Incorrect. Woody was speaking about a pending free agent who still under contract. Kraft said he wishED they would have gotten revis signed.
Kraft spoke about a player under contract with another team just like Woody did. Both were innocent in nature and in context both were in the past tense and no amount of denials you make will change reality I never thought Kraft would be stupid and arrogant enough to actually do it but he did it twice in one week, and hypocrites like you will deny deny deny because you lack the spine to call a spade a spade. You are spineless
FIP..... You are allowed to talk about a player under contract with another team, genius. Coaches do it all the time: "player X is great. We have to account for him." How's what woodrow the doofus said in the past tense?
He was answering a question about whether he regretted not signing Revis the previous offseason, idiot.
And he also said "i'd love for darelle to come back." That is the basis of the patriots tampering charge. Sorry to burst your bubble.
You're not busting any bubbles, you are just continually proving how much of a spineless weasel you can be, then again with a handle like "PatsTroll" I guess that is to be expected
It's BS on both sides. I cannot hate the Patriots more than I do now anyway. Nothing they do good or bad will change that. Hell, if Tom Brady saved a bus full of nuns, I would assume it was a plot setup by Belichick to make Brady look good. Man I hate Brady. Nights when I cannot sleep, I repeat the quote from Bernard Pollard (Cheifs) who injured Brady in 2008, "When I heard him scream, I knew it was serious". I repeat this, softly, with a smile on my face until I drift off to sleep.
Kraft said "the fan in me 'wishes' (present tense) he was still here." The tampering rule is stupid to begin with. It is one of many stupid rules the NFL has that it enforces arbitrarily as it sees fit, much like the ridiculous caveat that teams are not allowed to talk numbers during the 4-day "legal tampering" window. If Goodell is serious about that, the Dolphins should be investigated and ultimately punished for Suh.
I apologize they neglected to pick up the options of a player they had under contract in hopes he would sign for a lesser amount. Cut may not be the right word but the point is Revis only hit the free market because the Pats chose to let him.
Belichick was asked about the Jets signing of Revis yesterday and went back to his typical nasty belligerent persona and wasn't the hopey changey guy he was on Super Bowl week or after their win. They're obviously very pissed off about it and know how valuable Revis was and will be for the Jets a franchise he despises.
so you are saying Belichick is back to being Belichick.... I don't think him being a smug, tight lipped, tool now has anything to do with Revis leaving.
Funny we've haven't heard much from Patriots trolls since signing Revis. No congratulations for signing our own player. The only reason he signed with you in the first place was to get back at Woody anyways. Btw do you believe that Woody still hasn't met in person with Revis even after signing him for the big money. Who says there aren't still bad feelings between both parties. But Revis still loves the Jets, he says it and I believe it.
I'll match my hatred of NEP with any of you but I'm not that sick that I even think about Brady or rejoice in his injuries. All I want is for our team to put a big rush on him and fuck him up (legally).
I believe I congratulated the Jets "day of" when this happened. The only reason Revis ever signed with any team was for the money. Look back a few years in this forum, and you'll find plenty of vitriol-filled posts from Jets fans agreeing with me. Just search under "Mevis" or Revi$." This is a perfectly legitimate thing for Revis to do. Considering what pro football players put themselves through, he should play where he is respected and where he will be paid the most. That's it. And with the Jets, Revis will have both of those things. I have nothing but respect for that. And, lest you forget, he put in a season with the Bucs. Who cut him.
It's true about the money. He'd play for the Hoboken Zephyrs if they paid him the most money. Nevertheless he's a Jet. Which probably means no more rings.
I didn't make the tampering rule up. Kraft used the word "still" as in "i wish we signed him , he'd still be with us." You guys were the ones who started all this with parcells leaving for the jets.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Kraft files charges on us we file back. I imagine Woody has a few lawyers telling him that he has a case.
Troll, I don't see what there is to argue about. As I said, the whole tampering thing is petty and stupid to me, whether it's Kraft or Woody Johnson. The bottom line is it didn't hurt NE as far as whether they were going to keep Revis or not. It came down to money. Just like Kraft's comments have zero impact on Revis' current relationship with the Jets. But since you brought it up, your team's own website has the quote, verbatim: “The fan in me wishes he were still us,” he began, speaking about Revis. “ Goodell will probably fine Woody or dock Jets a 7th round pick as a solid to his master Bob, and the Jets' case will be dismissed. And when that happens, I'm sure you will be back here to gloat, justify it, troll or whatever it is you are trying to accomplish here.
Then what did they do? Dope. Yes. They cut Revis. It was a two year deal and they released him after one year.