So we have the Sons of Anarchy. I say we dub our cornerbacks the "Four Horseman" (Yes WCW fans this seems legit) Mike Maccagnan is clearly the JJ Dillon of our group!
I like the idea but I don't know if it applies. Who is the loud mouth? The enforcer? The chicken shit heel? We need another stable.
why is it important to dub players with nicknames? I am always satisfied with the name and number on their jersey. Does it for me.
Welp we have No Fly Zone 2.0 and the 4 horsemen in play. How about we combine the two for Horse Zone 6 1/3
Why's there 5 of em? lol And it may work if one of the original Four Horsemen got hurt before each match.
Emphasis on "Wonder!" - Wonder if they'll be healthy, wonder if they'll play, wonder if they'll be any good
Nick names should come about naturally, IMO. Trying to make one up or forcing one to be "cool" is lametastic.
Let's just go with DX. Revis is Hunter. (Leader) Cro is Shawn. (Sex appeal?) Dee and Skrine can be the New Age Outlaws I guess.