Wow, just killed us! (not surprising I guess; we all know the media underrates us year after year) Here's what they say about us: "New coach, new GM, same old (young) quarterback. This past season was not kind to the Jetsorganization. Put me in the camp of people who felt it difficult to blame Rex Ryan for what went wrong. How are you going to win "Hungry Hungry Hippos" if you don't have any hippos? On to the next step -- most people I've spoken with like the Todd Bowles hire, although some wonder why the club didn't go with an offensive guy to develop Geno Smith."
This guy must be an idiot if he didn't blame Rex Ryan for every problem the Jets had.. Oh wait he's a realistic NFL analyst that realizes you can't win without the proper talent.
Ouch, begin the Jags and Skins. We have way more potential to have a better season than a lot of these teams imo. Let's see where we are ranked after free agency.
I've met Elliot Harrison, he just wants to be unique and get a spotlight on him. Dude is major shit and the arrogance he has off camera makes me LOL
Perhaps because we've seen more than enough of what Mr. Smith has to offer, and we have very little interest in wasting time trying to develop him further?
how in the hell do they know the Jets will have the same old (young) quarterback? The offseason acquisition period hasn't even started.
#29 may seem harsh, but it's about right at this point. new coaches, no idea who the QB will be, and at least 1/3 of the roster is about to change over. a better offseason poll can be taken before camp, when both FA and the draft are complete.
Ho-hum...wake me when the Draft and FA signings are over. Then we'll see what the power rankings are like.
Power rankings at this point is about as worthless an activity as anyone can imagine. They should try to do a "long term prospects" rankings instead, assuming the writer is able to divorce themself from the short term picture. As an example, I feel the Jets are in a better long term position than the 49ers right now. The 9ers could potentially be better in 2015, but I believe the 9ers are heading down while the Jets are headed up. Time will tell.
I would put us a couple spots higher but aside from taking out the trash we really haven't done anything to add talent to the squad that went 4-12 last year. If you take Harris and Landry away we are weaker than we were until we sign anyone.
Who cares I mean really,Bowles hasn't coached a game yet and Mac hasn't even started his job,theres a long way to go between now and the start of training camp
If you're going to justify our position based on our 4-12 record then you may as well align the power rankings with the final standings. Like I've said on here before I don't think our team was as good as our 8-8 or as bad as our 4-12. There's enough elite guys on this team to be an 8-8 +/- 2 wins team which is better than a lot of the other teams they have ahead of us
I think a lot of blame does fall on Rex. Yes we liked his personality, but the team was constantly coming with procedure penalties, the sideline wasn't run tightly, and he didn't have control over the locker room outside of the players just liking him. A lot of this stuff gets cleaned up, and go back to last year there are about 4 games we could have won without dumb stuff that is coachable IMO. Of course a lot falls on the GM as well, but regardless we could have gotten better results despite all that.
Also, just one thing from reading the article....I get that you have to put the SB winner at #1 but damnit, even with my green-coloured glasses off I still don't think they're the top team.
Rex can't develop talent and always trys shoving square pegs in round holes. I liked the guy but he couldn't do more with less which is what makes a good coach. Anybody can win with 12 pro bowlers on the roster.
I thought he did a good job developing Mo, Sheldon, Snacks..Ellis and Douzable too. Same with Demario Davis. Never had a chance with Milliner's injuries. Coples is improving, Jarrett definitely developed a bit under Rex. Pretty naive to say he "can't" develop talent. Maybe he can't develop Offensive talent but can Bowles? He's no more qualified than Ryan to. They're both defensive only background guys and now the future of all our offensive talent is all in the hands of 68yr old Chan Gailey.
The media has to have something to talk about to keep you guys tuning the make nonsense like this...and mock drafts...and grading newly hired staff....and tons of other BS.
but that is the same with pretty much every coach - show me a coach that wins on a regular basis without a good QB and a talented roster? the more I watch the game the more I am of the view that no-one really develops players - they are what they are and if they are good enough coming into the league then they are good enough and if they are not good enough then it doesn't matter who is coaching them it just not going to happen - coaching is important in terms of motivating players and developing schemes and making in game adjustments, but developing players? not really buying it any more I do believe that coaching is overrated in terms of how much impact it has on a team as against the talent of the players - I would take a below average coach and a fantastic QB over a fantastic coach and below average QB every day of the week. I am curious, in what way did the Jets lose control over the locker room last season?