I did, cause RB have no value anymore. Reason why tenn let him go. I would have preferred that money be spent elsewhere, but ok to your point I did hold out hope he would flash back to his old form.
I was indifferent towards that move. I thought Ivory/Powell was a good enough running back corps. Johnson was just a luxury.
Time to move on, we could use an outside the tackle rb who can catch some passes out of the backfield. .they haven't had that since they let Leon Washington go..
I was happy idzik spent some money on something that may have helped a young qb since he struck looking for receivers. Hindsight a do nothing move at best. A better signing then patterson but that could be beat by showing up for the games
It was a good signing when it happened....in fact he made it onto my elite, 4-time champion fantasy football team, not easy to do....but stupid Marty fouled it up, and Johnson at this point is not getting any younger. ..... Why are we still talking about this has-been?
Patterson or Johnson? I hoped Johnson would do well.. Patterson I didn't know he was and googled him, realized he avg around 5 games a year...that's when it confirmed for me idzik was a genious lol
heh. I love guns but you have to be a real retard to open carry in a state where it's not legal. of course no one ever accused CJ of being a genius.
Agreed , unfortunately the dumbass coaching staff didn't use the RB's correctly , getting 8-12 carries a game using 3 RB's is just plane idiotic
No he no the old CJ but if you look at some of his runs he can still cut on a dime. Plus yes he lost a step but guys with that speed still have great speed.