Wait till they are old enough and tell you. "Dad, the kids at my school make fun of me...I don't want to be a Jets fan anymore" *Pulls out Giants hat*
I was just telling my wife last night that the Jets are sadly fitting for my life thus far. They epitomize my life. It's unfortunate. Even down to the optimistic, positive mindset, which is the only thing that gets me through the years. How emo positive is that post? Alllllllllllllllllll-riiiiiiiiiiiiiigghhhht.
Nope, I've suffered as a Jets fan for 46 years of my 53 on this Earth, give or take (on the 46 not the 53), no point quitting now......I'm numb and no longer feel the pain.
You can't leave your team. You can become disengaged a bit so that their losses don't hurt you so badly, but, you can't 'leave'. If you have it in you to leave, I question how big of a fan you were to begin with.
wow, some of these posts scare me. It is a game, and only a game. If they win, I go to bed that night and wake up the next day for life's activities. If they lose , go to bed at night and wake in the morning for life's activities. I have had a wonderful life, the fucking Jets are not important enough to ruin that. They piss me off at times (well, most of the time), but they have given me a lot of fun times at the games and at home. It is only a game.
Yeah, for us who live in a foreign country it's double the pain because unlike you we aren't watching in our living room on a Sunday afternoon like you guys. I got up at 1 AM on Monday morning to watch the shitshow we put out there. Now I have lived on the West Coast of the US for almost all of my adult life take away about a year and I'm in my mid 30's. I had my oppurtunities to leave and follow teams like the Chargers or Cardinals, 49ers and Seahawks but I couldn't. I tried this with the Mets, I was done with them, the Wilpons, Omar Minaya, Sandy Alderson, absolute clown operation but I couldn't. What did they do? Started with moving their AAA club to Vegas with Wally Backman as their manager. I have been true to my word about not spending any money on them though, haven't bought an Mets merch in years and as far as I'm concerned I paid to see the Padres last summer and not the Mets. They just happened to be there.....lol
This is like asking if I'd ever consider swapping out my DNA and becoming a raccoon for a while, or perhaps a large prawn. Like it's a choice.
After 48 years, most of them filled with frustration and heartbreak, I have never even contemplated it. Heaven help me, I love them regardless.
Hey at least we arent alone. The Atlanta Falcons and Chicago Bears are almost as bad as us, especially the Bears, their coach sucks, the QB is horrible and they just signed him longterm. Ill take the Jets position right now over the Bears, 100% honest.
I bleed GREEN till the day I die. Win or lose, I'm a Jets fan for life. I'm sorry my daughters have to suffer with me.
Every Sunday, I tell my mom how evil she is for making me live this sad life of being a Jets fan, but I can never leave them. They're my drug and I can't stop abusing it.
If you are thinking about rooting for another team AT ALL, you weren't really all that invested anyway. Honestly I don't get people like you who want to dump and run. The crux of being a "fan" is that you are a "fanatic" about whatever. If you want to go, consideration is the first foot out the door anyway.
Question all you want, but I can understand it. I've been a fan of this God-forsaken team since 1964...50 years!!! I've spent much of my free time over the last 12-14 years online on Jets boards discussing them. Now, I'm all but done with this sad sack excuse for a team. I have zero confidence that they will get things turned around. I had some hope in Rex's first year or two and enjoyed those, but it's been all downhill since. In fairness, my disenchantment is not just with the Jets. It's with football in general. Too much emphasis is placed on sports in our society, especially when many of the players are a bunch of cretins and thugs. Then there's the NFL lying about the damage concussions cause to players, and the academic fraud and cheating at UNC. I'm getting to the point I wouldn't much care if they shut football down for good.
Real fans don't get to pick their team, their team picks them. Then holds them like a psychopath holds his victims.
In the OP, I stated in bold I'm not looking to switch teams. I can still enjoy the NFL and be without a team.
You are mistaken. There are a number of examples of awful teams making the playoffs. In recent years we have seen the Dolphins, Colts and Chiefs make the playoffs after being 2-14 or worse.