Hi Jets Fans, FanDuel will be GIVING AWAY tickets for an all-inclusive Jets experience this weekend at Jets-House NYC. The contest details are posted on Instagram. You would need to follow us to be eligible so be on the lookout! We will be giving away 3 pairs of tickets, twi for Friday during the evening, and one for Saturday day. The event will be awesome-- with free food and drinks, meet and greets with Jets legends and cheerleaders, and all in an awesome venue in Lugo Cucina Italiana in Manhattan. Must be 21, following us on Instagram, live within a 75 mile radius of NYC, and one ticket per winner based on FanDuel’s discretion. More details to come...On Instagram...Good luck!
I smoked a bowl of instagram the other day, it was dehydrated hydro and when flame was applied it looked like one of those sparklers that turned into a little snake. I just woke up like 15 minutes ago but I was sitting upright in front of my laptop typing. Is this the thread to buy more?
Lol...you should smoke that often. You gave that pussy in the deflategate thread a beautiful backhanded bitch slap. It was beautiful...hahaha
Sorry I just smoked a supergram and stared at the period at the end of your sentence and now I think I know where Osama's corpse landed at the bottom of the ocean. I also know why that birthmark on Marie Osborne's face controls the house of representatives. And I hate politics.