Head Coach: Jim Harbaugh Defensive Coordinator: Bob Sutton Round 1: Marcus Mariota/Jaemis Winston Round 2: TJ Yeldon Keep Percy Harvin on a restructured deal I like this much better!!
I don't know anything about college football, so I never have an idea of whose amazing or not.. Now with that said, I know Winston wins allot of games, but do any of his off field shenanigans scare you? They can't seem to be able to control him know, I don't see it getting any easier when's he's a millionaire. It scares me to put another guy in a savior position with the jets.. Last 2 haven't worked out so well and they didn't have character issues.. My post isn't to incite a tirade, I'm actually asking your opinion on all of it. Seems you have a strong opinion and feeling this guy will be an nfl stud. I don't follow the college game enough to have an valid opinion.
No, none of his off field issues scare me. There's a lot of accusations going on. It all started with a girl claiming he raped her after Winston starts to become a huge college celebrity. There were numerous articles about how many guys slept with her and even some sort of proof that she was on top during the Sex. I don't know of any rape where the female is on top. Either way, it would never pass in court and was left in the dust. He then made a dumbass decision to walk out of Publix with crab legs. A guy in the seafood department told him they were free and he could take them so Jameis listened to him, like a moron, and was caught walking out with them. Dumb mistake. He was an idiot again for yelling "fuck her right in the Pussy". Served his suspension and moved on. He then was accused of shaving points in a game which, if any one with a brain looks at the game, knows it was impossible for him to do that the way the game was played. Now he is being accused of selling his autograph when both Jimbo and himself have labeled all of them as fakes and not items he signed. Again, an accusation. So in the end, he committed two acts. Walked out of Publix with crab legs and yelled an obscene phrase. Do I think it was dumb? Absolutely. Do I think it will affect his maturation as an individual? Absolutely not. There's a huge difference between an individual who is committing immature acts and an individual who is committing serious problems. Cam Newton stole a laptop in college and was arrested. He was on the verge of facing a felony. He then stole another laptop causing his expulsion from the university. That's something that would scare me. He's done pretty well for himself since then. Jameis is a 20 year old student living the life many dream of. He's a huge celebrity and set to make millions in a year. He's in a locker room filled with guys his age or younger looking up to him. Put him in an NFL locker room with grown adults and he will mature. Either way, he's a gamble we must take.
Thafnkyou for the clarity on that. Second question. I hate college qbs lol there numbers are always absurd and most times there receivers are running open by 10 yards.. Can he make nfl throws? Throws into a 1/2 yard window?
Yes. And he plays in a pro offense which makes him even more of a prospect we need. Mariota is very very good. I am in no way saying Winston is better than him. Talent wise, they are both pretty amazing. But there is a distinct difference in the games they play. Mariota runs A LOT. He ran over 300 times in his college career. He has almost 1000 yards rushing this year. He also plays in an offense with an enormously high Completion rate and wide open receivers. Can he make some awesome throws? Absolutely. But again how much of that falls into the offense he plays in? Winston makes strong accurate throws in a pro style offense. He makes reads and waits in the pocket. He doesn't rely on his legs, which is why I love him as a Passer so much. He trusts his arm and makes his read. He has great accuracy and a very strong arm. Don't be fooled by his interceptions this year. There are many many factors that helped that.
Cool, thanks again for the breakdown. Now I fell better assuming we should be able to get one of them.. Prior to this I thought it was Marriott or no one.
He made some really nice throws, what I really like is his movement in the pocket.. He avoids sacks but keeps looking downfield.. I'm glad that wasnt highlights were every other clip was of him running for 40 yards at a time.. I really don't like that kind of Qb.. I appreciate all the info you just gave me
I agree, he is a very good passer, but how much of his percentage is due to the offense he runs? You can't say the same about Winston. Oregon is notorious for having an offense like that.
I dont see Harbaugh and Rob Ryan meshing very well together. Also dont see Rob going to the team that canned his brother. And Greene is too small for a 2nd rounder. Would much rather have Green Beckham or Devante Parker there if we miss out on Cooper in the 1st.