route we will go.

    4. If we are doing any kind of a trade it's down.

    5. Not a fan of Hundley, second round is a reach for him. So I would be disappointed.

    6. Outside of Mariota and Winston no QB in this class interests me. So no issue here.
  17. mikey

    mikey Active Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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  18. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    #1 Not at all, especially if BPA.
    #2 No problem at all Jets need OT's, not so much for this year but next. Though I'd prefer if they did it wit a trade down.
    #3 I'd have zero problem if they went BPA all the way through the draft if it was clearly BPA.
    #4 I'd be pissed with any move up in the first round.
    #5 I'd be pretty pissed. Once you get passed the first two QB's there are no QB's worth taking before day 3, they all have far too much bust factor. I mean lets face it, in a QB driven league you have Two QB's that have been regarded as first round picks pretty much all the way through and NO other QB that's been in the first round converstation, not top 5 picks of the first round, first round period. Since Qb's are always over valued in the mocks and draft rankings that's a clear warning sign to avoid all QB's before day 3.

    See #5
  19. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    i think people are underestimating how good marcus peters is. he's the best cover corner to come out in a really long time and cro is 31. He could be our 2nd best CB in a year if we got him in the 2nd and we wouldn't have to rely on him so heavily his rookie year

    it would actually be a really great value pick for the jets
    James Hasty likes this.
  20. Jetsruby

    Jetsruby Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I don't know who would be mad if Marcus Peters lasted until the 2nd round. I would be very upset at #2, #3 not sure what you mean. #4, I would actually like it if it wasn't a stupid trade. Would be very happy with Hundley, not in second (I would dislike it but not hate it). Wouldn't irk me too much if no QB was selected, not a good QB class at all.

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