Its been on longer than NFLN has been showing it. Cartoons are usually for kids & its fun for them to watch & it gets kids interested in the shows basis. Great marketing.
That's about all it is. NFLN has been in panic mode after the lawsuits from retired players and have been promoting the Heads Up program like it's a cure for cancer. They are afraid that parents with stop letting their kids play football, which 15 years from now could mean a deficient talent pool for their league. What better way to market to small children than cartoons? Weak.
I hadn't considered this position. Insightful. Akin to the McDonald's commercials they spammed at us all Saturday morning long...
No, they turn into power rangers that vaguely resemble NFL uniforms, and they have jet packs and little sidekick creatures that look like Pacman fucked an NFL team logo.
I actually watched half of an episode this morning. It's fucking terrible. They did a montage about Howie Long and then they had the cartoon versions of Howie, Michael Irvin and Rich Eisen sitting in the booth for a game. Eisen looked strikingly like a young Howard Cosell.
This isn't new. It's been around for a year or so. I actually had NFL Network on while trying to fall asleep this morning after work, and it was on haha. It's so stupid, but at least it's something for the kids, and it's something different than the same talking heads that occupy every other hour.
It's a football news network. This would be like MSNBC having a cartoon called Super Obama and the Cabinet Crusaders.
ah, yes, this atrocity. I like cartoons, I'm interested in animation and find that its an underrated medium that doesn't get enough respect. Sometimes I even like to see views for cartoons or, personally analyze cartoons, like Avatar or Adventure time, just for fun and because its interesting. That said, NFL rush zone is awful. AWFUL. the plot is WAY stupider than it has to be, and the NFL focus is HORRIBLY executed and shoehorned in the weirdest way possible. So… apparently the league and the game at large DIDN'T start on earth, it was aliens! 32 aliens that JUST SO HAPPEN to look like avatar's of each current NFL team, who apparently helped FOUND the league! Even the ones who's team didn't exist till a decade or two ago! And they have to protect the world from villains that want to destroy the game or the universe or something! With NFL playing guest stars to help them out!… who don't do much of anything from what I can tell… I guess the ability to run, catch or throw a ball doesn't mean much in a fight... OH, but don't worry, the athletes don't have to do the heavy lifting. Thats reserved for, (and heres the best part) a bunch of preteens from kick and pass competitions who are given superpowers and are told the fate of the world is up to THEM! YEs, kids are given powers in lieu of ANY of the HUNDREDS of NFL Athletes and various adults that are apparently apart of this organization because…. This cartoon is stupid. the reason is this cartoon is stupid. But hell if those 32 bigheaded mascots aren't entertainingly over the top. If you couldn't tell I've got the Jets "Rusher" as my avatar, (googling this in another tab his name is "Soar", like anybody cares) because its goofy and stupid and is somewhat jets related, so why the hell not?
You are officially the most qualified person to dress up as Soar and lead the chant at games now. God speed.
McDonald's had toys of these things in Happy Meals last year. My son got the Vikings, Seahawks, Chargers and Bengals ones.