It takes awhile, but eventually a tickle gets you guys going. Alexander was great, a spoof, finally you bite. Very few here give Brady anything while anyone else gets chapter and verse. Get Geno's Wikipedia.
Seems to classify as baiting doesn't it? Pretty sure that is a TGG bannable offense. (If that's even a word.)
Hey, it was an interesting game and I think it's great that it was still available. You think it's baiting only because you hate Brady, but he's solidly in the NFL history books. A good perspective of what to look for in a quarterback coming out of college. An even better perspective that the Orange bowl winning QB was behind Giovanni Carmazzi, Spergon Winn, Tee Martin! Hang in there with what you got, I don't care.
You're just making stuff up. I know you're just trolling, but I'll reply anyway, because you might actually have the wrong idea here. THIS is why you are baiting. AKA, I was trying to get a rise out of you guys, and finally I did. It's clearly against the rules, and quite frankly, I couldn't care less if anyone bans you or not. I'm just being technical.
That's why I'm not going to ban him for baiting, because I honestly believe he is some bandwagon Pats fan who didn't start watching or rooting for the Pats until the perfect I mean almost perfect season. Seriously only a complete fucking moron or bandwagon fan would state that David Terrell had an NFL career while mentioning that the Alabama RB without name in passing. Some other notable players in that game.... Larry Foote (won at least 1 SB with the Steelers maybe 2 I don't remember), Dhani Jones, The A Train Anthony Thomas and Aaron Shea who played TE for the Colts. That being said the best player in that game despite what the Brady ball lickers will tell you was Steve Hutchinson, he's the guy who protected Brady's ass in college and also the guy who allowed Alexander to have those incredible seasons. They both owe their gratitude to him.
You realize this asshat is going to Wikipedia some bullshit from the 70s and say his Dad and Mum used to take him to games when they were the Boston Patriots and Joe Capp was the QB and they played at Harvard and New England wasn't yet filled with a bunch of douchebags. _
I'm quite sure more than 30,000 douchebags were in New England at the time. They just weren't all sports fans. I must be getting old. I remember when the Pats sucked.
Yeah I didn't remember if he was on the team that stole one from Shawn Alexander Thank you... Victor Kiam, Scott Zolak, Don McPherson..... most Pats fans don't even know who those guys are but I remember that 1-15 season. Ours wasn't too far behind theirs. There were douchebags there, always has been, always will most of them sucked Bobby Orr's cock before they even knew what a football was.
why are you still here what is the appeal of actually taking time out of your life to post on the message board of a rival team?
Yeah. The Jets and the Pats have sucked at the same time as well. It's a weird rivalry. Almost a 50/50% split between on the field and off.
Don McPherson was one of my favorite Syracuse QBs and my teams QB my last year of law school. Had no affiliation with the Pats. Now Dick MACPherson was a Pats coach but also my teams coach in our glory years in the 80's--undergrad and grad school. His daughter was my classmate in law school. _