Im not saying he should give it back. Im saying its possible he banked in on a clause put in by a silly owner and a saavy agent. Dont see why thats so hard to believe.
smh ... it's speculation, using logic and reason, that if the Falcons hire Rex tomorrow, then this long wait we are in, and Bills, 49ers, and Raiders fans are in, may finally be ending, the hirings might start and all this endless talk about interviews, twitter tweets, quoting obscure articles from, etc, might finally be ending! This could be good news for us!
Could be standard. Either way he gets paid so I guess he isnt worried about it right now. But if it does come out that an agreement was in place and Marrone pulled that garbage, chances are he will be blackballed from the league. No owner will touch him after something like that.
I'm just glad that reports are indicating that Marrone's interview wasn't good. Thank GOD!!! I already won as a fan today if this holds true. Call me childish if you want, that is fine, I just can't express how awful that would've been for me as a fan. Very thankful to hear that.
I read somewhere that he wanted to work with someone from tge Vikings organization, will try to find the article Heres the article fellas
ESPN NY said his interview went excellent (won't let me post a link for some reason). 2. Marrone -- He spent Monday interviewing with the Falcons. His interview with the Jets was said to be excellent. He was the Jets' offensive-line coach from 2002 to 2005.
this appears to be older news newer stuff saying it didn't go well including Lacanfora, who first said he was favorite
Ok now were talking ,Dann Quinn must have left a good impression.I'm just worried that we are gonna have another failure from Seattle
Hahaha this cracked me up for some reason. Picture woody coming out of the interview with his little suit and cap on, "that was AWESOME!!!1!" and the other guys are like, " no woody that was not awesome. That was pretty bad" and woody is like "it was?... " and then he goes home to his wife and his fucking car elevator and he's like "yeah hi honey, that interview was pretty bad today."
No black balling for that. It's not an uncommon practice (I guess). Personally I think Woody is afraid of the Pegula's. Because he's probably guilty and they could have some evidence. And all this Marrone bad interview stuff is a lot of spin which they fed to La Confora. Or everything I just said is completely wrong.
Im just having fun at Woodrow expense... if we take an objective look, he spends the money and he has not been as terrible as some make him out to be.
The problem with the Quinn thing seems to be we can't interview him again until after the Superbowl ,that also means giving him the job as well .Do we wait?We still have interviews this week with Reich and Bowles and I just read something saying Mora isn't interviewing atleast it isn't confirmed yet
True Story.... if Rex had spent the last 6 years in Buffalo and had the same success he had here (6 playoff games, b2b AFCCGs, 50+wins, b2b PO wins against Manning & Brady, blah blah blah) all with a rookie QB who threw more ints than TDs, every single person on TGG would be SCREAMING for Woody to hire him NOW!!!!! oooops. Anyhow...while watching the Detroit Lions game I think the announcer said the Lions haven't won a single playoff game in 23 years. Is that even possible? I know the Bills haven't gone to the playoffs in over 10, but 23??? damn.
One of Marrones former assistants buried him today calling him greedy and selfish check it out
Mora has a good job at Ucla so why he want to interview with an NFL team and be one of ten applicants. If they basically offer him the job in advance then maybe yes. Also it'll put him on the hot seat with the school and their alumni and fans if he interviews. Not sure if I believe the Quinn stories about him wanting to work only with certain GMs. He's only a coordinator and never been a HC. I don't think he'll be so demanding. And if he gave a thumbs down to Kirschner a guy on his team's front office. Sounds like not a good situation if they both stay in Seattle.