Is this shitty thread the Official Fake Walking Around New York as a Jet Fan or is the other shitty thread the Official Walking Around New York as a Jet Fan thread the official one. I can't decide which thread to unload a massive liquid diarrhea explosion on. _
Is this shitty thread the Official Fake Walking Around New York as a Jet Fan or is the other shitty thread the Official Walking Around New York as a Jet Fan thread the official one. I can't decide which thread to unload a massive liquid diarrhea explosion on. _
I have made puppet videos with my toes that have been more convincing than SciFi movies, but the real suck resides at the Chiller channel.
That pathetic shithead script from Manish trying to be funny and failing made you laugh. It's become pretty fucking obvious that sitting in an office by yourself for 20 years counting military beans does not do much for a personality.
My typing may not be perfect, but at least I'm smarter than the scouts and clowns that do the drafting for the Jets. I called Cooks over Pryor this year and said to stay away from Smith last year when all you homers were kissing the coaching staff's ass for making what you were calling great picks. You know what the difference between kissing ass and eating shit is? Two inches and a slip of the tongue, so enjoy.
You must be the saddest fucking sack on the planet of you just walk around and get dumped on all day.