Even if the bold was a great diving INT by a future HOFer it was still his fault. No one missed a block, ran the wrong route or tipped the ball in the air. Geno was late which gave Woodson the split second he needed to make the play.
Exactly. .... The more this joke of an offense continues, the more threads like this one will be popping up on Jets bulletin boards.
Some of you guys are nuts to defend Geno!! He totally fuckn blows!! yeah we dropped some passes, yeah marty's play calling has sucked sometimes. but Geno is a fuckin huge mistake just waitin to happen! all the natural talent in the world won't help him because he is so freaking DUMB!!!!!! If rex wants to piss away the season and possibly his job go right on playing him. Vick clearly gives us a better chance to win. I think most fans knew this the day we signed him. As far as possibly vick gettin hurt, so fuckin what !! play him til he gets hurt then. I want to win some games this year and was hopeful for playoffs but rex and geno are ruining it. Plus how limited on the type of plays we can run cause Geno can't fuckin handoff under center, amongst other things he can't learn or doesn't know how to do. At least vick knows marty's offense! Play vick til he's either hurt or we are eliminated. Seriously Geno has to be one of the dumbest players i've seen in my 35+ years of watching football! Just seems like he never learns from his mistakes. i think i've seen more pick 6's in the last 4 years between him and Sanchez than the last 15 years prior to that! And yes Marty better get his shit together too. some posters are right: seems like schotty never left. Ok i'm done ranting . Thanks Jets fans for letting me vent.
It just boggles my mind how inept most of our offensive coordinators have been over the years when it comes to the forward pass. It's as if Paul Hackett is still in the booth calling plays.